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FR  Grabbed Her Number


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
I visited Utah this last weekend and it inspired me to take full advantage of my days. Carpe Diem.

So in the morning, I got to school early. I always like to do that because it gives me time to scope for any girls I might've missed earlier in the year (I go to a big school). So there's this girl I've been talking to and I've sort of been following Zphix's high school process a bit. https://boards.girlschase.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3831

I saw her and I walked up to her locker. I touched her a bit and we talked about some irrelevant things and I just teased her and went with the flow. I don't really remember what I say when I do this because I'm usually going off of what the girls says. Anyways when I feel we're at a high point I ask for her number by handing her my phone. She actually RUNS off with it to type it. I followed her for a bit then grabbed her by the backpack to stop her. No chasing for me! :) After she put it in she texted herself (LAME, I was gonna' text her later with the standard text opener. Oh well). Throughout the conversation she keeps punching me lightly in the chest (I take this as a sign of attraction). I know this is sort of a lame FR, but it gets weird here.

After school, I intentionally ignore her (I do this to a lot of girls if I don't really care if I talk to them. I walk by them so they notice me, and if they open me, I take it as a sign that they're sort of interested). She calls me name and we hug, talk about something for a few seconds. THEN, she mutters something about: "People tell me I shouldn't go after him because he uses girls, whatever..." I didn't quite catch what she was saying, and then I got sort of confused at that point. Didn't know what to do here so I exited with a hug and I went back into the building.

So, I'm either taking what she said as: A) I see you as a friend, or B) She did it on purpose to see how I would react. To be honest I was sort of worried about it as I was heading home, but now I think I decided I'm not going to care and keep pushing this. Let me know what you guys think.

I'll try and add more details next time, I'm working on my memory of these interactions.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Honestly dude I think she was digging you. Many girls in highschool aren't completely socially calibrated yet and was probably bringing it up to paint herself as being a girl that is chased by men and has standards as to whom she dates/sleeps with (going back to "I think he uses girls"). I could be wrong but it sounds like she was just trying to impress you and see how you would react to that statement in general.

Push it too see how far you can take it!

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
I talked to this girl today. It was this morning.Let's call her Miss S. I went up to her in and started bantering with her. Throughout the conversation I'm touching her, messing with her things, etc. I then tried to set up a "date"(Not really a date necessarily, just something to get me to deep dive her because I haven't done that at all.) for us to talk at lunch. When I said this, she got MUCH closer to me. We were touching at the side from shoulder to hip. She replied with a "maybe". For some reason I saw this as a challenge to my time so I told her, "Listen, tell me yes or no now so I can make other plans if I need to." She responded with, "Okay, where do you wanna' go?" I told her we should stay here. Then I ask her where she'll be (Chase by me?) and she says by her locker. Cool, so I possibly got something going here.

So at lunch, I had thought about it a little too hard and got a bit nervous. I threw those thoughts out of my head and went by her locker. She wasn't there so I went to the bathroom. Come back out, she still isn't there. I decide, "Fuck it, whatever," and I go outside to grab something to eat. I walk by her locker AGAIN and she still isn't there. At this point I'm almost done with this, so I walk outside to go play some hacky sack. Then I think about it and text her:

Me: You still wanna hang out? (Bad wording, probably sounded like I was chasing.)
Her: (8 minutes later) Sure
Her: By the XXX lunch line
Me: (Thought that was her trying to get me to chase her, wasn't having that at this point. So...) Come to the hall by your locker (And I drop it there.)
Her: (12 minutes later, ugh..) I'm here

So I took my time walking over to her locker, partially satisfied that I got her to move (Compliance?) and partially ticked off that it took so long for her to text back and wasted some lunch time. By the time I get to her, there's about 10 minutes left in lunch.

I see her down the hall, but I don't make eye contact until I get about five feet away from her. Annoyingly, I see she has two guys with her. By the looks of it, I figured they were Orbiters, but I wasn't sure at the moment. My plan was to plop down right next to her, but I made the mistake of standing up for about ten seconds next to her. Why is it a mistake, well...

