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Hassle Free Way To Get Her Name


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
This is an easy tweak you can implement right away.

If your approach is not well executed or your vibe is off, theres a chance the girl will be hesitant about revealing her name to you when you ask her for it. One of two scenarios will happen: A) she will be non-compliant and outright refuse to tell you or B) she will ask why you want her name using a suspicious tone of voice. Both scenarios are not constructive and hinder you.

You can avoid this situation simply by introducing yourself instead of asking, “What’s your name?”

If she’s uncomfortable with sharing her name with you then she won’t tell you it after you introduce yourself. This is no big deal because you have not called attention to her reluctance. The conversation can continue as normal.

However if she is comfortable with sharing her name with you then she will tell you it after you tell her your name.

This is a lower effort way to get her name compared to asking for it - she offered it to you after you told her yours. However it’s not the lowest effort way. Once you get good, girls will be asking YOU for your name.
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