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FR  Got Approached


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Hello everyone,

Tonight I went with a married friend to a rock bar, a rather small, albeit atmospheric place.
I approached a woman I liked who was sitting with her friend at the bar. Despite her pleasant surprise by my direct style (genuine interest+"are you single" question), they didn't move with me to join me and my friend. They simply said that later they might join us. I wished them goodnight and went back to my seat.

Exactly opposite to me there was a company of 4 women. Appearance-wise, I wouldn't give them more than grade 5. The least attractive of them comes next to me and while rolling a cigarette (for a moment I thought Clint Eastwood was hitting on me) she slowly says (translating from Greek): "Can I ask you something?"

Her: "My friend over there thinks you went to the same school together"
Me: "Tell her she probably confuses me with another skinhead" (I am shaved with beard)
Her: "Haha! I see...Ok...I'll let her know. I am L"
ME: "I am Sam. Get your friends and join us."
Her: "Great!" (She gets the other one)

Long story short: I chat with her friend and within minutes both were touching my arms. The one asking me what material my blouse is made of and the other asking me not leave abroad. (I told them I am sending CVs abroad, which is the truth). They invited me to their company. I said that I should drive my friend home soon. I cut them off and I left. They lacked the intense femininity I want in women. They were dressed in alternative fashion (no high heels etc) and the one of them had short, boyish hair, although a nice body and smooth complexion.

These women belonged, according to Chase, to the 2% type of women who approach men.
My question is: Would you associate getting approached by women with the beauty factor? Do usually unattractive women approach? Do you have examples of attractive women approaching you?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
I only have an example of an unattractive women's sister approaching me for a number.
I like to think that i tend to approach the good looking ones first....
But if there into you go as far as you can, even if its just for practice, because eventually there will one that you HAVE to meet and you don't want to screw that up

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Hmm..now that I think about it, it has always been not super attractive girls who approach me.
Good point Addicted2height, taking the interaction as far as it can go for practice.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Sam said:
My question is: Would you associate getting approached by women with the beauty factor? Do usually unattractive women approach? Do you have examples of attractive women approaching you?

Attractive women will approach too. An ex-girlfriend of mine - a very beautiful girl - met most of her other boyfriends before and after me by approaching them herself. My best female friend in California, another very attractive woman, meets the majority of her boyfriends this way as well.

The thing with attractive women is that they will usually approach shier, quieter looking men, that they feel more confident won't blow them out. There's also a distinct subset of attractive women who will approach, and many others who never will (it's typically the higher sex drive women who approach).

The less attractive a woman is, the more often she'll approach more confident-looking men. This isn't because she's more confident, more than it is because she's A) less socially calibrated than the more attractive women are (and thus, less aware of which men are more likely to give her what she wants and which ones are not), and B) more likely to be "going for broke," trying to snag a hotter guy for a quick round of sex than she'd normally be able to get out of the guys who approach her (she's basically saying, "Screw it, this guy won't want to date me, but he's cute and I can have some fun with him if he says 'yes'").



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Very constructive comments.

Thank you, gentlemen.