ok so i realized the best is to forget about the "average jane"-storage places for finding quality girls therefore i turned to my favourite gym to get quality women.
there have been a few girls who fancied me so far and i liked them too but i wasnt bothered to do anything in the gym. so i started a new project using the legendary https://www.girlschase.com/content/gym-pickup-dos-donts-and-how-meet-girls-gym
my favourite girl was so happy i said `bye` to her when she was leaving last week i was REALLY surprised. i mean for 9 months i did nothing and... whoaa. pinging makes me comfortable too, so i think this strategy works for me.
today she was about to leave again, passed next to me - i just looked left and noticed her so i touched her briefly. she noticed me earlier probably because she instantly knew it was me.
- i asked her something like `going home after a hard workout, huh?`
- she said yes, and asked my name and gave her hand for a handshake
- told her `stratvm` taking her hand and not shaking just holding while looking as sexy as i could in her eyes. the hand was very cold which i think by experience was rather nervousness than having them washed in ice cold water
- she didnt reply with her name so asked `and whats yours?` - replied smiled like somebody who won the lottery and left
*** now this was when i was comfortable with just this and think was a good second ping, however should i have asked her out? i mean there were tons of people around as i was waiting for sg in a line and didnt feel it would have been the right thing to do
as a next step i plan when we meet next weekend ( our working ours are different during the week) to tell something like:
- you know what i was thinking about >>>
- then lean in a sexy way in and whisper: i think we fancy each other >>>
- then slowly lean back and say in normal way: A LOT. (slow smile) so how about getting down for a few drinks to get to know each other better?
*** im pretty sure she digs me big time so i think it makes no sense to wait more with this. what do you think?
she is an older gal (with fake tits & smoking hot body) and seems to be quite upset (or worse) that i didnt make a move ever - though now working out in my tron like suit (x-bionic FTW) she looked at me so i decided to do a sexy smile & `hello` combo. the reaction was way less enthusiastic than GIRL 1 but still smiled slowly and said something. then we continued working out.
i`ll be curious about her next time i ping `harder` but i think she was rather surprised than ignorant (i was surprised about myself to be honest but it seems the initial `success` with GIRL 1 gave some confidence in this gym pickup stuff
she is new regular but i noticed her looking at me (quite obviously i might add) so i looked into her eyes and smiled slowly last time. now i said `hi` and she had a reaction which is the mixture of the previous 2 girls.
*** im thinking are girls surprised if somebody they saw before breaks the ice but NOT going in with an armoured battalion? (like most of the guys i see in the gym, they are launching full scale assaults all the time - without any results of course)
there is girl 4 who seems to be some nordic amazon (swedish-norwegian-icelandic-finnish i suppose) and girl 5 who is totally model like but half black which is not really popular in this side of the world but i dont care. havent done anything with them yet.
there have been a few girls who fancied me so far and i liked them too but i wasnt bothered to do anything in the gym. so i started a new project using the legendary https://www.girlschase.com/content/gym-pickup-dos-donts-and-how-meet-girls-gym
my favourite girl was so happy i said `bye` to her when she was leaving last week i was REALLY surprised. i mean for 9 months i did nothing and... whoaa. pinging makes me comfortable too, so i think this strategy works for me.
today she was about to leave again, passed next to me - i just looked left and noticed her so i touched her briefly. she noticed me earlier probably because she instantly knew it was me.
- i asked her something like `going home after a hard workout, huh?`
- she said yes, and asked my name and gave her hand for a handshake
- told her `stratvm` taking her hand and not shaking just holding while looking as sexy as i could in her eyes. the hand was very cold which i think by experience was rather nervousness than having them washed in ice cold water
- she didnt reply with her name so asked `and whats yours?` - replied smiled like somebody who won the lottery and left
*** now this was when i was comfortable with just this and think was a good second ping, however should i have asked her out? i mean there were tons of people around as i was waiting for sg in a line and didnt feel it would have been the right thing to do
as a next step i plan when we meet next weekend ( our working ours are different during the week) to tell something like:
- you know what i was thinking about >>>
- then lean in a sexy way in and whisper: i think we fancy each other >>>
- then slowly lean back and say in normal way: A LOT. (slow smile) so how about getting down for a few drinks to get to know each other better?
*** im pretty sure she digs me big time so i think it makes no sense to wait more with this. what do you think?
she is an older gal (with fake tits & smoking hot body) and seems to be quite upset (or worse) that i didnt make a move ever - though now working out in my tron like suit (x-bionic FTW) she looked at me so i decided to do a sexy smile & `hello` combo. the reaction was way less enthusiastic than GIRL 1 but still smiled slowly and said something. then we continued working out.
i`ll be curious about her next time i ping `harder` but i think she was rather surprised than ignorant (i was surprised about myself to be honest but it seems the initial `success` with GIRL 1 gave some confidence in this gym pickup stuff
she is new regular but i noticed her looking at me (quite obviously i might add) so i looked into her eyes and smiled slowly last time. now i said `hi` and she had a reaction which is the mixture of the previous 2 girls.
*** im thinking are girls surprised if somebody they saw before breaks the ice but NOT going in with an armoured battalion? (like most of the guys i see in the gym, they are launching full scale assaults all the time - without any results of course)
there is girl 4 who seems to be some nordic amazon (swedish-norwegian-icelandic-finnish i suppose) and girl 5 who is totally model like but half black which is not really popular in this side of the world but i dont care. havent done anything with them yet.