- Joined
- Oct 27, 2013
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- 15
Hi All -
TL;DR - A 7.5 girl approached me, we played pool, she qualified me as a bf, she rejected my attempt for a kiss stating shes too classy, i got her number and stated we need to hang out sometime soon. We hugged and departed. I left without saying goodbye and she sent me a very cold text (see below for the text conversation). At this point I will call her Saturday to setup a date and hope for the best.
So I just came back from work in PA not meeting any girls being very bored over the last few days. That being said, I decided to go out to a happy hour with a few friends. I got dressed and ready to go and headed out to the bar. I wanted to stop at the mall and meet up with this other girl that I had met while trying on new shirts. We were supposed to meet at 8 so I went in at 7:40. She had apparently left at 7:30 but failed to tell me this so I never saw her. Needles to say, my night started sour, haha.
So I got to the bar which was about 20-30 minutes away (thinking logistics) from my house. I got in and the place was fairly crowded but I quickly found my friends and started chatting. In particular, I found a potential new wing man. I live in the DC Metro area so this is vital to a successful night out, sometimes. I surveyed the area for attractive females and noted a few, but they were in large groups making it a challenge to approach with minimal awkwardness.
There was one girl in our group that had recently broken up with her boyfriend of 2 years. I could have pursued this one for sex but I decided to pass on her and continue with the girl I met this night.
After about 30 minutes of chatting with my friends, a girl approaches me saying, "I think you are extremely cute and just had to buy you a beer. I noticed you from over there."
Me: Thanks! What's your name?
Her: Mary, nice to meet you.
(She exits and I thank her for the beer sort of taken back by this. What I should have done was not let her leave and continued the conversation)
After about 10 minutes I buy her a beer and walk over to the table she's sitting at.
Me: I thought I should reciprocate the favor, here's a beer.
Her: Oh thanks!
Me: How about we go over to the pool tables and play a game?
Her: I am so bad at pool, I really am.
Me: So am I! We can be horrible together!
Her: Okay lets go, but I am telling you I am awful, like seriously!
After this we play pool for about 30 minutes. She deeps dives me like crazy. definitely qualifying me for boyfriend material. At one point I comment that she is qualifying me extremely hard. She says she just likes to ask questions! Also she asks me my age. Now she looks older than me, I guessed that she was 25 and she was. I am 22 but I worry if I say that i am 22 she will disqualify me from everything and leave, so I say 23 but turning 24 soon. She proceeds to tell me how old she it, and I convince her otherwise. (In hindsight this may or may not come back to bite me)
So eventually her friend comes along and pulls her away for some reason, bathroom I think. My friend comes over and asks how things were doing. I tell him great but need to escalate a bit for a kiss.
So she comes back and I decide we should go out side for a minute for fresh air. She agrees and we do. When we get into the elevator I approach for the kiss, she turns her head and says that shes to classy for a kiss on the first meetup. (In hind sight, this could have been avoided had I picked up on the serious boyfriend qualification early on.) So I play the rejection cool, noting that she has serious balls for approaching a guy risking rejection. She continues that she is a confident woman and doesn't take shit from anyone. ( At this point, I know there will be no sex for the night and I begin to qualify her for possible girlfriend material, not that I am actively looking but you never know!)
We hang outside for a bit and then head back in. In the elevator I tell her that we definitely need to go out and grab her number. ( I am grabbing the number at a high point in the interaction here) We agree it should be somewhere but I will call later for followup. We leave the elevator and she says that she is worried that she is keeping me from my friends (clearly she wants to split up for a bit) so i agree we should part for now. We hug and leave (To me means the night between us is over and I should head out).
I chat up my friends for a but and decide its time to leave. I leave with the girl who just broke up with her bf and there's a bit of sexual tension. I could have moved on this and invited myself to her place (she lives alone) to see if I could keep her company for the night. Also she has no work tomorrow so logistically it works. I decide not to proceed and simply go home with the victory for the night. I send the icebreaker text and elicit an immediate warm response. At this point, I am elated for a successful night out although being rejected for the kiss sucked.
About 30 minutes later I get a text from her.
Her: Did you leave without saying goodbye!
Me: I did! I apologize, I will make it up to you with a glass of your favorite red wine when we go out
(Right now I am banging my head against a wall because I nearly perfected the interaction only to unsuccessfully end it. The most important part!)
She replies: OK Well I hope that still happens. (To me this means I am in the doghouse and will have to get a stroke of luck to get her out with me)
I reply: It will, I'll call you soon. be safe, don't get into any trouble tonight
( I wanted to still be warm and mature about this)
The plan is to CALL her on Saturday around 7. At this point, I feel that a text will only further enrage her and generate thoughts of immaturity ( can't say good bye or call me to set up a date?)
