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Socializing  Help with DayGame in a quest to...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
Score a 4th of July Lover!
(For those outside the U.S. 4th is a civic holiday kinda similar to England's Bonfire Night)

Now I usually try to not post as much as I have this month, but I have been on a quest to score a 4th of July Lover since May 25th, and I have been doing a-lot of DayGame to try and meet this girl. You've seen a lot of what I have approached. Honsetly, based on the Hector DayGame series I did last August - I go for whatever seems intriguing to me. Especially if there is something interesting or different, or mostly a "gut feeling" of - "You Gotta Fuckin' Talk to this girl!"

Yet, I am seriously hitting some walls and am having a difficult time diagnosing what I am doing in my approaches - hence posting here for any and all feedback...
That seems to help others as well.

So I will begin with the 5 approaches I did this morning at a park called "Silverlake" in Los Angeles. There is a running trail around it, and a cool older dude I met last fall, had some great advice that - if you go to Silverlake on a Saturday or Sunday morning in between 10am -11am you're more likely to encounter single girls because any of the girls taken from partying the Friday or Saturday night before, are either doing breakfast with their man, or they'll be walking with that man, versus the girls up at 10am doing their run alone, or walking their dog alone etcetera...
(Course this isn't 100% but...)


1. Early 20's hipster Asian girl, with a nose ring, cookie monster t-shirt (big boobs underneath) and short pixie haircut doing laps around the lake. She passed me when I first arrived, I didn't want to interrupt her run but I told my self to approach her on the other side of the lake if I encountered her again. (This goes for the tattooed Latina from the 2dn approach) So I encountered her and waved her down opening with "Hey, you passed me earlier, and I didn't want to interrupt your run, but you've got an interesting thing going on here (gesturing to her cookie monster shirt and outfit) and I was curious if you're trouble or not?"
She responded with - "Not, I'm actually quite boring..." I introduced myself, and said - "well, hey let me walk with ya for a moment..." She said - "No, I actually have to make my pace..." So I replied - "Okay, cool, maybe I'll catch you on the other side..." And she went on. (Then I saw Approach number 3 run by, who I'd catch on the other side of the park...)
By the way - You'll see me use the same style of open here. I studied a-lot of Todd V infield recently and it's one of his easier opens that is not exactly complimentary, but is very man to woman, and is more of a push-pull, since I've learned that you don't want to give your power away with a straight up compliment to attractive girls like these...

2. Mid Twenties Spicey Latina with tattoos and basically a bikini running outfit showing her whole body. "Fuckin' chingon body!" When I caught her on the other side she wasn't running, but I waved her down and opened "Hey, you passed me earlier, and I didn't want to interrupt your run, but you totally kinda seemed like trouble (referencing the tattoos, her face kinda dropped here) so I'm very curious as to what's going on..." Her response was - "Oh, I'm just walking to my car and am going home now." I replied, "Cool, let me walk with you, " and she like kinda freaked out - "NO!" "No, I don't want you to walk with me at all," and she ran off the opposite direction.
I was like what the FUCK (to myself). Do I have a huge booger coming out of my nose? Do I look like an Alien? What the Hell was that?

3. The early 20's juciey boobed Jewish girl with bikini top, just slightly after the Brutal Latina before. She was walking this time too. Open with "Hey, you passed me earlier, and I didn't want to interrupt your run, but I noticed your running style, and I'm not a coach but do recall doing track and cross country in high school, and wanted to let you in on it." She became cool and enthusiastic. I jumped in - "But before that, I'm having a hard time figuring out if you are "trouble," or like a total good girl next door," she maintained the friendly attitude by replied with - "I have a boyfriend!" And I bounced back - "Oh, well I wasn't offering anything in that realm, we just met." And then I went on to give her advice on the better form, and what I was taught lifting and training and all. But then I went back to the BF and said - "So, I have friend girls who say they have boyfriends to strangers, I know we're strangers, so you can tell me the truth, it's not going to hurt my feelings..." She doubled down on the BF and then said - "But it's really cool that you came up and talked to me. Most guys are too afraid. "
I kinda paused here, because it reminded me tooo much of the Yellow OnlyFans girl kinda insulting me saying - "Oh how cute, you coming and trying to talk to a hott girl like me..."
I replied - "Why would someone be afraid to come and talk to someone like you?" And I gave an awkward look to her. She was like "Well, you know, a lot of people are really shy talking to strangers. " So i paused and said - "Ya know, you seem like you might be cool to hangout with, but you're like married so..." And I extended my hand with a "man to woman" handshake. And we left it there...

