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FR  halfa repot w nympho


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 20, 2012
This is kinda a field report, only because I wasn't trying my hardest.

It was 3rd hour. My stomach was growling, I was ready for lunch. Our bubbly teacher bounced around the room talking about the art piece we were all critiquing. I was seated on a high stool with a shiny, smooth black surface that matched my pants.

The teacher asked us if we wanted to help her, my hand instantly shot up, because I love that kind of shit.  The girl who I've been crushing on for 2 years now  (she's a tease, with a boyfriend, who's fairly similar to me: asshole who likes to help sometimes, ect)  also raised her hand.

We talked for a minute.

My friend , the teacher , the josilina (the tease) , my teacher  and I made our way downstairs.  We went to the Detroit creative corridor to pick up some tiles and carpet samples they didn't want anymore. There was no way we could carry them all out by hand, so we started to walk back.

"hey, what was your name agin?"

"Mellisa, what was your's ?"

"I'm Matt, glad to see you Agin."

I had seen Alicia, who I met during the summer, she worked at dc3 and we talked a lot before cross country conditioning.

"why are you being such a flirt"

This was about what josilina said to me , she was teasing me about how I was flirting with Alicia.

We went to the office to go get a kart to karry all of the shit . I saw a thick lightskined latina, with her backpack strap between her boobs, she looked like she was just getting out of bed.

"excuse me, but are you from ccs"


"oh, I have friends that go there, what's your major?"

"Im a product design major"

"so why are you here ?"

" I needed some community service, so I came here."

1 min pause

"so what are you here to do, be a art teacher, or something?"

Josilina was nudging me during the whole convo, and  showing interest

Shes a good wingwomam, always doing something sexual with me when I need it .

after that we left and went back to DC3
I "flirted a little more with josilina and Alice loaded the stuff up with my friend and the teach, so we said good bye to Alicia, and I told all the other women in the office goodbye.

The teach and Josilina were teasing that Im always flirting with girls,

During the elevator ride back josilina had rested her ass on my hand, as she dose to lure all of her orbiters.

Later on that day , she put her breast and ass in my hand for a little while as most teases do.


Alicia looked very cute today, and I'm seriously thinking of grabbing her number or grabbing a cofee with her next week.

I hope I see that thick latin girl in the office so we can flirt some more.

i have a field trip next week, so I hope I can meet some cute college girls, or some shinola workers(watch design company).
The way things are going I should forget about that tease Josilina
Or have her be my wing woman or whatever.

And she's a nympho I guess, cause she loves for her orbiters to feel on her and she walks around with her pants unziped, always.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take