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Have/Would you change your profession/job to become more attractive to women or to get laid more easily?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2021
Same as the title. I have observed that some professions (low end to high end) make you more attractive to women than others, even if those professions personally don't make you a lot of money or provide you with very high status. These professions maybe from pretty much local musicians (singers, guitarists, mostly in a band), DJs, bar tenders, bouncers, waiters, below average athletes, lifeguard, photographers (for models) or even a teacher (for some).

There is another set of profession with both high status and money like male nurses, firemen, men in military or navy, pilots, doctors, etc. (because of uniform; I guess), which attract tons of women.

So, please share your thoughts on this. What are other jobs/professions where you can get laid more easily? And, have/would you change your profession for the sake of bettering your chances with women?
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
Respectfully think you’re looking at this all wrong.

Take a job/profession because it fulfils your needs not because it *might* get you more girls

You can then have hobbies that put you in close proximity with girls IE dance, photography, life drawing, literally anything creative skews girls.

To get started just join classes in your area.

It’s overkill though, if you get good at (daygame, nightgame or online) you won’t need it.

With that said the guys getting laid the most as part of their job are promoters for night clubs.

If you want to go that route, became a regular at a club you like, make friends with staff, bring some girls to them on their guest list, learn the ropes under their wing then go out on your own.

Bartender is overrated (I’ve been one) the added opportunities weren’t worth the late nights