4. Finally - and I feel exhausted just writing this out.
This WOMAN. The others I would descibe as Girls, This was a Woman I passed by on the way to my car, and an inside voice said - Talk to her. Early 30's Hipster Hat and colors but very high-end sports top, pants, and shoes. I opened with- "I just walked by you, and you've got this eclectic Hipster, Business Executive mix, that I can't quite figure out... I gotta go here in a bit, but let me walk with you for a minute." She was like - Yeah sure. I'm going this way.

I walked with her for like 25 minutes! She is business Woman who is also creative. Worked for a finance company, then bought the finance company, then sold to finance company to invest in her own Youtube promotion company. She did modeling for Levi - showed me it. And her black leather BDSM lingerie modeling set as well - I was like - Fuckin' A this Woman is Perfect...

We did talk a lot about work and platonic stuff, but I tried throwing in man to woman things like - You must have sharp teeth. Do you bite? I like girls who bite..." And "I'm not sure you and I would get along, we'd probably just fight all the time..."

She didn't really shit-test me, which made me a little concerned. She did ask me a lot of questions about myself, so I felt like that was a hook. I did tell her I am a creative who is also an adventurer and that I've been traveling a lot- road tripping from LA to Colorado, which is true. I also showed her my photography.

Then we got near to where I had to break off to my car I said - "So what's your week looking like?" She said - "I'm totally booked working non-stop." I came back with - "What are you doing for the 4th?" She said "My family is here, native Angeleno so spending the whole day with them..." "Me, "Cool... So what does a girl like you who works 10 hours a day do for fun then?" She came back with "You're looking at it. Actually going to work right after this walk." I bounced back with "Soooo, you couldn't fit in a 15 minute coffee with a cool guy you just met?" She was like - "No SORRY, but we could stay in touch through instagram..."

I was like like - "No. I don't have time for instagram. " (I truly don't, I'm pretty anti-social media and busy as hell, with not much time for social media) Then she actually thought about giving me her number, but I said - "Well, what good is a number if you and I aren't gonna meet up anytime soon?" She was like - "yeah, you're right." So I said - "You can look me up on Google, if your schedule clears up," and I gave her my full name... And that was that!!!

She Fucking hurt WAY MORE than the spicey Latina before her who basically told me to Fuck Off.

So what the Fuck Happened???
I'm trying to figure this thing out here?

I could include the two stone cold - ice cold Russian girl appraoches from last week in Beverly Hills, but this is good enough.
There was another approach with a girl at the Starbucks later, but she wasn't all that great.

Funny - I saw the same Red Head Production Executive who shit test me last Sunday at the Whole foods again. I thought about approaching her again, and asking "if she were stalking me," but I'm pushing for new girls...

Excited for the groups thoughts and recommendations!!!
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 8, 2024

From my day game experience, assuming all other factors are held constant, the starting position of girls from easiest to most difficult to reach the hook point is in the following order:
  1. Lying down
  2. Seated
  3. Standing
  4. Walking
  5. Running / skateboard / scooter / bike
Not saying you can't approach the ones that are speed walking or running, but if I wanted to increase my hit rate, I would personally try to approach more of the ones that are higher up the list. Again, this is from my personal experience and not prescriptive. I'd be happy to see what others' experiences have been.

Seems like this is a pretty good park for approaching...

"Hey, you passed me earlier, and I didn't want to interrupt your run, but you've got an interesting thing going on here (gesturing to her cookie monster shirt and outfit) and I was curious if you're trouble or not?"

I don't really like this opener, but if it's worked well in the past, then you do you.

