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Has anyone met Chase in real life?

Captain CornontheCob

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 11, 2013
Like the title says, has anyone here met him in real life, if so what kind of impression did he make, have you seen how he converses with the ladies. I know this might be an awkward question, seeing as how these are his boards and you can't really say your opinion of him if it is not favorable(but I imagine people can only say good things about him) so its okay.

He seems to me like a really chill and cool dude to hang out with( damn I feel like one of those gossipy girls) and I would definitely buy him a beer or more if I met him.
So yea I'm curious if any of you have met him.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take