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help Idk where I went wrong +I got some questions



Ok i'm texting this girl I talked to at the mall and she's been responding fairly quickly, but it led to this
Me: what you up to
Her: just got off work texting you now lol, you?
Me: i'm at work now lol where do I know you from?
Her: we went to the same school together
Me: ooh did you do chess club?
Her: only for a day
Me:I think that's where I know you from anyway are you always at the mall or just when you need to work?
Her: only when I need to work
Me: alright wanna get to know each other
Then no response for like 12 hours Idk where I went wrong if I did go wrong somewhere but also a couple of questions can someone point me to some IOI and escalation info or just straight up tell me? Lol I don't care which one just help me Lolz


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hi Lambardi,

There were several mistakes with this conversation. It is evident that you haven't read Chase's articles on how to text girls.

I would start with this article here.

After you've read through that, it might help to start reading articles in the Phone / Text / Email section of Chase's blog.

Also, as a last note, never take it seriously when a girl doesn't text you back right away. I've had girls text me up to 48 hours after the last text I sent them. It just means they haven't gotten back to you yet.

Hope this helps!

- Franco


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
yes, texting "game" with those guides are the easiest part of this whole nightmare. i never failed in text since i`ve read those posts.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Dec 7, 2012
Looks to me like there's too much fluffy/irrelevant stuff! The texts need to be more concise! Seems like you want to be her friend! Have a read of the links mentioned above!


Dec 10, 2012
Given the anime reference in your signature, I'm guessing you're still in high school something-or-other. When you're in your teens or 20's and trying to procure dates, the idea is, at the very least, to sound like you're 5-10 years more mature than your peers. Eliminate a lot of the fluff in your rapport, get to the point in a timely manner, and use mostly complete sentences, words, and punctuation. Appearing to be like a silly internet geek will drastically reduce your success rate with women.

Her non-response could mean a lot of different things, and it's important to be persistent, perhaps trying to contact her again in another day or two (and never initiate your texts with "what's up?" or "what are you up to?"). Chances are you already completely blew this opportunity when you acted like you forgot who she was (don't act like an idiot just to fill conversation), nerded her out with the chess club reference before building a connection with her, and bluntly expressed "alright wanna get to know each other" (your execution was particularly creepy) after her string of cold and direct responses (someone that simply responds to questions is not being conversational and doesn't genuinely care to talk to you at the moment, and you need to wait for the [brief] conversation to reach a high note before attempting to ask her out).

For the sake of simplification, we'll call you Chase and the girl Chastity. Your texts should've went like this:

Me: Hi Chastity. It was a pleasure chatting with you earlier. I haven't seen you since [Bayside Junior High], and it's so random we ran into each other at the mall today! Do you work near here? -Chase
Her: omg i know right! yes i wrk at a&f upstairs.... so happy to be getting off wrk soon!! u?
<Wait 20 minutes.>
Me: I work near here too, but I don't get off until later. How does your afternoon look? We should catch-up over a cup of coffee. Meet me at the Starbucks downstairs at 4?
<She waits 20 minutes.>
Her: i promised my gf id help her pick out a dress for homecoming. can i get back to u?
<Wait until 3:00 p.m.>
Me: I'm getting off work in an hour and heading to Starbucks for that perfect cup of coffee. Want to come?
Her: hmm.... ok.
Me: Cool. See you then.