If that's true then they're racists!
I'm not really sure what that means.
If you don't know how to act right around a group of people, the problem is yours, not the group of people's.
You can call them mean names if you like but it doesn't change the fact that if it's one man vs. entire culture of people, the onus is on the one man to adapt to them, not them to adapt to the man.
But that to me is what I thought makes it easier and more simplistic. I can be upfront about what I want out of them. I feel like it’s easier to go through the process that way, because with other kinds of women I have to end up talking more. It's difficult, at least at this point in my journey, for me to be indirect. I feel like I have to put on some kind of semi-phony persona and hide what I really want. I feel like surburban women are more complex and thus for more advanced people. I am looking for simplicity and I have the energy to be overtly sexual.
Well, then maybe it'll work, at least as far as the ease of your adaptation to the seduction style that works best with them, who knows.
I have seen guys over the years who specialized in black girls while not themselves being black. There was a guy on the old mASF seduction forum named DogSoldier who was this way. If your style matches their preferences, then may be adaptation won't be a tough.
That said, I would look for clubs that are not totally broke-ass ghetto. Usually it is possible to find downtown clubs still in fairly nice areas that have reached the stage of the "club lifecycle" where they are attracting increasing amounts of ghetto clientele, and less and less non-ghetto clientele, but haven't reached the point of "drive bys when the club lets out" yet, and still are decently safe with people inside who are better behaved.
I don't plan to show fear. But I know what you mean. I was thinking of better yet going there with a group. What do you think about that?
Well... are you going to be able to find a group of guys who want to go to a strip club in the hood with you?
Also, it is pretty limiting dragging a group of guys around with you when the intention is pickup + ONS.
That way it'll dissuade any thugs from following me out into the parking lot and jumping on me from behind. Which I have heard of.
Yeah, it'll do that. Greater protection at the expense of a lot less flexibility to actually pick up.
Also I've heard that you should park your car with the front facing out, that way if there's trouble you can escape faster.
That's just general good sense anywhere you're going any place with any danger element to it at all, sure.
By the way, how are the bouncers in those places? Will they laugh at you if you tell them that someone's bothering you?
Based on my experience, they will herd you off into a corner and tell you to stay away from whoever is bothering you, while letting those guys have free run of the place.
The lesson I got from an incident like that is if someone is fucking with you in a hood or hood-lite club, and you aren't friends with the bouncers, then either you handle it yourself, or no one is handling it.
Of course, as soon as you handle it and get yourself into a scrap, then both of you are getting kicked out of the club.
There is also the risk that if you are going to start scrapping with hood cats that later on you are going to have a small posse waiting outside the club for you to leave.
So the meta lesson is "don't be the sore thumb who attracts people to come mess with him."
I know; I'm not looking for strippers. I would never be stupid enough to spend money on strippers. I said strip clubs merely because there's a lot of rap concerts, rapper birthday parties, etc. that are held at strip clubs. So there's chicks that go there just to have fun.
I've never been to a rap concert / rapper birthday party, so cannot really weigh in here.
If it's some rapper's birthday party I would suspect he'll have the whole place booked out and you just won't be getting in.
Don't know about the rap concerts though.
What would you say constitutes being ready?
A lot more familiarity with hood culture.
Going to a ghetto club or strip joint when your whole paradigm is the 'burbs is like throwing yourself into the deep end of the pool without learning to swim first. The only thing more extreme would be going to a big ghetto block party as your initiation into hood life.
If you really feel the need to go slumming, then get some hood friends, hang out with some boys in the hood, familiarize yourself with the culture, familiarize yourself with the kinds of tests both men and women from the traps will subject you to (because both sexes are going to test you), and probably aim to shag a couple of hood rats you meet through ghetto social circles first and NOT through nightclub pickup.
Do that and then you should be ready for hood clubs / ghetto strip joints.