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LR  HB Victory


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
LR: HB Victory

A field report with a happy ending:

The report describes the same kind of game I used to run on most of my dates in China. These girls were typically in the looks department 7-8.5s, quite well-educated, and in their early-mid 20s. The girl this LR is about differs from what I’ve become used to from my time in China – she is a Philippina girl in Denmark who is a 6 in terms of looks, is 30 years old, and an au pair. This was more of an opportunistic lay since I met her on a chat app, and she gave me a lot of compliance from the start.

I’m wondering what you think about the game that is outlined below and how it relates to Chinese girls, and why I was unable to lay most of my numerous dates in China with this kind of game. This LR will focus heavily on technique and is quite long, so please bear with me.

I chatted her up on the chatapp WeChat in Denmark recently. She immediately says she is not Chinese, but Philippina. I think to myself: “Myself! That’s awesome!”, since Philippina girls in my experience tend to be quite DTF. I get super much compliance from the moment we start chatting, and the day after she suggests that we do a late night video skype call. We video call for about 50 minutes and I ask her out for the following evening.

We meet at Hellerup Station in Copenhagen at 7.30 PM. We hug each other when she gets there, and I then make sure we sit next to each other in the café. Throughout the date I make an effort to keep chilled, and not throw jokes around like in the past.

We talk a bit about what she likes about Denmark – she says it’s so organized… and I interject: “and you think Danish guys are HOT!” (lightly framing her as a sexual person). She usually sits with her friends in this café next to the window… “so she and he friends can check out all hot guys”, as I say. She laughs and hits my shoulder. She says that Philippina guys don’t do it for her, and that only Western guys do.

She later tells me that she often goes out to drink with her girlfriends in discos, but she “never does anything with the guys who come and dance with her or buy her drinks”. I say yeah right, and give her a teasing and knowing look.

I qualify a few times by saying how outgoing she is and how great that is, because people like that are just easier and more fun to talk to. She then tells me how she considered studying tourism in Denmark – I qualify by saying that she seems quite outgoing and would make a good guide. She studied history and politics in the Philippines; I tell her about my own fascination with history, and how thinking about history feels like time traveling, and she agrees. I tell her about the ruins of the first castle in Copenhagen that is now underneath the Parliament and how fantastic it is… We seem to connect better from this point.

She is making an active effort to learn Danish. I qualify her through my standard way of qualifying by saying: “I had a Chinese girlfriend once who lived in Denmark for five years – and she didn’t bother to learn the language. I didn’t really think that showed respect to the host country. A lot of people are like that when they go to other countries to live – but you put in the effort to learn, and that’s pretty cool. It was the same for me when I was in China. Learning a new language is really difficult and requires a lot of persistence, so I’m guessing you must be quite ambitious.” (Qualifying and relating).

I build comfort by just talking about her coming to Europe and her feelings about it. It’s all pretty rational; her getting picked up by her Danish host family, going to the police to register, etc. I tell her about me having to do the same in Beijing, etc. Then I take her hand and do a quick bullshit cold read – this line says that you will meet a tall and handsome Danish guy who will change your life, and he will take you for tea at Hellerup Station, this other line… notice how very long and deep it is… that’s the stupid line… She can’t stop laughing. (Cycling comfort game and attraction game).
We then talk about traveling, and how she has been to Barcelona and other places in Europe. I ask her deep comfort questions like: if you could go anywhere in the world, and money and time are not important, where would it be, and why. I fluff around this for a bit, before she says France. I say: “Ah, because French guys are tall, dark, mysterious, and handsome?” (again framing her sexually). In general I keep the attraction game at a minimum.

At this point when the conversation is light I decide to sexualize by running the Northen Light routine and I immediately after follow up with Strawberry Fields:

1) Northen Light routine: A bullshit story about how Chinese people love to go to northern Sweden on their honey moon to make love under the northern lights, because they think their baby will become as smart as Einstein. Obviously if she and I did that and we had a baby, the smart part would come not from her … … … but from me! (said while pointing at myself). She laughs and hits me.

