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OR  Help On Different Situations!


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 12, 2013
Already posted this in my Journal, and made a board post called "Approaching Situations," but just in case and for the most feedback, I am posting my report here as well.

"August 10th

Went to the mall again to return the shades I bought yesterday, they barely blocked out anything. I roamed the mall again, but couldn't find any cute girls that weren't with their mom, family, or boyfriend. The only girls that were approachable were:

- The cute girl with glasses with her friend by a kiosk. I didn't act fast enough, I had stopped on the other side for 4-5 seconds and they moved on. I should have just tapped her arm when I passed by the first time.

- The blonde girl with her other girl friend and her guy friend. I don't know how to handle approaching girls when guys are next to them, I've only done it twice, and the second time didn't end up so hot.

- The two very hot brunettes in Macys, but they were in the girls clothing section. How should I have approached them?

- The other two cute brunettes in Macys, again in a girl's clothing section.

- The cute blonde girl shopping in the girl's sections, and hitting the fitting rooms.

- Hot older women roaming the mall alone. I love older older women, but I think it'd be awkward for them if I hit on them. How do I approach much older women, like women that are 35-45?

- The very cute brunette girl with her mom at Fred Meyers. How do you handle girls when they're with their mom's?

Today I didn't cold approach any girls, so I spent my time talking to employees to get in a social mood, and then I asked a gorgeous older woman at Fred Meyers what time it is.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 3, 2013
Well, you just pick one of them and go and say hello.

You might not even get to small talk with her because you are so nervous.

I can assume that with the first 100 girls we cold-approach we'll find absolutely no success, because we are still learning to improve ourselves, and the girl will catch up on that at some point, no matter how much you try to act as James Bond. It happens to me alot and it is very frustrating.

However, the more you approach girls, the more confident you will be, not only for your smaller successes and results, but also for standing up for something you want to achieve.
Don't think of the results as goals. They might come or they might not. They are just bonuses which come for having courage to go and say hello to a beautiful girl.

So just go and say hello. She may think you are a total freak for hovering in the girls clothing section, she may find you as a brave man for doing that. Chances are 50-50. If you don't take any action, chances are 0.


Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
One of my friends actually did a successful "in girl's section " approach because he's just very playful.
He went and grabbed something off the rack and got the girls attention.
Him: hey! Do you think this looks cute on me? (in a deep manly un-gay voice..gotta show that you're not gay and obviously joking)
If you're lucky the girl will play along..if she doesn't she's probably not that fun anyways.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take