Last night turned out great. Started out after me and my bro left the gym. We get washed up and head over to my friend's house (who's hosting a big Halloween themed party) around 9 to get some edibles. We go back to the dorm get our costumes ready (I'm the Old Spice guy) and chill until 11:30. Me, my friend, and my roommate are heading to the party with our hall mates (3 girls) and two of their friends. Their dressed up as 2 flappers, a police woman (hot!), an 80's girls (really cute), and I forget the other girl (she was nothing special). I honestly did not plan on getting with the girls in our group since they were social circle so I decided that I'd try at the party. We get to the party and hit up our friend hosting the party to stash our coats in his room. We go back outside where the party is pretty much going on and dressed in only a towel and compression shorts I am freezing! Our group splits up with my roommate, 1 of the flappers, and the 80's girl going for the keg. The other 3 girls go do their own thing and me and my friend try to head indoors. There is a huge amount of traffic at the door and we get separated. My phone is at the dorm and my wallet is with my roommate since I have no pockets. Now I'm in this crowded house by myself. I'm getting all different kinds of reactions from thrilled drunk girls, jealous guys, and people who are excited by my choice of costume. I'm walking around and I'm feeling uncomfortable. It was very hard to move around the house and my friends were nowhere to be found. After about 20 minutes of lonely wandering around the house I see 2 familiar faces: my hall mates 80's girl and one of the flappers. I decide to stick with who I knew. We still struggle to navigate through the house and I begin flirting with 80's girl as we walk (calling her my Savior and thanking her for finding me). She spots one of her friends and they are loud and excited like girls normally are. 80's girl is drinking and offers me some. The party is not all that good and we eventually find my roommate and friend. We call the guy hosting the party and all head to his room. The room is a more cozy and intimate setting and we can actually just chill and drink. My sights are set on 80's girl and I'm flirting and focusing heavily on her. We were both feeling great due to the alcohol and I was asking her why she was wearing shorts over her bright blue tights. She tells me that without the shorts her thong is visible through the tights. I tell her no fair for holding out the good stuff and jokingly suggest her to take her shorts off. She actually stands up and bends down in front of me showing her thong and laughing. We're both having a good time and my friends are letting me do my thing. The party host invites us to his friend's apartment to try out the hot tub. We all agree. We head back to our dorm to change and get ready to go to the hot tub. We're in the apartment and we're all ready to go down to the hot tub. The door to the hot tub is locked and we can't get in. I decide to use this time to challenge 80's girl to a game of pool. The rest of my friends and the flapper are sitting on the other side of the room laughing and having fun. Me and 80's girl have a really great game of pool then we sit down in a corner where our friends can't see us. It is on! We're making deep eye contact and I'm alternating my gaze between her eyes and lips. I began to kiss her on the cheek, then neck, then I would pull back, look deeply into her eyes and revert back to our conversation. I kept doing this and eventually she was dying to kiss me but I wouldn't let her; I would just pull back playfully and go back to kissing her on the cheek. I eventually suggested we go back and watch a movie at my dorm. She agrees. We begin to head out but flapper girl begins to act really nosy and begins to ask a bunch of questions. I tell her we're going to just head back and watch a movie and she talks to 80's girl (pretty much doing with female friends do to make sure their friend is OK). After being satisfied that 80's girl wants to go with me she finally relents, bids us adieu, and then we head out. We go back to my dorm, I tell her to remove her shoes, turn the futon to a bed, put on Star Wars V, and then snuggle behind her. I can tell by her body language that she was ready to go and I make my move with NO RESISTANCE! Overall, it was a great night!