2) We then play strawberry fields and she eats a full 19 strawberries, which I make sure to let her know doesn’t surprise me (the strawberries represent the number of lovers she will have in her life). Having thus turned things more explicitly sexual I immediately throw in two LMR inocculators in succession to preempt LMR from potentially arising later:

LMR inocculator 1:
“How I have a friend in Copenhagen who met his first girlfriend when he was 15 and she was 14, and how they later married. Now they are both in their mid-30s and still love each other and have kids…. But I wouldn’t be surprised if they had been unfaithful to each other at some point. The world is not black and white – sex IS an amazing part of life and at some level I can accept that they sleep around, especially since they started dating each other so early. Some people are judgemental and would not be able to accept such a thing, but again, the world is not black and white, and I would never judge any of them for that, because they are both good people and love each other”. She nods and agrees. (I communicate I am not judgemental about sex and that sex is a natural thing).

LMR inocculator 2:
“How I met a girl at a disco in Beijing and we felt a really strong connection and a spark, and then we went back to my place that same night, and then things just… happened. Some people would think that is a bad thing and that it was just too fast, but we were both caught up in the moment, and I didn’t think less of her for giving in to the moment. Some guys might have judged her, but that’s not the kind of person I want to be – and afterwards we started dating for a few months. She was a pretty cool person…” (I communicate how I don’t judge girls who bang out fast).

This allows for a good transition into her romantic past, so I ask her about her previous boyfriends in Norway and Denmark to elicit her sexual history. She then tells me about her first Danish BF, and how they had sex on the third date. This gives me an indication of when I can expect to close her and also tells me that she is open, since she is willing to share such information with me. She becomes really moody when she talks about him –he left her from one day to the next and with no prior warning. I decide to change the subject by having her show me pictures on her iPhone. (Here making sure to keep her thoughts away from emotionally heavy stuff, and to maintain a light conversational tone. I also retract kino).

It turns how she has a lot of pictures of her own paintings on her iPhone. The paintings are pretty decent and I make sure to compliment her on them. I then say that most people when they are little are super creative – that’s why kids all draw a lot of stuff and even if the stuff is bad they keep at it, and they keep singing when it sounds nice or terrible, etc. But when people grow older they generally become less creative because they have listened too much to other people’s criticisms and hence hold back, so that’s why it’s really refreshing to meet somebody who paints. I relate and DHV on the creativity part by telling her about my own piano-learning experience; how my parents forced me to take classes when I was younger, how I never practiced, but then suddenly started to enjoy it and then kept at it, and started to study classical piano music.

I then ask her about the feelings she has when she paints. She feels relaxed, calm, and in her own world. I point out to her that she must then paint to express her thoughts and feelings, and then qualify her some more; most people don’t do anything creative, they just want to watch TV to relax, but she paints to relax; that’s pretty different.

She then proceeds to tell me that she also wrote poetry when she was in love … I let her know again that that’s awesome, and then tell her about how I also wrote poetry when I was 17 years old, and also over a girl. (Supplicating, maybe, but we’re having a flowing conversation and connecting).

Then she goes back to talk about her ex-BF who dumped her, and she tells me how easily she can fall in love. During this part I again retract my kino, since I don’t want my touch to be linked to her negative feelings. I try to change the subject so she doesn’t brood over her ex BFs… but she keeps talking about how vulnerable she is. She then tilts her head to the side and looks up at me sideways with a prolonged, deep stare ….I go “aaaaaawwww” while pulling her in and putting my forehead against her forehead (compliance testing first), then when she complies, we start to kiss. I pull away first each time. A few times she lets me touch the bare skin of her breasts in the café, which suggests a high level of compliance and therefore that she is probably DTF.

I then seed a day2, with a concrete date, time, and activity (yeah, should have done so before the makeout). We’re going to build a snowman and go for a walk in the forest . She first agrees, then starts to argue that she doesn’t want to build a snowman, and she says she’s already been to the place I seeded several times (which is very close to where I’m currently staying). She is sitting with her cell phone at the time, and I change the subject by telling her to show me some more of her pictures – to get her mind off her objections about going to the place that I seeded. After the first makeout, we stick around for another 25 minutes making out and small-talking and then head home separately.

I have a council of war with myself whether I should take a bus to the station and meet her there, or let her take the bus to my place alone because I am lazy. I decide to go and pick her up to put more pictures in her mind of me and her in different situations, and because I have promised to pick her up to begin with, in order to be able to better lead the progression, and because it might create bad vibes for the bounce to the sex location if I don’t go to pick her up.

Everything works smoothly, we walk in the forest, and I casually tell her that my place is in the neighbour-hood to preemptively reduce her surprise in that regard. She suddenly takes out a big camera and starts to shoot pictures. I make sure to qualify her on her interest in photography and dig deeper to get the background story. I take her past an old fortress and use the opportunity to seed watching my pictures from an old castle I’ve been to in China, then I invite her for a cup of tea “because it is getting cold outside”. She asks where, and I say: “it’s just around the corner, it’s my parents’ place, they’re not at home, but I want to take you there so we can see the pictures of the Chinese castle”. I add the last statement to remind her of why we need to go there to address any potential resistance before it can arise.

When we get there I take her on a quick tour around the house, and then lead her to my bedroom where I have my computer. I take it and put it on a chair, so we can sit on the bed together and watch the pictures. This escalation move is preplanned, of course, and is the exact point where I lost girl after girl in China. But with this Philippina girl it’s a smooth donkey ride through the Gates of Jerusalem...

- I sound Machiavellian and manipulative in my LR : D
- I should probably not game Philippina girls in the future. In Denmark most of them are au pairs and seem super ready to marry the first guy who comes along, and whereas she is an interesting person, the secure-me-financially-right-now!-thing is a great turnoff, and dating such girls conflicts with my ego. Sad but true.

- I pulled off my grand game plan of chilling, qualifying, building comfort, downplaying attraction game,
seeding day 2 activities, planting two LMR inocculators, sexualizing verbally, and applying kino pull-push.
- I cycled through AQC game well.
- I correctly interpreted and acted on her stick-your-wet-tongue-into-my-face-right-now expression.
- I lead smoothly to the sex location, and addressed potential resistance before it could arise.
- I pulled off my day2 plan without a hitch and got laid.

- Become better at sexualizing non-verbally. I must put greater attention on having stronger and more seductive eye contact while sitting side-by-side so I can get in under the radar rather than by sexualizing verbally.
- I must cultivate more calm body language during the date.
- get better logistics. It sucks to be staying with my parents even though it’s only temporary. It’s killing my game!
- figure out a way to make sex more enjoyable; all those burning muscles and heavy panting make it less fun and make me want to stop after 10-20 minutes.

1) How do you guys avoid losing your breath and getting burning muscles from sex? It’s really uncomfortable and takes away much of the fun. It makes it feel like hard work

Take breaks? Change positions more often? Let the girl work more herself?

2) I find that I generally qualify girls by relating what she is saying to personal experiences of mine where I typically point out how lame many other people are, and then making her aware that she is doing things differently and better, and how I think that is great, like in the examples above. Any comments?

3) Any comments on anything else? I am still unsure of what I did not do right in China since I only laid about 20-25% of my numerous dates there even after my four coaching experiences there. In China I mainly ran game like the kind outlined in this LR. The only major difference is that in China I sexualized less and only started to use LMR inocculators on every date for the last month that I was there - which still failed to get me laid with the absolutely stunning Miss Hong Kong 2012 pageant who I went on two dates with the last time I was in HK : (


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012

This field report deserves a lot of attention, I hope some of the other boys chime in.
There's a lot worth discussing.

First off—congratulations! Bringing a girl back to your parents home while they're out is no small feat!
Filipinas ARE DTF, and quite often very uninhibited in bed!
Also, they're often either:
—looking for a husband motivated primarily by financial needs
—married already but only see their husbands once/year when they visit home

Regarding sex/being tired/etc. Let's get some feedback from the others, I don't really have that problem, and I'm probably twice your age.
Are you out of shape? If so—start doing cardio...I prefer boxing and martial arts myself, but the fastest way to
improve your cardio is Interval running. Try 1-3 minutes as fast and hard as you can, followed by 30-60 seconds rest. Repeat 5 times, 3 times a week and your endurance will be amazing in a month. Besides that, you can always switch positions more often, and let her be on top for a while. Doggy style when you are standing at the side of the bed and she's on all fours at the edge of the bed is also low energy output...although that one sometimes makes me sore the next day.

Regarding China game...sounds like you're back, so maybe a moot point. I was there for almost 20 years, so if you go back, reach out to me.
I really like your pre-emptive innoculators,

One thing I question about your game (unless it is working well consistently) is that you sound REALLY Scandinavian!
What I mean is: you're very technical/methodical/intellectual.
Tactics are tactics... but ultimately if you're comfortable and confident that's more important.
I wonder if you possibly get a bit nervous sometimes and 'try too hard' to get everything in order, just right, etc?

Well done Laowai! 恭喜恭喜你!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Landlord, you right. I just got to read this. Didn't notice it on the boards. It's really good stuff. Awesome Laowai. :)



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013
I don't think you're LMR innoculators have to be sexual in nature. I usually avoid direct conversation about sex on a first date unless the dialogue is initiated by her. Innuendo is fine, but I think too much sex talk- then she knows exactly what you're after, and there's no more intrigue. I do make it a point to make plenty of general statements about various things to paint myself as completely non-judgmental as possible.

Here is an example:

Her: I just got a speeding ticket yesterday! Going 88 in a 65 mpg zone. It's my 2nd one in less than 2 months! I know it's soooo dangerous to other people on the road. I'm so bad!
Me: Oh now, everyone does it! You just got caught. Maybe try not getting caught next time *coy smile*

If you can fit in a few of these about several subjects, I think it helps quite a bit subconsciously without "letting the cat out of the bag" with regard to the sex talk. I've had girls completely stop paying attention to me and basically flee from the date when I've brought up the subject of sex.

Otherwise, awesome job! Sounds like this interaction gave you quite a bit to learn from, even though it was a success. That's a double whammy! :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Guys, thanks for reading through it and for your feedback.

- Landlord, you're definitely right about Philippina girls being DTF. I've dated a few and they were all quite "easy"... what bothers me a bit is, as you say, in my experience many of them seem to be motivated by financial needs, and oftentimes they date guys who are super chodes because they want to marry guys who they perceive as stable.

Regarding gaming Chinese girls in the Chinese mainland, I find them super subtle and oftentimes difficult to deal with. They are not as DTF as many Westerners would believe them to be, and they have to be gamed in a certain way. I met many of my dates in China through day game, and while most of them were really good-looking and quite easy to get on dates with, in my experience closing them was another matter. ASD and LMR are very real issues in China for a lot of guys, even me - and I've been trained by four coaches, including Chase and a guy called RedpoleQ who is specialized in Asian girls. Even girls I met through night game would commonly throw up barriers against sexscalation, even though they were all very compliant and receptive to kino escalation and I'd always end sitting with my hand on their thighs with theirs on mine, and the other hand around their slim and petite waists.

If I sound methodical and technical, it's because I've been on dates with well above 100 girls since I started gaming 4,5 years ago and have come to recognize certain structurual elements on the dates and topics that always seem to come up during dates. I did not close the majority of my dates in China because I couldn't break through the barriers; I seemed to be always a few steps from the major breakthrough, but it kept eluding me. Hence, I spent a good deal of time pondering, breaking down dates in details, and getting feedback from guys who were more experienced than me to try to pinpoint what was keeping me from laying most of my dates. I think I finally realized what it is through correspondance with, amongst others, Chase and BlueMystery, in addition to what I'd suspected for a while; a lack of sexualizing and sexual tension and lack of LMR inocculators. I'm VERY curious to see how I'll do as soon as I start gaming again (temporarily staying with my parents after I moved back from China on the outskirts of Copenhagen, away from all the temptations on the street).

What's your experience with Chinese girls? Does my experience resonate with yours?

- ZacAdam, thanks for your kind words. Glad if the techniques outlined above can be of use to you. In Asia, usually setting up a day2 or day3 in advance with date and time, before you bounce the girls home, can help you reduce LMR, since the girls will then think it's more serious, and you don't just wanna bang them, because they know they are going to meet you again. It's a comfort move that's quite effective and helps with LMR inocculators, which communicate that you don't judge them as sluts / being cheap for banging you fast.

- NarrowJ, thanks for your suggestions. However, there are different ways you can talk about sex. If it's about her and sex it might communicate just what you're writing, but if it's sex in general in terms of relationships (as in my LMR inocculators) AND with not too many explicit sexual details, you should be good to go. Otherwise you're right, and your example of double meanings to build sexual tension is quite good and something I often also make use of if a good vibe has been established on the date.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Laowai! Breaking out trusty old Strawberry Fields, eh?

Glad to see you hit the ground running back in DK. Welcome to the boards!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
This was a really cool LR. I have no input because taking points from me is like getting investing advice from Madoff.

However I do have questions, what do DHV and AQC stand for?


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Laowai, realized you had a question in here that the other guys responding didn't get to.

Your verbal game in the report all looks technically correct. You're doing great in that regards, and guiding and directing and steering the conversation very well.

I get the impression though that you're still trying too much to create sexual intrigue via words rather than nonverbals / body language / etc. e.g., if you're already doing it through body language, you won't need to rely on routines like Strawberry Fields (although, good use of chase framing here too!).

Maybe one way to try and think about this differently on dates is thinking about a date as one big occasion for emotional contagion. That is to say, YOU need to feel a certain way, and transfer that emotion to HER and get HER feeling that way, too. That might make it easier / less ephemeral to get a handle on. e.g., if you go around looking angry at everyone, everyone's going to start feeling either angry or frightened around you. If you go around looking like you're kind of turned on, conversely, she's either going to be aroused or repulsed - either way, good for you (you're scaring off the women who wouldn't do anything with you anyway, and drawing to you the women who would). Check out this article if you haven't seen it yet:

Sexy Body Language for Men (Learned from Hot Girls)

As you and Landlord both note, Filipinas have some of the lowest barriers to sex of any nationality in the world. Maybe even THE lowest. So if you take something that's working 25% of the time with one nationality (e.g., Chinese girls) and use it with a Filipina and get it working 75% of the time, that's to be expected.

What I'd probably suggest for now is that you try and learn emotional contagion - get yourself feeling what you'd like the women you're with to feel, and then make sure that you're projecting that emotion onto them. If you're doing a good job, their mirror neurons start picking up on it, and they start feeling it too.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Dude, I'm glad you shared this and sent me a link! Your chase framing, sexual framing, and connection-building are golden. From the outside looking in, I'd say that you're the best at connection-building/qualifying. Looking back on my dates this year, I definitely didn't qualify enough to make women feel in sync with me as much as you did.

As far as the Northern Light routine, I'm not so sure about it. I don't like to bring up babies so soon... baby-making on the other hand, sounds good... I try to avoid marriage and related topics, unless it's about the honeymoon. Do you think that this is a more advanced routine? I feel like as a newbie it may be bad.

I like the Strawberry Fields routine, and I loved the fake Palm Reading routine haha. This can lead into some good deep-diving about divination and/or good flirting like you used it. However, with the Palm Reading, she may realize that you're "gaming" her.

Again, fantastic LMR inocculators. I need to really memorize some before I go out on dates. I pretty much never do them.

I think you did great avoiding the boyfriend frame by not dwelling on negative stuff too long. The "awwww" and pull-in probably re-set the boyfriend frame against you, but since you kissed her, I think it didn't matter.

This escalation move is preplanned, of course, and is the exact point where I lost girl after girl in China.

What happened here with the girls in China?

Great LR man, congrats. Philippina girls are hot, and the ones I have met are usually feisty.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
So this is how it's done huh? Haha, I'll be using this as a dating template for my two upcoming dates. I'll keep reading it to get it into my subconscious and I can remember it as I go.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers