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LR  HB8 Brunette and banana play


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 19, 2013
I was at the grocery store on a weekday evening shopping for produce. While browsing an HB8 Brunette was trying to find the perfect pair of bannans.*If that's not the perfect setup, I don't know what is. ;) I observational approach and say "Trying to find the perfect bunch?" She smiles and I continue "I'm also picky about my bannans." She laughs and I comment that the ones she's holding are a tad bruised, she responds "I actually like them that way." I tease her about her odd taste then ask her name. I follow up with "What's your profession" She says "I work for such and such nonprofit." I respond "Well I hate helping people so we probably can't be friends." She laughs and then asks me about my profession. I ask her a question then tease her about her response, comment on her humility when she brags about her fashion sense. This continues for a few minutes. I ask her if she's in a rush. She says no. I tell her I need to finish my shopping but ask if she wants to meet up for coffee after shopping. She says "yes." I hand her my phone and tell her I'll text her when I'm done shopping. She say's ok and walks away excitedly.

Framing and Rapport
I'm mostly finished shopping when I met her but I intentionally browse a while longer, then find one more item to buy. I run into her in the dairy section accidentally and comment "Your doing much better then me." As she had added items to her cart and I still had the same two. I mention "I feel like I'm forgetting something." She teases me about my two items. I wander away looking puzzled by my options. She tells me "Let me know if you need any help." and smiles. I text her about 10 minutes later and ask her to meet me at checkout. We meetup after paying and realize we both live in the same apt complex. I asked her if it was cool if I stopped by my apt before heading to coffee to drop of my perishable groceries. Asked her to meet me in about 15 minutes at a local coffee shop. She then texted 10 minutes later "Actually really hungry, can we grab food instead?" I told her she was reading my mind and we met up at a nearby taco joint. She picked me up, and we ate and talked for about an hour. During the conversation I continued to playfully tease her and returned most questions she asked me. I transitioned to conversation about movies and tv shows. I asked if she was interested in watching an episode of one of the shows we both enjoy as I have a netflix subscription and she doesn't. She said she'd like that. We continued talking about our favorite shows as we walked back to the car. During the car ride we talked about music tastes.

First kiss and sexual escalation
I gave her a quick tour of my apartment to help build her comfort and then asked what she'd like to drink and gave her some options. I had some Prosecco that I poured for both of us and then sat beside her after handing her a glass. I then let her take a couple sips and ask a couple more questions before I sat my glass down, took her glass and set it down then leaned toward her and lifted her chin with my fingers and kissed her. I then went back to normal conversation. I few moments later I start playing with her hair and remove her scarf. I would pull back, resume conversation and every few moments would kiss to interrupt her. I'd pull back and comment on what a fast mover she was and wasn't sure I could keep up with her speed teasing her. I then began soft kissing all over her face. I'd pull away for a few movements, give her my irristable eyes then resume the kissing down her neck and along her exposed chest. I then pulled back and smile and stare some more. I then resume kissing her face and slowly moving my hand down her shirt and playing with her nipples. She likes this but again I pull away, smile, stare and tease her about how fast she moves and how many boys she's lured away with bananas. I then pull her into me and onto my lap. She is very slender and light. I kiss her face and tell her she's moving really fast. She demurres. I unbutton her pants and unzip them, I then pick her up by her legs and tell her I don't want her being exposed when my roommate comes home and carry her into my bedroom and lay her on her back on my bed. She's ready to go and I pull away and tease her asking if she was wanting a kiss or something. She smiles and says no, she's perfectly comfortable. I pause for a moment and then move to the bed an slowly climb over her. I kiss her and begin unbuttoning her blouse commenting about her liking textures. I take off her shirt kiss her some more than have her help me with mine. I kiss down her body and then remove her pants and panties in one go. I then kiss her back up to her face, back down again and give her oral for a few minutes. Once she seems primed, I grab a condom put it on then get to business.
Let's just say yoga might be a new qualifier for me for future women.

Morning after
We went a few times for about 2 hours and she stayed the night. I woke her up with another 20 minute round then made her breakfast.

Thanks guys for the articles and feedback, finally staring to enjoy the ride. :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 9, 2013
Yeah not much to say, except great job! You seemed to do everything right from your approach to sexual escalation to your close. I'm a fan of how you kept pulling away, leaving her wanting more.

Just one question, during your time at the taco joint, just wondering if you were specifically building kino or attempting to sexually frame or was it just normal conversation with no "sexualness" until you reached your apartment and made your move?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 19, 2013
Thanks Tyme and Sly, seeing the value of these Field Reports first hand. :)

Sly said:
Just one question, during your time at the taco joint, just wondering if you were specifically building kino or attempting to sexually frame or was it just normal conversation with no "sexualness" until you reached your apartment and made your move?
I'm actually beginning to see the value in delaying their gratification by teasing them as long as possible. It seems to get them really aroused and excited when you're finally in a private spot and begin escalating with the first kiss. I think Franco mentioned in a board post not to give them anything except accidental contact until AFTER the first kiss. I did exactly that and have to say that advice seems solid.

As to the sexual framing I did it all with words. The banana setup made this fairly easy, I would mention it a few times throughout the evening. For example while I was giving the tour of my apartment, she commented on the two bunches of bananas on my kitchen counter (both my Roomate and I eat them regularly). I turned her tease around and said "I know how much you like to play with bananas, well guess what I also have wooden balls." I smiled really big and started laughing. She laughed and gave me an amused look. I said "You don't believe me? They're smelly too! I'll show you." and gestured to follow as I walked toward our bathroom. I told her to look by the sink. (Little backstory: a local gourmet grocery store had a jar filled with these scented wooden balls, they were really fragrant and inexpensive so I bought a few thinking they'd be great conversation starters.) She picked it up, smelled it then laughed. I followed up with "See I knew how much you liked playing with bananas, I figured you'd also like wooden balls."

Hope that helps!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Great stuff here, Charming! This is a model lay report, and I highly suggest all the newer members give it a read.

If I could give any advice here, it is minor, but it would be worth noting for the future in case you do encounter resistance during physical escalation (and believe me, even when you've done a flawless pull, there will STILL be women in your future who will give you resistance -- this is often based on their personal beliefs).

I kiss her and begin unbuttoning her blouse commenting about her liking textures. I take off her shirt kiss her some more than have her help me with mine. I kiss down her body and then remove her pants and panties in one go.

The only thing I would do differently here is to reverse the order of your physical escalation: unzip her pants and try to stimulate her with your hand vaginally before you remove any other articles of clothing. If you can manage to get a finger or two inside her for a couple of minutes, then much of the time you are golden because women get extremely excited with this type of foreplay and will often just let you do whatever you want to do from that point forward. I often don't even remove a girl's blouse the first time I am going for sex anymore as it just creates another possibility of resistance that can be completely avoided. Women are also used to men going for their blouse in the initial stages of physical escalation, so you throw off their train of thought by going directly for their pants, first.

Once you have sex with her the first time, she probably won't even mind taking the blouse off for you herself when you go for round 2! ;)

Awesome day-game lay report here! Look forward to seeing more from you!

- Franco


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 19, 2013
Franco said:
The only thing I would do differently here is to reverse the order of your physical escalation: unzip her pants and try to stimulate her with your hand vaginally before you remove any other articles of clothing. If you can manage to get a finger or two inside her for a couple of minutes, then much of the time you are golden because women get extremely excited with this type of foreplay and will often just let you do whatever you want to do from that point forward. I often don't even remove a girl's blouse the first time I am going for sex anymore as it just creates another possibility of resistance that can be completely avoided. Women are also used to men going for their blouse in the initial stages of physical escalation, so you throw off their train of thought by going directly for their pants, first.

Thanks for the feedback Franco! I will definitely have to give this a try in the near future. :)

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Re: STICKIED: LR: HB8 Brunette and banana play

Well done. Well Done


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 6, 2012
Re: STICKIED - LR: HB8 Brunette and banana play

Brilliant!! You sir are a sex guru.

I must read more of your articles right now,


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Re: STICKIED - LR: HB8 Brunette and banana play

Indeed, smooth as hell. A crown of laurels for you, Caesar. Remember, thou art mortal!

Only two comments:

1) I would never tell a girl how fast she is moving, not even playfully. She could go: "Yes! He's absolutely right! I don't want him to see me as a slut! I don't want ME to see me as a slut!"

2) You started escalating somewhere that was not the sex location (that being the bedroom). In doing so, you introduced a state-break, moving from the room where you started to escalate to the sex location. No need to run the risk of LMR, especially when she is moving as fast as this girl.

But she was DTF and liked you a great bit, so in this case it didn't work against you.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take