I would remove "I didn't want to interrupt your run." You're a high value guy. You're not interrupting anything. You do whatever the hell you want and don't need permission from anyone. You're the boss here.

For the ending ("trouble or not"), if a girl is on the edge with you on the opener, the way that this is phrased makes it really easy for her to bail out by saying no. Then, you're left with negative compliance to deal with.

"well, hey let me walk with ya for a moment..."
"Oh, I'm just walking to my car and am going home now." I replied, "Cool, let me walk with you, " and she like kinda freaked out - "NO!" "No, I don't want you to walk with me at all," and she ran off the opposite direction.

Nowadays, I only walk with them if they have to run somewhere and there's a real time constraint. For everyone else, I completely stop them in their tracks and banter. You want them falling into your frame as opposed to just following them around. What would be better is if you could move them instead and use an excuse like "There's a lot of people running here. I don't want us to get hit. Let's move over here [10 feet off the main path] and talk." This would occur a little bit into the conversation and not something you do right away.

Regarding the second girl's reaction, you guys just met and she has no idea who you are. You might as well be a criminal. Think about it if you were in her shoes. If she's going home, heading to her car, etc., the above reaction is what you get when there's not enough comfort. Do not say "let me walk you there" unless you two are past the hook point, and even then I'm not sure what it really accomplishes. You could just take down her contact and dip.

I kinda paused here, because it reminded me tooo much of the Yellow OnlyFans girl kinda insulting me saying - "Oh how cute, you coming and trying to talk to a hott girl like me..."

Don't worry about this, and don't let it affect your state. I would end the convo right here since it's a dead end and focus on greener pastures. You're allowed to leave any time.

I walked with her for like 25 minutes!

Did you just follow her the whole time??? Bruh 25 minutes is a lot of time to get compliance, starting with something simple like "let's sit down on this bench underneath the tree and talk". If you're doing something that she's already gonna do if you weren't there, then you're following her lead. She's not investing, you are...

She is business Woman who is also creative. Worked for a finance company, then bought the finance company, then sold to finance company to invest in her own Youtube promotion company. She did modeling for Levi - showed me it. And her black leather BDSM lingerie modeling set as well

This is indeed very impressive in my view. Did you qualify her at any time when she revealed to you all this good info?

Then we got near to where I had to break off to my car I said - "So what's your week looking like?" She said - "I'm totally booked working non-stop." I came back with - "What are you doing for the 4th?" She said "My family is here, native Angeleno so spending the whole day with them..." "Me, "Cool... So what does a girl like you who works 10 hours a day do for fun then?" She came back with "You're looking at it. Actually going to work right after this walk." I bounced back with "Soooo, you couldn't fit in a 15 minute coffee with a cool guy you just met?" She was like - "No SORRY, but we could stay in touch through instagram..."

Instead of going for a hard close, I would go with a soft close ("we should continue our convo another day over coffee"). If she accepts, I'll hard close with when she's free. By asking about what her week is like, she's giving you all these unnecessary details about how busy she is, which we don't really care about and doesn't push the interaction forward, and eluding the times that she's free when you guys can actually meet.

So let's say that you did what you did. If she's busy this whole week, did you ask her what the week after was like? Maybe she's free then?

Funny - I saw the same Red Head Production Executive who shit test me last Sunday at the Whole foods again. I thought about approaching her again, and asking "if she were stalking me," but I'm pushing for new girls...

You should've re-opened her. Maybe her mood has changed. As you'll come to notice, people follow very set patterns...


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
Good stuff Gorili.
Alright... So what I'm taking from this is:

1. I'm being to polite/professional (stemming from work) saying - "didn't want to interrupt your run..." I'm high value so eliminate that.

2. "You want them falling into your frame as opposed to just following them around." - Yes I have to change this. I see how I "followed them around" both with the 21 year old last week, and the Hott Business Woman yesterday.
Slight challenge and second question though is - both were going to where they had to go, and I stopped them to open, but then they were like - well I'm on the way to here - and I'm confused on how a stranger like me is supposed to alter the females course??
Yeah, don't want to just become a "puppy dog that's following them around..." But I don't want them to end the interaction because they are on their way to complete something, and I'm like "no I'm going to alter your course right now Woman!" How to fix?

3. Qualifying the Girl - I thought I did qualify the Hott Business Woman, but rolling it over in my head in the middle of the night - (butt hurt over losing her), I don't think I qualified her as much as I should have. I'm gonna have to look up qualifying again and see if I am doing it correctly.
Also, although I teased her and tried throwing in some sexual frames like the biting thing, this happened recently before with another girl - they might be too small for her to get it. From the Todd V videos Tier Ten Girls like this Hott Business Woman or the Yellow OnlyFans girl you have to risk offending them to get on their radar ABOVE what a nice guy, or professional guy would do...
You have to push them hard to create sexual tension.
I have to push harder both in teasing and qualifying with these 10s
And I'm trying to shake off the "professional guy" thing that follows me from work, since work is super-politically-correct!

4. So I was screening the Hott Business Woman for logistics after she said she works soooo much. And I was trying to seed a date.
I don't doubt that she is super busy, and probably isn't a partier. BUT I do know that she could probably find time if she wanted to fit in a cool or hot guy to her. Especially when super busy women like this, really need a sexual release, as in an article I read here on the site. Kinda like that Hot Computer nerd that was the best Fuck for Alek on the other chain.
Question is - for super busy - Hott Business Womans (as my buddy from Mexico calls them) - what knocks you into their tier of guy they would make time for?
Again is it the Todd V - tease the hell out of them?

5. Again for the Hott Business Womans - I'm wondering if I turned her off when I described myself as a creative adventurer who's traveling the southwest alot right now. I mean it's true. Right now I'm kinda in transition, as is my whole industry.
I thought for a "square like her" I'd come off more as a Lover guy that way rather than what she's engaging with everyday - professional/polite business guys. Of course it's subjective for every chick but, thoughts?

Good stuff on this forum.
Have my quota of 4 quality approaches each day right now through the 4th!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 8, 2024
Slight challenge and second question though is - both were going to where they had to go, and I stopped them to open, but then they were like - well I'm on the way to here - and I'm confused on how a stranger like me is supposed to alter the females course??
Yeah, don't want to just become a "puppy dog that's following them around..." But I don't want them to end the interaction because they are on their way to complete something, and I'm like "no I'm going to alter your course right now Woman!" How to fix?

You can start with "it'll just be a minute." And re-assure them that "it'll be real quick" if there's resistance. If you wanna appear busy as well, make up an excuse that you gotta do some errand (e.g., go grocery shopping, meet up with a friend, etc.) soon, so you won't be a drag on them. See Set 2 here for an example. The girl was walking and had someplace to be soon, so it's a similar analogy.

I thought I did qualify the Hott Business Woman, but rolling it over in my head in the middle of the night - (butt hurt over losing her), I don't think I qualified her as much as I should have. I'm gonna have to look up qualifying again and see if I am doing it correctly.

Yeah, since she opened up to you so much, you had plenty of items / topics to qualify her on. Imagine you have a girl in front of you whom you opened up to. Then, she compliments you on all these things that she liked about you. She thinks that your travel adventures, cool photos that you take, etc. are super awesome. You'll feel more connected to her after this.

Also, although I teased her and tried throwing in some sexual frames like the biting thing, this happened recently before with another girl - they might be too small for her to get it. From the Todd V videos Tier Ten Girls like this Hott Business Woman or the Yellow OnlyFans girl you have to risk offending them to get on their radar ABOVE what a nice guy, or professional guy would do...
You have to push them hard to create sexual tension.

I personally have 2 styles that I recommend. I actually use both at the same time, but you might have a preference for one of them more than the other.

One is of them is gambits. Here's an example of a light one from Alek.

On the other hand, there's sexual humor. Here's an example from Skills.

And I'm trying to shake off the "professional guy" thing that follows me from work, since work is super-politically-correct!

I know what you mean. We're held to a certain standard at work, but once we're in the field, some of the work manners and behaviors carry over.