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FR++  Good and bad


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
So I don't think this can be a FU, but its close. Its funny. A semester ago, just kissing and being alone with a girl would be a huge deal, now its ordinary. More to the point, I went for the wrong girl here and I had logistical issues. Getting too drunk was a big part of that. Here goes:

So my fraternity is having the rager of the century. Its our huge yearly party and everyone loves it. I invited a girl who I know is into me. Her friends left me alone with her the night before and although I fucked up, I still knew she was into me. So I was texting her before looking to get my night started off right before it began.

So the party had started and texting chick was late. So I made do ;)

I found a girl in one of my classes. I knew she was into me. She had been for a while. I talked, danced, and while we held hands and I knew she wanted me, I held off. This girl was a freshman and it drove me away. When texting girl told me she was here, I excused myself. Kinda stupid. I'm conflicted on freshmen. I'm a senior, and while I want to sleep with one before it's not socially acceptable to. If I had to, she'd be the one I'd do it with. At the very least, I should have gotten her number. I need to get over the age thing. The biggest problem here is a lack of direction. What did I want with this girl? What was my process? There was no real answer to these questions, and consequentially nothing happened.

Anyways, texting girl comes and we talk and then she goes and finds her little. She tells me she'll come back. Yeah fuck that. So I left. In hindsight, I should have came with her, isolated her, and then gone for it. I figured I'd get another chance. Wrong.

So I was on my own again. Until I started dancing with this sexy Filipino girl. I'm usually not into those types of girls, but for some reason (probably the whiskey), I was into her.
As we're dancing, Texting girl asks me where I am and even calls me (hard chasing). I should have ditched and gone for texting girl, but I was having fun, so I ignored it.

We made out on the dance floor, and I took her outside. Where I see texting girl. Fuck. She notices, but doesn't bother me. I think I still have a shot with texting girl, but this doesn't help. So even though this Filipino girl (also a freshman) wasn't my first choice, I was kind of stuck (at least my drunken state thought so). I decide fuck it, I might as well take this girl back to my room. We go up the house stairwell and there's no one there. NICE! So I start escalation. We were really getting into it, and I should have fucked her there. But I took her back to my room, and my roommate has two girls (both ugly one fat) and was talking about a threesome. He doesn't get much, so I figured he wouldn't get it, but I wanted to give him his space. So my logistics have gone to shit too. Not a recipe for success. So I take the girl out again, and I knew I was fucking up. Can't go backwards. Sure enough, she leaves.

Later in the night, I get a text from her asking me what I'm doing, and before we can get back together, I pass out. Which never happens to me. Guess I was drunker than I thought. I don't know if I had gotten back to her place. I would love some advice on these late night hook ups. I feel like they should be automatic, but I miss about half of them.

Mistakes are all pretty obvious and are all related to drinking too much. I also need find a balance between going for only one girl and going for too many at once. The room I can't do much about. I've had a different girl up in my room pretty much every weekend, so this thing was bound to happen. I also need to figure out my position on freshmen girls. Do I go for them or leave them alone? I need a definite answer.

I think this came down to a lack of logistics, some bad luck, and a lack of a clear goal. But its pretty cool that I've accomplished one of my goals when I started this. Two years ago, getting a makeout on the dance floor was a monumental event, a year ago, getting a girl alone was a huge deal, now I can pretty much do this every weekend. I've done it the past 4 (?) weekends. Since the second week of school. I don't mean this as bragging. If you don't have sex, there's nothing to brag about. But its nice to see the improvement. Now my goal is sex every weekend with a different girl.

Let me know if you have any comments, questions, or pointers (especially about the late night hookups).

My goals for the night were to beat approach anxiety, and I did that well. I followed the process well until the end with the logistical fail.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Re: FR++ Good and bad

V - that's quite ballsy with the escalation in the upstairs! And yeah, good to see you're beating that AA - with a couple options! You've already analyzed yourself and the interaction, there isn't anything in particular for me to add. Maybe we'll see an LR of yours this upcoming weekend? ;)
