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Great approach with touch and chase framing but date rejection. Help!


Apr 2, 2022
Her: Ethiopian woman living in Tel Aviv for about 4 years. Black curly hair like Selena Gomez. About 5'7" tall, slim waist, curvy body, C-cup breast size. Cute face. Wearing a black tank top with an orange short skirt with white canvas shoes. Was on her way back home from a stroll at the beach.
Me: South Asian Indian guy. 6'0" tall. Wearing a solid orange T-shirt and dark blue jeans with a brown belt. T-shirt is tucked in. Hair are short by the sides and combed from left to right on top. Slightly muscular (gym 4 times/week) but I spend long hours working at a desk so have a bit of a slouch. Wearing Asian Fit spectacles (the slightly larger ones worn by Korean guys on Netflix). Wearing an Apple Watch on my left wrist. Plain black walking shoes with striped socks.

On the street at around 9 pm (sundown is around 8 pm here). This is a little after people start leaving from the beach (which is about 10 min from this place) and into the pubs/bars. The street is a major shopping and pub/bar/restaurant hotspot of the city and always has a crowd of pretty girls walking along the footpath in the evenings. There was an intersection on a 2-laned road with a pedestrian signal. I was waiting on the other side, about 10 feet away from the edge of the road. Her side of the signal turned green and she crossed over toward where I was standing. It is the height of summer and the night temperature is about 25C (77F) with 60% humidity.

I am not too comfortable hanging out in bars so I've been trying to perfect my street game (day and night). Subscribed to TDA, One Date and currently also going through SwinggCat's Foundations course and handbooks. I was only working on street game in my university previously (I am a fresh graduate). I went from zero dates to ~20 approaches / week and ~2 dates / week in about a month of starting my seduction career in the University. I was relying mostly on fundamentals and openers -> rapport transition to get dates so far, but am now trying to inculcate chase framing and sexual tension into my approaches for higher success with strangers who do not share a commonality that the University offers.

The Meet
Ever saw a lone pretty girl coming toward you and felt a sudden rush to open her? That was me. I just waved my hand and stopped her as she came close.
Me: Hey! I really like how well your orange skirt goes on you. Really nice style.
She (surprised and wide eyed): I'm sorry. What was that?
Me: I said, I really like how your orange skirt looks on you. You have a nice sense of style.
She: Oh thank you.

I then introduced myself and touched her bare arm. She gave me her name and took a step closer as we engaged in conversation. Told me that she is just coming over from the beach. Joked that she must be sticky like a frog after the beach in the humidity and touched her arm again, to which she laughed and said that she is okay.

The close

I asked her out for a beer at a nearby bar, but she declined saying that she has to get to work early the next day (she worked in the education sector). So then I asked her to meet up later and took her number. She told me to call her, and I held her hand for a few seconds after which we parted ways.

Follow up

Following the texting guide, I sent an introductory text after an hour (no reply) and then asked her out the next day using the Standard Scheduler I text. To this she told me that I am a very nice person, and that she does not have time for new acquaintances. Also that I should enjoy my weekend. Baahhh... basically a dead end.

Can someone please point out what went wrong here? What about the chase framing?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 24, 2022
Many things:
1. She is attracted but not available.
2. She is not attracted, which could be:
2.1. She doesn't like your physical attractiveness (including things like your face)
2.2 - She doesn't like your vibe (neediness, creepiness, tone of voice, eye contact, mindset, belief you hold)
2.3 - You didn't display enough value to her
2.4 - She has better options than you in this point of her life which means you still need to improve your game a lot to have a chance with her
2.5 - You didn't create enough comfort with her which means going on a date with you is a big deal for her But not for a "needy man" like you obviously.
2.6 - You don't have a sexy vibe in you yet, so she didn't feel aroused by you in the interaction (massive point here)

My whole list would requiere an entire big book to explain all that could have gone wrong in this case

Good luck,
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take