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HELP: ;) Zac Losing Girls To Not Managing Egos & Past Dumbed Down (Feminism)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hi Guys,

I never knew i was a "high value" male all the while until i realize that when i start having/showing girls i dated around my friends, people start getting jealous/envious/ego protection.

Thank you feminist society for dumbing me down while growing up. :) Fuck you. Disclaimer: Gender Equality.

this is due to

1)not picking great friends
2)people are people and that you can filter out but people can be idiots
3)roles, you suppose to this fucker and not the high value fucker

but that's not the nature of the topic today. What i learn is Girls are 10x horrible at managing their egos and this happens with me when girls suddenly like me and find me attractive.

and this are decent girls, whom just want a shot at you. Sure they might be nuts/retarded/not as high value. This is what i always hear but i learn that i lost a lot of girls who are often normal people, and number of them also are very pretty who sucks at managing their egos and just want to u-turn on a decision that they assumed you as someone they haven't decided.

I know this because this girls take my jokes unreactively. :)



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 10, 2014
A girl ive been sleeping with just recently made a status "when he seems cool at first but likes a bunch of fuck boi shit on facebook" then messaged me "bye forever" after asking her about it. It was a meme about side chicks, so i kinda get how it may have hurt her feelings, but it says alot when you dont try to solve the situation and jump to your own conclusions.
I dont want to blame feminism, just the women who misconstrue it. Me and my buddy were talking this weekend when i visted his school, and it seems like the balls are really trying to be taken away from men, some women will bite your head off for smiling at them or saying high if your approach isnt ansolutely perfect lately.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

RustinKohle said:
so i kinda get how it may have hurt her feelings, but it says alot when you dont try to solve the situation and jump to your own conclusions.
I dont want to blame feminism, just the women who misconstrue it.


Although i do date many girls with less sense of humor.... but i find a conclusion with Chase much similar. As you get high value, you see women doing stupid shit and they act offended...

when really, it is a passive asking of investment from you to cater to their bullshit. Chase is more neutral on the side of things. Also another interesting to note.

1)If you are young and girls hate you, you tend to lean towards redpill or complete neutral (but society will label you because they need absolutism)
2)If you are young and girls love you, you tend to lean towards Girlschase.

3)Then there's Hector, who i believe belongs to number 1 but he loves and hates women because they are cunts. I'm 1 and 3.

To not get sidetracked, I agree with you. It says a lot about the women, and for me, society plays a major role in this, and everything else.

I never feel more ambivalent with physically "unblessed" women. I wonder if Chase and the other high level guys feels the same.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

RustinKohle said:
some women will bite your head off for smiling at them or saying high if your approach isnt ansolutely perfect lately.

Unfortunately, yes...

i face similar stuff



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 10, 2014
To be honest, this is not a common occurrence. Im very rarely openly disliked by women. Probably from the roots of chronic friendzone syndrome (i now realize the friendzone isnt real). Now the issue seems women want me to be their one and only despite sending clear messages if me not staying forever since im trying to move around a bit before i settle down.

As far as "passive investments" go, you are right. And this is where my ego struggles. I hate catering to stupid bullshit to please people, especially people who know other guys will cater to those requests so they can solidify their egos. It is why i struggle with the "hot bar/club" girls. Which im cool with, but id also like to bang some higher quality girls to your last point, if they are less physically blessed its harder for me to give them the same passion i do a hot girl i click with than an average looking one.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

RustinKohle said:
To be honest, this is not a common occurrence. Im very rarely openly disliked by women. Probably from the roots of chronic friendzone syndrome (i now realize the friendzone isnt real). Now the issue seems women want me to be their one and only despite sending clear messages if me not staying forever since im trying to move around a bit before i settle down.

Friendzone is not real? As in, what is the meaning you actually meant?

Women want you to be their one and only but they insist on frame battle. I learnt over the course of this year that this is

1)more to sexual value not being high enough
2)frame battle because you and her kind of the same value (this happens often, really. I believe so with most men)
3)frame battle because she really wants you to be her one and only
4)roles and strategies

You never really know which one but you can decipher it while slowly manipulating time with her asking for investments. Women usually reveal themselves. Just like men, they self destruct. However, women are worse because her tribe only wants her for sex.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 10, 2014
Ive found that alot of guys use the term "friend zone" to refer to a woman they were interested in yet did nit attempt to be sexual, they "respected" her so they felt they were owed something because most men just try to get in their pants. I realized women thought of me as a friend because i didnt frame myself sexually, so i was just the good looking friend for much of high school.

As im older, what youve said about the frame battle is correct, i sabotaged my last relstionship because i let yer get to comfortable in the "one and only" frame and she wanted me in the first place because i didnt frame myself as that kind of man. I do feel bad, dude shes banging now is a serious downgrade. But if hes winning her frame battles, it may be all that is needed to keep her happy.

But essentially i just took womens natural comfortability with me and added a sexual spin, courtesy this website, and upgraded from backpocket potential boyfriend who realistically would never have bedded any of those girls (provider frame) to a comfortably sexual guy (lover frame). Frames are easily the biggest takeaway from this website for me and have applied to in other social settings outside of seduction.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

RustinKohle said:
Ive found that alot of guys use the term "friend zone" to refer to a woman they were interested in yet did nit attempt to be sexual,

I agree. i share the same findings. :)

RustinKohle said:
As im older, what youve said about the frame battle is correct, i sabotaged my last relstionship because i let yer get to comfortable in the "one and only" frame and she wanted me in the first place because i didnt frame myself as that kind of man. I do feel bad, dude shes banging now is a serious downgrade. But if hes winning her frame battles, it may be all that is needed to keep her happy.

I didn't get why you "sabotaged". If u in a relationship, aren't you already the boyfriend/one and only? Was she comfortable and treat you less better or she wanted and chase you,

and then because of it, she needed some novelty?



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 10, 2014
By sabotage i didnt mean intentional, talked to girls, she went through my phone, and flipped shit. My acyions leading up were what did it. But who knows, maybe she was looking for a reason. There were two times she caight me up, and after the first tone is when i lost frame, because i decided to stay with her rather than hold to the abundance mentality of one of the other girls. And thats when she started lesser treatment. But hey, lesson learned!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 10, 2014
Also Zac ill clarify girl who caught me up and the girl i was talking about in my first response on this thread are separate people


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

I never let women flip my phone or computer. In the past, yes. So i understand. It's a normal thing but I don't know why men do it. I understand that men do let women see their phones because it's "normal". But women don't respect you when you let them do this.

This are facts.

Lesson learned.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 10, 2014
Very precisely. Letting someone go through your privacy without any context is bound for trouble anyway.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Also because there is so much data involved. A women must never touch it. I have her arrested if need to, really.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 25, 2016
I never let women flip my phone or computer. In the past, yes. So i understand. It's a normal thing but I don't know why men do it. I understand that men do let women see their phones because it's "normal". But women don't respect you when you let them do this.
I like the tactics.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

IceCream said:
I like the tactics.

Not tactics but boundaries. But anyway, YEAY!!!! *pops balloon and champagne* *claps around of applause* :p

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 21, 2018
IceCream said:
I never let women flip my phone or computer. In the past, yes. So i understand. It's a normal thing but I don't know why men do it. I understand that men do let women see their phones because it's "normal". But women don't respect you when you let them do this.
I like the tactics.
its true...