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Hand her your Phone


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 2, 2015
I've literally never had a girl say no to a phone number request when I do this...just hand her your phone as you ask for the number. So it would go like this:

Me: Btw, we should hang out sometime [I hand her my phone with an open "new contact" window and she takes it] when are you free?
Her: [As she types in her contact info] I'm free on xyz time or day.

In fact, I've even done this without verbally asking for her phone number.

[At a random party]

Her: Yeah, but I don't think we're ever gonna see each other again
Me: Yes we will [I hand her my phone]
Her: [As she types in her info] No we won't
Me: Yeah, we definitely will

.... For those of you wondering, the context of that conversation was humorous. She was saying "no we won't" in a playfully manner.

Word of caution: Still build a decent enough connection for her have an incentive to text you. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten a girl's number this way, only to get no response when I text her because she wasn't all that interested in me to begin with.

Try this out! I think you'll be pleased with the results.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2015
I've tested this and it seems to work great but I always mention the number before giving the phone. I will try just handing her the phone, can't go wrong with a more commanding move...

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
I did this earlier this Fall at an industry function talking with a cute saleswoman 20 years my junior just to see if it would work.

She did put in her company name but just her cell #. Later that evening I touched bases with her, she replied but she didn't bite at my suggestion for a drink...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 1, 2016
Bboy100 said:
I've literally never had a girl say no to a phone number request when I do this...just hand her your phone as you ask for the number. So it would go like this:

Me: Btw, we should hang out sometime [I hand her my phone with an open "new contact" window and she takes it] when are you free?
Her: [As she types in her contact info] I'm free on xyz time or day.

In fact, I've even done this without verbally asking for her phone number.

[At a random party]

Her: Yeah, but I don't think we're ever gonna see each other again
Me: Yes we will [I hand her my phone]
Her: [As she types in her info] No we won't
Me: Yeah, we definitely will

.... For those of you wondering, the context of that conversation was humorous. She was saying "no we won't" in a playfully manner.

Word of caution: Still build a decent enough connection for her have an incentive to text you. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten a girl's number this way, only to get no response when I text her because she wasn't all that interested in me to begin with.

Try this out! I think you'll be pleased with the results.

This is how I number close all girls. I never ask for their number anymore, I just assume that i can have it. We'll be talking, I'll open up the new contact, type their name in, and hand it to them and say, "Is this how you spell your name?". Not one rejection like you said. On a more hilarious note, this 4th of July, I was sitting pretty close to a girl, and as I opened my contacts menu and typed her name in, she saw it and was like, "Oh wow, you're creating a contact for me? Who said you could have my number?", I replied saying I like strawberry cheesecake ice cream, but not many people are too keen on it (while handing her my phone), and still managed the number close. I think they're just not prepared for the confidence you display by simply handing them your phone and subliminally demanding they give you their number.

Iron Tom

Jul 11, 2016
I've done this hundreds of times. All I do is open my phone on the add contact screen, hand it to her and and say "jump in here". Often I literally say nothing, and just hand her the phone with add contact screen open. It's extremely efficient for getting the number. But of course a number by itself is just a number. It's also good to agree on a day 2, to decrease flaking likelihood.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers