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"Hardcore" venues, for beginners


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 8, 2021
Hi guys I am a beginner and I had this idea of going to more "hardcore" clubs, like black strip clubs in the ghetto, because I figure the women there will be more promiscuous and therefore these sorts of places are easier to get laid at. Is that really a good idea though? Asking the experienced guys.

The concerns I have are that I won't be able to "fit in" over there, since I am, after all, just a regular guy from the suburbs with no idea of how these places work. I never even set foot in a strip joint.

"What would I even be able to talk about with one of these women?" I ask myself. I think we are worlds apart as far as our everyday thoughts and mentality. It's going to be hard to connect.

Plus there is more danger of violence at these places compared to "softcore" ones. There's a club over here that has a shooting once a month on average.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Don't go. Only advice you get from me. You have no reason to go and you dont fit in
At best you get ignored. At worst you end up in a hospital.

This is a stupid idea.

Last edited:


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Yeah this is the worst thing you can do, i would get started with day game and street night game after some success you can try night venues were you can talk vs loud clubs...


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Just to add to what the other guys here have said... and I add this having been to a bunch of ghetto nightclubs, and a fair few strip joints, some of them also ghetto:

  1. Regardless whether ghetto chicks are more promiscuous, if you are not steeped in hood culture it will be about 10x more difficult for you to pick up there than in a suburban bar. They will not take you seriously

  2. Ghetto black culture has very different norms for seduction than what you will experience among white European-based culture. It is much more direct, more overtly sexual, and relies more on braggadocio. Even if a girl likes your look or is curious to try a white guy, if you can't communicate direct sexual interest in a slick, confident way, some other guy is going to notice, come over and go direct on her, and blow you out

  3. You may feel like you are getting somewhere with a chick, only to check and realize you've been pickpocketed. The only time I've been successfully pickpocketed it was a ghetto chick (and I was very drunk. One of several impetuses to give up drinking for me)

  4. You may have a few guys who sniff out a very out-of-place individual and start pressuring you with friendly smiles + physical intimidation to pay their tabs for them ("C'mon, man, be a nice guy"). If you show fear or are drunk you may have bigger problems than just social pressure

  5. On top of that, strip clubs in particular are not places that are "easy to pick up at." Strippers have better game than just about any other type of chick you will encounter. You are going to feel like a big slick Casanova as she vacuums up dollars from you, then leave at the end of the night promising her you'll come back to see her again soon, feeling like you are "getting somewhere with her", while she gets changed to go fuck her drug addict boyfriend in his truck after work

tl;dr: don't go hardcore unless you are ready to go hardcore.



Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
You're not entirely incorrect on the "ghetto chicks are easier" idea.

A tall blonde blue-eyed Swedish acquaintance changed his wardrobe to look more chavvy (all black, with chains and shit) and struck gold when he started approaching girls of lower socio-economic status in less prosperous areas, but he was mostly doing day game, and he was also doing arbitrage since in the Mediterranean country where he was gaming being blonde and tall is rare.

His strategy was to look rough but to be nice. This contrast seems to have worked wonders for him. Like he was "hiding" his dark side or something. However, he wasn't going after strippers or anything like that. Also, chicks don't behave the same way during the day and at night. Note also that they may have thought Gopniks in Sweden behave differently to the local fare.

This is assuming tight fundamentals at the very least. (And, yeah, probably a fair bit of kino too).

Reminds me of a story with yours truly. A few years ago, I was on quite high momentum after approaching an 8-set of Norwegian ballerinas, of very high quality on average, and getting them to meet my two buddies and me at a bar later in the night (and them having showed up). We made plans to meet them the next night, but the one I wanted didn't show up. My buddy took them all to a bar. The night after that I went to a bar with him and we approached a 2-set of Irish girls. The bar closed shortly thereafter. We bounced them to a rooftop bar close by. Once there, the hottest of the two, that I was focusing on, told me to buy her a drink. We were standing not far from the drinks queue somewhere. I smiled at her and told her she was the one who should buy me a drink. I held frame, and then fingered her right there. This was probably in the space of 20 minutes after first meeting them. But then when we took them back to an expensive apartment (they were from welfare state neighborhoods in their homeland) she gave LMR and wouldn't put out, after a huge loss of social frame.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019

Just to add to what the other guys here have said... and I add this having been to a bunch of ghetto nightclubs, and a fair few strip joints, some of them also ghetto:

  1. Regardless whether ghetto chicks are more promiscuous, if you are not steeped in hood culture it will be about 10x more difficult for you to pick up there than in a suburban bar. They will not take you seriously

  2. Ghetto black culture has very different norms for seduction than what you will experience among white European-based culture. It is much more direct, more overtly sexual, and relies more on braggadocio. Even if a girl likes your look or is curious to try a white guy, if you can't communicate direct sexual interest in a slick, confident way, some other guy is going to notice, come over and go direct on her, and blow you out

  3. You may feel like you are getting somewhere with a chick, only to check and realize you've been pickpocketed. The only time I've been successfully pickpocketed it was a ghetto chick (and I was very drunk. One of several impetuses to give up drinking for me)

  4. You may have a few guys who sniff out a very out-of-place individual and start pressuring you with friendly smiles + physical intimidation to pay their tabs for them ("C'mon, man, be a nice guy"). If you show fear or are drunk you may have bigger problems than just social pressure

  5. On top of that, strip clubs in particular are not places that are "easy to pick up at." Strippers have better game than just about any other type of chick you will encounter. You are going to feel like a big slick Casanova as she vacuums up dollars from you, then leave at the end of the night promising her you'll come back to see her again soon, feeling like you are "getting somewhere with her", while she gets changed to go fuck her drug addict boyfriend in his truck after work

tl;dr: don't go hardcore unless you are ready to go hardcore.

Yeah as soon as i see a club were i see a metal detector... and 10 police cars outside... i am no thanks!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 8, 2021

Just to add to what the other guys here have said... and I add this having been to a bunch of ghetto nightclubs, and a fair few strip joints, some of them also ghetto:
Chase, thanks very much for your reply.
  1. They will not take you seriously
If that's true then they're racists!
Ghetto black culture has very different norms for seduction than what you will experience among white European-based culture. It is much more direct, more overtly sexual, and relies more on braggadocio. Even if a girl likes your look or is curious to try a white guy, if you can't communicate direct sexual interest in a slick, confident way, some other guy is going to notice, come over and go direct on her, and blow you out
But that to me is what I thought makes it easier and more simplistic. I can be upfront about what I want out of them. I feel like it’s easier to go through the process that way, because with other kinds of women I have to end up talking more. It's difficult, at least at this point in my journey, for me to be indirect. I feel like I have to put on some kind of semi-phony persona and hide what I really want. I feel like surburban women are more complex and thus for more advanced people. I am looking for simplicity and I have the energy to be overtly sexual.
  1. You may feel like you are getting somewhere with a chick, only to check and realize you've been pickpocketed. The only time I've been successfully pickpocketed it was a ghetto chick (and I was very drunk. One of several impetuses to give up drinking for me)
I am aware of that.
  1. You may have a few guys who sniff out a very out-of-place individual and start pressuring you with friendly smiles + physical intimidation to pay their tabs for them ("C'mon, man, be a nice guy"). If you show fear or are drunk you may have bigger problems than just social pressure
I don't plan to show fear. But I know what you mean. I was thinking of better yet going there with a group. What do you think about that? That way it'll dissuade any thugs from following me out into the parking lot and jumping on me from behind. Which I have heard of. Also I've heard that you should park your car with the front facing out, that way if there's trouble you can escape faster. By the way, how are the bouncers in those places? Will they laugh at you if you tell them that someone's bothering you?
On top of that, strip clubs in particular are not places that are "easy to pick up at." Strippers have better game than just about any other type of chick you will encounter. You are going to feel like a big slick Casanova as she vacuums up dollars from you, then leave at the end of the night promising her you'll come back to see her again soon, feeling like you are "getting somewhere with her", while she gets changed to go fuck her drug addict boyfriend in his truck after work
I know; I'm not looking for strippers. I would never be stupid enough to spend money on strippers. I said strip clubs merely because there's a lot of rap concerts, rapper birthday parties, etc. that are held at strip clubs. So there's chicks that go there just to have fun.
tl;dr: don't go hardcore unless you are ready to go hardcore.

What would you say constitutes being ready?


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

If that's true then they're racists!

I'm not really sure what that means.

If you don't know how to act right around a group of people, the problem is yours, not the group of people's.

You can call them mean names if you like but it doesn't change the fact that if it's one man vs. entire culture of people, the onus is on the one man to adapt to them, not them to adapt to the man.

But that to me is what I thought makes it easier and more simplistic. I can be upfront about what I want out of them. I feel like it’s easier to go through the process that way, because with other kinds of women I have to end up talking more. It's difficult, at least at this point in my journey, for me to be indirect. I feel like I have to put on some kind of semi-phony persona and hide what I really want. I feel like surburban women are more complex and thus for more advanced people. I am looking for simplicity and I have the energy to be overtly sexual.

Well, then maybe it'll work, at least as far as the ease of your adaptation to the seduction style that works best with them, who knows.

I have seen guys over the years who specialized in black girls while not themselves being black. There was a guy on the old mASF seduction forum named DogSoldier who was this way. If your style matches their preferences, then may be adaptation won't be a tough.

That said, I would look for clubs that are not totally broke-ass ghetto. Usually it is possible to find downtown clubs still in fairly nice areas that have reached the stage of the "club lifecycle" where they are attracting increasing amounts of ghetto clientele, and less and less non-ghetto clientele, but haven't reached the point of "drive bys when the club lets out" yet, and still are decently safe with people inside who are better behaved.

I don't plan to show fear. But I know what you mean. I was thinking of better yet going there with a group. What do you think about that?

Well... are you going to be able to find a group of guys who want to go to a strip club in the hood with you?

Also, it is pretty limiting dragging a group of guys around with you when the intention is pickup + ONS.

That way it'll dissuade any thugs from following me out into the parking lot and jumping on me from behind. Which I have heard of.

Yeah, it'll do that. Greater protection at the expense of a lot less flexibility to actually pick up.

Also I've heard that you should park your car with the front facing out, that way if there's trouble you can escape faster.

That's just general good sense anywhere you're going any place with any danger element to it at all, sure.

By the way, how are the bouncers in those places? Will they laugh at you if you tell them that someone's bothering you?

Based on my experience, they will herd you off into a corner and tell you to stay away from whoever is bothering you, while letting those guys have free run of the place.

The lesson I got from an incident like that is if someone is fucking with you in a hood or hood-lite club, and you aren't friends with the bouncers, then either you handle it yourself, or no one is handling it.

Of course, as soon as you handle it and get yourself into a scrap, then both of you are getting kicked out of the club.

There is also the risk that if you are going to start scrapping with hood cats that later on you are going to have a small posse waiting outside the club for you to leave.

So the meta lesson is "don't be the sore thumb who attracts people to come mess with him."

I know; I'm not looking for strippers. I would never be stupid enough to spend money on strippers. I said strip clubs merely because there's a lot of rap concerts, rapper birthday parties, etc. that are held at strip clubs. So there's chicks that go there just to have fun.

I've never been to a rap concert / rapper birthday party, so cannot really weigh in here.

If it's some rapper's birthday party I would suspect he'll have the whole place booked out and you just won't be getting in.

Don't know about the rap concerts though.

What would you say constitutes being ready?

A lot more familiarity with hood culture.

Going to a ghetto club or strip joint when your whole paradigm is the 'burbs is like throwing yourself into the deep end of the pool without learning to swim first. The only thing more extreme would be going to a big ghetto block party as your initiation into hood life.

If you really feel the need to go slumming, then get some hood friends, hang out with some boys in the hood, familiarize yourself with the culture, familiarize yourself with the kinds of tests both men and women from the traps will subject you to (because both sexes are going to test you), and probably aim to shag a couple of hood rats you meet through ghetto social circles first and NOT through nightclub pickup.

Do that and then you should be ready for hood clubs / ghetto strip joints.


Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
For the life of me I can’t understand why anyone would be attracted to women who act “ghetto” or “hood,” much less why anyone would want to go into those types of environments.

At best I think you will get laughed at an embarrassed, at worst I feel you may end up posting a follow up from a hospital room.

Years and years ago I went to some trashy red neck bars just to try something new. This is the white version of “ghetto.”

Yeah, not worth it. The women were ugly, dumb, on drugs, and were more interested in starting fights between guys or scoring meth than they were into sex. The men’s idea of seduction was to offer drugs or beat the fuck out of someone to establish dominance.

Here is the very politically incorrect truth of the day: The world has different types of people in it. Some of those types are very trashy and you would do best to avoid those types. That’s not being “stuck up” thats just the truth.

Trashy women aren’t ”easier” (unless you offer them drugs) but they are more dramatic and will bring you lots of drama.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Here is the very politically incorrect truth of the day: The world has different types of people in it. Some of those types are very trashy and you would do best to avoid those types. That’s not being “stuck up” thats just the truth.

Trashy women aren’t ”easier” (unless you offer them drugs) but they are more dramatic and will bring you lots of drama.

+1 to this.

If you like exploring, it can be worth checking out a broad range of different types of venues, just to get a good feel for things.

After you've seen enough of different places though, you realize the people you meet in trashy places, while some of them might be okay people, on the whole just don't really have a great deal to offer you.

Also worth pointing out that the more time you spend in a certain kind of venue, around certain types of women, the more you condition yourself to those types of places and people. If you've got to learn game anyway, as OP does, it usually makes a lot more sense to do it somewhere where you'll be conditioning yourself to move up in life, rather than down.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
I think when the OP was talking about ghetto clubs he had in mind strip clubs and rap parties which is not my interest. I was curious do the same rules apply to latin bars/clubs in a neighborhood that's considered the hood? I've heard that sometimes fights can break out in certain spots in this neighborhood and one time my brother got sucker punched by some drunk asshole in a certain street. A lot of spanish girls i've known from social circles like to go there, but I get the impression that a lot of these venues are loud trashy environments where girls go with their friends to party, dance and smoke. Not necessarily to be swooped up by a hopeful seducer. I'm not a white boy so I guess that works in my favor lol.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I think when the OP was talking about ghetto clubs he had in mind strip clubs and rap parties which is not my interest. I was curious do the same rules apply to latin bars/clubs in a neighborhood that's considered the hood? I've heard that sometimes fights can break out in certain spots in this neighborhood and one time my brother got sucker punched by some drunk asshole in a certain street. A lot of spanish girls i've known from social circles like to go there, but I get the impression that a lot of these venues are loud trashy environments where girls go with their friends to party, dance and smoke. Not necessarily to be swooped up by a hopeful seducer. I'm not a white boy so I guess that works in my favor lol.

Well the main problem with latin clubs in general, is the madonna whore complex, territorialism and MACHO stuff...... is not as bad as the Ghetto clubs, but again there are all type of latin clubs, from high class to more guetto ones.... In the ghetto ones you have many gang members, is not as bad cause you are latin starboy, but you need to keeps eye opens and be careful, is a point to a point and half lower in the guetto scale vs guetho black but it could be still as bad... you have also members of latin gangs in there such as the "trinitarios" "m16" "latin kings" in some cases comming in the clubs, is typically to bouncers get killed and guys fucked up, even drive by shootings, and bottles flying, you have to be careful and make sure if wings they are super calibrated.... I was in a club with the girl, some dude that know me say hi to me as a bridge to talk to a latin girl was with the bf, he almost got his ass kicked, and me just by saying hi could have had the same fate.... He was lucky that i was there and game the dudes, and made up story that he was drunk etc.... he would have gotten beat up...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
Well the main problem with latin clubs in general, is the madonna whore complex, territorialism and MACHO stuff...... is not as bad as the Ghetto clubs, but again there are all type of latin clubs, from high class to more guetto ones.... In the ghetto ones you have many gang members, is not as bad cause you are latin starboy, but you need to keeps eye opens and be careful, is a point to a point and half lower in the guetto scale vs guetho black but it could be still as bad... you have also members of latin gangs in there such as the "trinitarios" "m16" "latin kings" in some cases comming in the clubs, is typically to bouncers get killed and guys fucked up, even drive by shootings, and bottles flying, you have to be careful and make sure if wings they are super calibrated.... I was in a club with the girl, some dude that know me say hi to me as a bridge to talk to a latin girl was with the bf, he almost got his ass kicked, and me just by saying hi could have had the same fate.... He was lucky that i was there and game the dudes, and made up story that he was drunk etc.... he would have gotten beat up...
I doubt there's a lot of organize gang members that go to some of these places I have in mind. Probably few drug dealers though. But yes territorialism happens a lot I notice

And lol at i'm latin not really I just look and pretend like I am.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 8, 2021

I'm not really sure what that means.

If you don't know how to act right around a group of people, the problem is yours, not the group of people's.

You can call them mean names if you like but it doesn't change the fact that if it's one man vs. entire culture of people, the onus is on the one man to adapt to them, not them to adapt to the man.
Thanks again. If I understood you correctly, you told me if I'm not a member of the hood culture they will not take me seriously. Why does someone have to be hood just to be respected? I feel that a guy who treats people right deserves to be respected as a human being even if he's of a different culture. So my thought was they are racists for the fact that they have been groaning for decades about being mistreated just for their color yet they look upon you as goofy just because you're a white guy. But that's life. And there's nothing I can do about that. It's a lot of hypocrites in the world. I'm sure not all are like that though.
Well, then maybe it'll work, at least as far as the ease of your adaptation to the seduction style that works best with them, who knows.

I have seen guys over the years who specialized in black girls while not themselves being black. There was a guy on the old mASF seduction forum named DogSoldier who was this way. If your style matches their preferences, then may be adaptation won't be a tough.
I don't know for certain either. But here is why I think so. The thing is that I'm a very fiery, energetic guy. I'm also very sexual. I've stunned girls in the past with my forwardness. I love black women not only because in my opinion they're the prettiest but also because I think in their culture they don't have so much shame about expressing sexuality. For example they love to wear the kind of nails that in the white suburbs would be considered "for prostitutes", "for whores" etc. But I don't think so at all. I love the way they dress. I really admire how openly sexual they are. It seems to me they accept escalation more readily than other types of women.
That said, I would look for clubs that are not totally broke-ass ghetto. Usually it is possible to find downtown clubs still in fairly nice areas that have reached the stage of the "club lifecycle" where they are attracting increasing amounts of ghetto clientele, and less and less non-ghetto clientele, but haven't reached the point of "drive bys when the club lets out" yet, and still are decently safe with people inside who are better behaved.
That is optimally what I was looking for. Look at this club for instance, which is owned by a nice guy, a former NBA player: https://www.instagram.com/society2201/

Compare that to this one: https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/2...anks-lil-durk-brother-dthang-shot-harvey-club

I think they're two different kinds of clubs, though both are black. I think it's a no-brainer that the former is better for me. If big tough gangsters can't even survive in the latter, then that says it all.
Well... are you going to be able to find a group of guys who want to go to a strip club in the hood with you?

Also, it is pretty limiting dragging a group of guys around with you when the intention is pickup + ONS.

Yeah, it'll do that. Greater protection at the expense of a lot less flexibility to actually pick up.
My idea was to get a guy who owes me a few favors to come with. He's in his 50s but he's an MMA expert. Besides guys who owe me favors I'm certain none of my friends would want to go, yeah. It would be laughable to ask some white suburban friends of mine to come. I'd have to get some hood black friends and then go with them. I understand what you're saying about flexibility though. What if I simply got her number and then called the chick the next day? Would she have lost all interest by then?
The lesson I got from an incident like that is if someone is fucking with you in a hood or hood-lite club, and you aren't friends with the bouncers, then either you handle it yourself, or no one is handling it.
You could probably slip them some cash for them to side with you, couldn't you?
Of course, as soon as you handle it and get yourself into a scrap, then both of you are getting kicked out of the club.

There is also the risk that if you are going to start scrapping with hood cats that later on you are going to have a small posse waiting outside the club for you to leave.

So the meta lesson is "don't be the sore thumb who attracts people to come mess with him."
If you really feel the need to go slumming, then get some hood friends, hang out with some boys in the hood, familiarize yourself with the culture, familiarize yourself with the kinds of tests both men and women from the traps will subject you to (because both sexes are going to test you), and probably aim to shag a couple of hood rats you meet through ghetto social circles first and NOT through nightclub pickup.
Do you mean hang out with just regular hood guys or full blown gangsters? To me, the line between the two seems to be blurry.

I don't like the sound of that...if I understand you correctly. Particularly because I'm past the age where I would be willing to have a fist fight with a guy in order to "gain his respect". I'm simply too mature for that type of kiddie stuff. Their lifestyles are too wild and animalistic. I also don't want to put my freedom at risk, by having to do things like beat people up in public in order to maintain my respect in the circle.
Furthermore I wouldn't even know where to start. Where and how would I go about making these friends? I think there would be the danger of them simply pretending to be my friend only to rob me later on, or make me their fall guy; I've heard of that happening. They'll look at me as white and won't believe that I'm serious. I'd probably have to do something drastic, something hardcore just to be taken serious. Which again, I have no desire to do.

I know there was one such guy, a white rapper by the name of EBE Bandz, who did that to the fullest. He grew up in the rich suburbs but for some reason was intensely attracted to the ghetto. He started going there, joined a gang, did shootings went to jail and all that stuff, but then one day he ended up butchered up and found in a dumpster. He did manage to gain a lot of respect though before he died, so he was actually very successful in his mission to become hood, but what's the point of all that if you're going to die in the end? That's what I think.

When you said earlier that you hung out with ghetto blacks and poor Mexicans in the past, what did you do become their friend?

Overall I think I would rather go to the decent clubs where I can just fuck some decent black women and don't have to become immersed into the whole ghetto lifestyle.

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Thanks again. If I understood you correctly, you told me if I'm not a member of the hood culture they will not take me seriously. Why does someone have to be hood just to be respected? I feel that a guy who treats people right deserves to be respected as a human being even if he's of a different culture. So my thought was they are racists for the fact that they have been groaning for decades about being mistreated just for their color yet they look upon you as goofy just because you're a white guy. But that's life. And there's nothing I can do about that. It's a lot of hypocrites in the world. I'm sure not all are like that though.

I don't know for certain either. But here is why I think so. The thing is that I'm a very fiery, energetic guy. I'm also very sexual. I've stunned girls in the past with my forwardness. I love black women not only because in my opinion they're the prettiest but also because I think in their culture they don't have so much shame about expressing sexuality. For example they love to wear the kind of nails that in the white suburbs would be considered "for prostitutes", "for whores" etc. But I don't think so at all. I love the way they dress. I really admire how openly sexual they are. It seems to me they accept escalation more readily than other types of women.

That is optimally what I was looking for. Look at this club for instance, which is owned by a nice guy, a former NBA player: https://www.instagram.com/society2201/

Compare that to this one: https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/2...anks-lil-durk-brother-dthang-shot-harvey-club

I think they're two different kinds of clubs, though both are black. I think it's a no-brainer that the former is better for me. If big tough gangsters can't even survive in the latter, then that says it all.

My idea was to get a guy who owes me a few favors to come with. He's in his 50s but he's an MMA expert. Besides guys who owe me favors I'm certain none of my friends would want to go, yeah. It would be laughable to ask some white suburban friends of mine to come. I'd have to get some hood black friends and then go with them. I understand what you're saying about flexibility though. What if I simply got her number and then called the chick the next day? Would she have lost all interest by then?

You could probably slip them some cash for them to side with you, couldn't you?


Do you mean hang out with just regular hood guys or full blown gangsters? To me, the line between the two seems to be blurry.

I don't like the sound of that...if I understand you correctly. Particularly because I'm past the age where I would be willing to have a fist fight with a guy in order to "gain his respect". I'm simply too mature for that type of kiddie stuff. Their lifestyles are too wild and animalistic. I also don't want to put my freedom at risk, by having to do things like beat people up in public in order to maintain my respect in the circle.
Furthermore I wouldn't even know where to start. Where and how would I go about making these friends? I think there would be the danger of them simply pretending to be my friend only to rob me later on, or make me their fall guy; I've heard of that happening. They'll look at me as white and won't believe that I'm serious. I'd probably have to do something drastic, something hardcore just to be taken serious. Which again, I have no desire to do.

I know there was one such guy, a white rapper by the name of EBE Bandz, who did that to the fullest. He grew up in the rich suburbs but for some reason was intensely attracted to the ghetto. He started going there, joined a gang, did shootings went to jail and all that stuff, but then one day he ended up butchered up and found in a dumpster. He did manage to gain a lot of respect though before he died, so he was actually very successful in his mission to become hood, but what's the point of all that if you're going to die in the end? That's what I think.

When you said earlier that you hung out with ghetto blacks and poor Mexicans in the past, what did you do become their friend?

Overall I think I would rather go to the decent clubs where I can just fuck some decent black women and don't have to become immersed into the whole ghetto lifestyle.
Dude, if you feel like you need a bodyguard or to slip people cash to not fuck with you… maybe that’s a hint you should not go.

But hey, you seem determined to make poor life decisions so go ahead and have at it.

My suggestion: if you like black girls, find non ghetto places they go and approach them there. Nothing to be gained from hanging with low class people in low class environments.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
My suggestion: if you like black girls, find non ghetto places they go and approach them there. Nothing to be gained from hanging with low class people in low class environments.

Also, not all black girls are ghetto. Quite the contrary. I have had 5 in Paris. None were ghetto aside from one, which I met at a gay-ghetto event (gay guys from the hood - where event, but totally chill)
