I met this girl while we were both out of town in Vegas. Yes red flags go up but she wasn't there to party we were both there for a convention and she was with her father not even friends. So I met her one of the night and we were laughing and having a great time at the bar downstairs of the hotel. I couldn't move her because her father was there giving me the death stare. We had reservations for a club so my friends came and got me and we left I number closed. I texted her the following day and we went to a event sponsored by the convention and hit it off again, my friends left Vegas but another group of frienda invited me to a club so I was alone at the convention event and invited her to see a inane Dj at the club with me and she was extremely excited because it was her first time at a Vegas club. One shot 2 shot 3 shot 3 moves and 3
IOIs and I kiss closed on the dance floor. We had such an amazing time and she said she's moving to my city in 2 months. Here is my question. What do I do durring these two months? Text her like another girl? But it wouldn't matter becaus with can't arrange a meeting. Should I FaceTime her? I need some help
IOIs and I kiss closed on the dance floor. We had such an amazing time and she said she's moving to my city in 2 months. Here is my question. What do I do durring these two months? Text her like another girl? But it wouldn't matter becaus with can't arrange a meeting. Should I FaceTime her? I need some help