Her: You can sit down, you know.
Me: (Headdesking myself in my mind at this point, I sit down, my shoulders and legs touching hers. Good proximity?) Of course.

At this point, I asked her TheTool's line (Even though this wasn't really a "date") So what trouble have you been causing today?

NOTE: Maybe I should change this to: So HOW much trouble have you been causing today? Insinuating that she has been causing trouble, making it more likely that she will respond positively, because... She said, "Nope."

Then right after she offered me some goldfish. I complied, taking the bag of them. We then bantered for a bit, and since she dances I asked her why she dances, stuff about it. I'm not very good at deep diving yet, but she gave me lame responses. It didn't SEEM to affect me too much, however. Touch wise, we were touching when we were sitting, I tied her shoe laces together, tickled her knee. I couldn't think of any chase frames in my head at the moment. About the two guys...

When I tied her shoes together, I tied one of the knots really tightly. She couldn't get it out, so she lifts her feet onto the guy's legs and asks him to undo them. He COMPLIES. (Really bro? Oh well, better for me.) After that, she leans back and whispers to me, "My bitches," to which I just chuckle. From this point on however, I make sure to command her to do just about everything. "Hand me this", "let me see that", etc. To make sure I didn't land in that category.

Overall it didn't really amount to much because of the setting I was in. As I started to leave to grab my things that I left outside, I put my hand out to her, lifted her up and gave her a hug goodbye (Another good command?) Before I leave, she asks me, "Are you hanging out after school?" To which I reply "Yeah" (Immediately regret this, should've retained some mystery and said, possibly, or something like that.). On to after school...

So I honestly didn't plan on staying after school, I wanted to get a workout in (which never happened :( ) but it didn't work out like that. I ended up hanging out with some friends in the parking lot for about 15 minutes. We were messing around in a girl's car that we knew, and I could see Miss S. and her friend walking around. I'm not sure about this, but it looked like she was looking for me... Anyways, one of my friends, let's call him Mr. Adrift for future reference, had to go to work, so Mr Adrift and my other friend, Mr. Ginger, left while me and (Mr. Flirt) stayed at school. I suggested we stay because I wanted to know what she would do if I happened to walk by...

So me and Mr. Flirt walk back up to the front of the school towards this group of people we know, I guess it's my outer social circle, and met up with my other friend, Mr. Fluffy. About twenty feet away, Miss S. Was sitting on a bench, which I saw out of the corner of my eye. My friend Mr. Flirt was egging me on to go talk to her, but I wanted to wait because I had a hunch... She gets up and calls my name. I tell her to come here and give her a hug. We banter and talk for a bit, and I steal her goldfish that she still has from lunch. she climbs over me trying to get them, and I hold them out of reach. Blah blah blah, all meaningless bullshit because as I'm writing this now I realize I should've ISOLATED HER, goddamnit! Oh well. I'm not giving her too much attention as to not put myself in the chasing position. We're still extremely close to each other, touching with our shoulders, hips occasionally. (I realize this is creating some sort of pre-selection, because after she leaves, this other girl that rejected me for her here: https://boards.girlschase.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3729 comes up to me and drapes over my shoulder... Mmm I like pre-selection LOL) Eventually she had to leave, because her sister was driving her home (Funny, because I dated her sister for a day, LOL.) She then says something about having to go and I spread my arms for a hug. Her sister then comes up to me and tells me she doesn't have time for that (M'hm, whatever). She then tells me to come hug her because it'll make her sister mad. I'm game so I go and give her a big hug as she's leaving.

Don't feel like texting her because I can see her any day I want, so what's the point? If I want a date I can ask in person, which is much better IMO.

Things I did well: Touching, proximity, I used a somewhat sexy tone when talking to her.
Things that went badly: Didn't ISOLATE!! :mad:, work on the Deep Dive, AND ISOLATE! Haha.

So tell me what you guys think. I'm curious as to where you think this goes and also on my writing, if I need to add more details, if it's boring, etc.