Any ideas on this, I really should have said goodnight but I took our last hug to mean we were done. Definitely will learn from this encounter.
TL;DR - A 7.5 girl approached me, we played pool, she qualified me as a bf, she rejected my attempt for a kiss stating shes too classy, i got her number and stated we need to hang out sometime soon. We hugged and departed. I left without saying goodbye and she sent me a very cold text (see below for the text conversation). At this point I will call her Saturday to setup a date and hope for the best.
So I just came back from work in PA not meeting any girls being very bored over the last few days. That being said, I decided to go out to a happy hour with a few friends. I got dressed and ready to go and headed out to the bar. I wanted to stop at the mall and meet up with this other girl that I had met while trying on new shirts. We were supposed to meet at 8 so I went in at 7:40. She had apparently left at 7:30 but failed to tell me this so I never saw her. Needles to say, my night started sour, haha.
So I got to the bar which was about 20-30 minutes away (thinking logistics) from my house. I got in and the place was fairly crowded but I quickly found my friends and started chatting. In particular, I found a potential new wing man. I live in the DC Metro area so this is vital to a successful night out, sometimes. I surveyed the area for attractive females and noted a few, but they were in large groups making it a challenge to approach with minimal awkwardness.
There was one girl in our group that had recently broken up with her boyfriend of 2 years. I could have pursued this one for sex but I decided to pass on her and continue with the girl I met this night.
After about 30 minutes of chatting with my friends, a girl approaches me saying, "I think you are extremely cute and just had to buy you a beer. I noticed you from over there."
Me: Thanks! What's your name?
Her: Mary, nice to meet you.
(She exits and I thank her for the beer sort of taken back by this. What I should have done was not let her leave and continued the conversation)
After about 10 minutes I buy her a beer and walk over to the table she's sitting at.
Me: I thought I should reciprocate the favor, here's a beer.
Her: Oh thanks!
Me: How about we go over to the pool tables and play a game?
Her: I am so bad at pool, I really am.
Me: So am I! We can be horrible together!
Her: Okay lets go, but I am telling you I am awful, like seriously!
After this we play pool for about 30 minutes. She deeps dives me like crazy. definitely qualifying me for boyfriend material. At one point I comment that she is qualifying me extremely hard. She says she just likes to ask questions! Also she asks me my age. Now she looks older than me, I guessed that she was 25 and she was. I am 22 but I worry if I say that i am 22 she will disqualify me from everything and leave, so I say 23 but turning 24 soon. She proceeds to tell me how old she it, and I convince her otherwise. (In hindsight this may or may not come back to bite me)
So eventually her friend comes along and pulls her away for some reason, bathroom I think. My friend comes over and asks how things were doing. I tell him great but need to escalate a bit for a kiss.
So she comes back and I decide we should go out side for a minute for fresh air. She agrees and we do. When we get into the elevator I approach for the kiss, she turns her head and says that shes to classy for a kiss on the first meetup. (In hind sight, this could have been avoided had I picked up on the serious boyfriend qualification early on.) So I play the rejection cool, noting that she has serious balls for approaching a guy risking rejection. She continues that she is a confident woman and doesn't take shit from anyone. ( At this point, I know there will be no sex for the night and I begin to qualify her for possible girlfriend material, not that I am actively looking but you never know!)
We hang outside for a bit and then head back in. In the elevator I tell her that we definitely need to go out and grab her number. ( I am grabbing the number at a high point in the interaction here) We agree it should be somewhere but I will call later for followup. We leave the elevator and she says that she is worried that she is keeping me from my friends (clearly she wants to split up for a bit) so i agree we should part for now. We hug and leave (To me means the night between us is over and I should head out).
I chat up my friends for a but and decide its time to leave. I leave with the girl who just broke up with her bf and there's a bit of sexual tension. I could have moved on this and invited myself to her place (she lives alone) to see if I could keep her company for the night. Also she has no work tomorrow so logistically it works. I decide not to proceed and simply go home with the victory for the night. I send the icebreaker text and elicit an immediate warm response. At this point, I am elated for a successful night out although being rejected for the kiss sucked.
About 30 minutes later I get a text from her.
Her: Did you leave without saying goodbye!
Me: I did! I apologize, I will make it up to you with a glass of your favorite red wine when we go out
She replies: OK Well I hope that still happens. (To me this means I am in the doghouse and will have to get a stroke of luck to get her out with me)
I reply: It will, I'll call you soon. be safe, don't get into any trouble tonight
The plan is to CALL her on Saturday around 7. At this point, I feel that a text will only further enrage her and generate thoughts of immaturity ( can't say good bye or call me to set up a date?)
Any ideas on this, I really should have said goodnight but I took our last hug to mean we were done. Definitely will learn from this encounter.