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FR  HB8 Cashier at my University


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 28, 2013
Finally grew the balls to talk to the really cute girl at the cash register. Little backstory: When I first saw her I was floored and was trying really hard not to look over at her. She is just shorter than me, 5'4"-5'5", really cute face, she is skinny, and has this rose beautiful tattoo on her right forearm. I've mentioned girls that I've opened or had interactions with, but I am genuinely interested in this girl so I am glad cos that is rare for me. I could tell she was interested in me when I first ordered cos her eyes would light up and she'd smile before but I didn't say anything a NUMBER (it's been a month and a half now... geez) of times cos I was thinking she was gonna reject me. So she went into auto-rejection (she'd try not to show interest in me, look kind of disappointed, little micro-expressions of annoyance and disdain at how at how business like I was when I would order, concise for lack of a better word) and it was getting to me cos I really wanted to let get to know her cos she's really cute. So tonight I just said screw it I'm gonna let her know what's on my mind. She took my order, I could tell she was still in that auto-rejection state, so when I saw that I just said, "You probably get this a lot, but I just wanted to tell you that I think you're really attractive." She looked down and smiled and then looked back up and said something about not thinking she was, so I said, "Of course you are", when I really wanted to say, "Me neither but I know a beautiful woman when I see one." I felt bad cos she looked sincere and wasn't testing me and I wanted to sit her down and get to know her (I like to show people how valuable they are and convert their emotions from sad to happy cos I used to have really really low self-esteem issues). I didn't want to come off as some guy that was like, "MAN YOUR FACE AND THAT BODY!!!" So I was frozen a bit, said something like, "Well... I'm probably holding everyone up" and smiled with a face like, "fuck fuck, no wait! I want to keep on talking" as she gave me my ID back along with my receipt.

All in all, I was really happy with myself, ESPECIALLY since I waited so damn long! Certainly relieving and great boost of confidence. I am frustrated with myself because I had the next parts queued up in my head, but I just didn't do it... I didn't jump over her hurdle and fell. I am rather embarrassed with myself cos I've got this sexy vibe going on and when I open my mouth, nothing. Like a pride lion who roars like a brand new baby cub. That disappoint in myself certainly fuels my desire to go again and again to get things right. Next time around, I'm gonna grab her name, ask when she gets off work, so we can grab some coffee or tea. If she is unavailable, then I'll see if she is close by campus. I only have one week to pull anything off before finals and I am going home, but whatever...

Really short interaction, nothing special. Makes me wonder how quick and easy I can make other interactions if I just dive in and follow my process. The main problem I see in the future is if I mess this up I'll see her when I go to order down at that particular cafeteria. Another problem could be the self-esteem, which could really drive me nuts if she can't see it, but I'm just gonna do it.

What do you guys think? Any tips or advice for when I see her again?
- The Wise Fool

Random note: Not masturbating certainly makes you want to talk to women. The sexual frustration drives you to get it out somehow and the only way is by interacting and getting intimate with women. I can definitely see the positive feedback loop in this, which is great! Will certainly feed it and make it bigger so it turns into a habit.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers