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- Dec 20, 2012
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I'm still angry. This happened weeks ago, and even just writing this makes me want go punch a wall. There are two main girls in this, sexy Hispanic girl and the cock block.
This is going to sound a little bitter. Good. I burned a bridge. But it is honestly for the best. This girl (the cock block) is a special type of person. The special type that pushes her miserable life on others but tries to act nice while doing it.
The night was going well. I was approaching girls, and getting tons of interest. But as I was going back up to my room to make a drink, a girl talks to me. This girl is gorgeous. She tells me she is Miss. Georgia. Damn. But my fraternity brother is getting with her. So I back off and focus on her sexy Hispanic friend. I deep dive about how she's always in her friend's shadow, and I get to share a lot about relationships. The pageant girl wants my friend, but has a nice guy bf (lover vs. provider). I explain to the Hispanic girl how its her friend's choice and how she needs to let her friend make her own decision. She agrees and tells me how she hates relationships. Furthermore, she tells me she is very intellectual. I'm actually starting to really like this girl, and I realized that she was cool enough that I wanted to keep her around. But first I had to escalate. I was playing a very sexy vibe and she was reciprocating. Hand holding, touching, eye contact, the whole nine yards. This girl wanted me.
My roommate is going for another girl and he doesn't get laid much, so I was trying not to cock block him. So I told the girl that I needed a place to crash. Hispanic sexy girl volunteers her room. So I think, "I got this, let's go back now". I should have taken her back then, but I hesitated. My hesitation allows her friend to pull her to the dance floor. I kissed her on the dance floor, but pulled away every time and said that she was trying to take advantage of me.
Eventually we leave and she seems tipsy, but still in control. I don't want to hook up with a girl who is too drunk, so I ask her if she is ok. She tells me she is fine. I tell her I respect her and would never want her to do anything that she doesn't want to do. I messed up here. I think she was a little concerned now because I brought up the idea of her being uncomfortable with me.
We head back and her and her friend go to the bathroom. I know what this is. Its the, "should I have sex with him?" talk. Her friend's bf (who turned out to be a nice guy) tells me, "you got a great shot man". They come out, she seems interested.
Some random girls walk by and start talking to sexy Hispanic girl. One of them is the girl from a previous FR++ (link here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3329). For those who don't want to read, this girl showed interest in me, led me on, rejected me, and then proceeded to cock block me with every girl she saw me with. This wasn't just an isolated incident, this was part of a larger pattern. She is very religious, and she pushes her beliefs on everyone. The special type of person that cloaks her horrible life in religion and drags everyone down with her.
From then on, its like a navy seal team. One girl straight up tells me, "I'm taking her away from you", and the cock block girl goes in to in her own words, "distract me". I know exactly what's going on, but it happened so fast, I was too shocked to do anything. I just let them talk. By then, I knew it was over. But I was pissed. I had done nothing, but these girls were telling me it was for the best for me and that she just, "Changed her mind". Bull. Shit. Those girls changed her mind.
I wait, and then tell the cock block girl in a dead neutral tone that she's a horrible person and that I never want to see her again, and then walk away. Yes I was mean. But she deserved it. This girl has the audacity to lead me on, reject me, then cock block me with every girl she sees me with. And then of all things say she's looking out for me. She's a lying piece of shit.
I'm better off without this girl in my life.
I am bitter. I did everything right (except an early pull) and I still lost out due to this cock block. With a girl I legitimately cared about. I don't hate all women (in fact I love women), but I'm like Damon where I take pleasure in cutting down people who deserve it. I actually felt better about cutting this girl out of my life. Its like popping a pimple or throwing up to stay sober (kind of disgusting, but a perfect analogy).
Guys, if you have girl like the cock block in your life, cut them out. Stop it before it gets too bad. The girl later showed me her true colors (said a lot of ignorant shit) and I realized that my life is significantly better without her. She's not your friend. She doesn't want the best for you. She just wants to stick you in her miserable life and make you as unhappy as she is.
Z Vaunswa I feel like I failed you. I had that Hispanic girl and I lost her.
Its really hard not to be bitter here. I'm not going to let myself apply this to all girls though. And I don't like burning bridges. But in this case, I think it was warranted.
Let me know what you think I could have done better, or if you think I messed up by cutting burning that bridge. And any encouragement is appreciated. Not to be depressing, but I could use some right now.
This is going to sound a little bitter. Good. I burned a bridge. But it is honestly for the best. This girl (the cock block) is a special type of person. The special type that pushes her miserable life on others but tries to act nice while doing it.
The night was going well. I was approaching girls, and getting tons of interest. But as I was going back up to my room to make a drink, a girl talks to me. This girl is gorgeous. She tells me she is Miss. Georgia. Damn. But my fraternity brother is getting with her. So I back off and focus on her sexy Hispanic friend. I deep dive about how she's always in her friend's shadow, and I get to share a lot about relationships. The pageant girl wants my friend, but has a nice guy bf (lover vs. provider). I explain to the Hispanic girl how its her friend's choice and how she needs to let her friend make her own decision. She agrees and tells me how she hates relationships. Furthermore, she tells me she is very intellectual. I'm actually starting to really like this girl, and I realized that she was cool enough that I wanted to keep her around. But first I had to escalate. I was playing a very sexy vibe and she was reciprocating. Hand holding, touching, eye contact, the whole nine yards. This girl wanted me.
My roommate is going for another girl and he doesn't get laid much, so I was trying not to cock block him. So I told the girl that I needed a place to crash. Hispanic sexy girl volunteers her room. So I think, "I got this, let's go back now". I should have taken her back then, but I hesitated. My hesitation allows her friend to pull her to the dance floor. I kissed her on the dance floor, but pulled away every time and said that she was trying to take advantage of me.
Eventually we leave and she seems tipsy, but still in control. I don't want to hook up with a girl who is too drunk, so I ask her if she is ok. She tells me she is fine. I tell her I respect her and would never want her to do anything that she doesn't want to do. I messed up here. I think she was a little concerned now because I brought up the idea of her being uncomfortable with me.
We head back and her and her friend go to the bathroom. I know what this is. Its the, "should I have sex with him?" talk. Her friend's bf (who turned out to be a nice guy) tells me, "you got a great shot man". They come out, she seems interested.
Some random girls walk by and start talking to sexy Hispanic girl. One of them is the girl from a previous FR++ (link here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3329). For those who don't want to read, this girl showed interest in me, led me on, rejected me, and then proceeded to cock block me with every girl she saw me with. This wasn't just an isolated incident, this was part of a larger pattern. She is very religious, and she pushes her beliefs on everyone. The special type of person that cloaks her horrible life in religion and drags everyone down with her.
From then on, its like a navy seal team. One girl straight up tells me, "I'm taking her away from you", and the cock block girl goes in to in her own words, "distract me". I know exactly what's going on, but it happened so fast, I was too shocked to do anything. I just let them talk. By then, I knew it was over. But I was pissed. I had done nothing, but these girls were telling me it was for the best for me and that she just, "Changed her mind". Bull. Shit. Those girls changed her mind.
I wait, and then tell the cock block girl in a dead neutral tone that she's a horrible person and that I never want to see her again, and then walk away. Yes I was mean. But she deserved it. This girl has the audacity to lead me on, reject me, then cock block me with every girl she sees me with. And then of all things say she's looking out for me. She's a lying piece of shit.
I'm better off without this girl in my life.
I am bitter. I did everything right (except an early pull) and I still lost out due to this cock block. With a girl I legitimately cared about. I don't hate all women (in fact I love women), but I'm like Damon where I take pleasure in cutting down people who deserve it. I actually felt better about cutting this girl out of my life. Its like popping a pimple or throwing up to stay sober (kind of disgusting, but a perfect analogy).
Guys, if you have girl like the cock block in your life, cut them out. Stop it before it gets too bad. The girl later showed me her true colors (said a lot of ignorant shit) and I realized that my life is significantly better without her. She's not your friend. She doesn't want the best for you. She just wants to stick you in her miserable life and make you as unhappy as she is.
Z Vaunswa I feel like I failed you. I had that Hispanic girl and I lost her.
Its really hard not to be bitter here. I'm not going to let myself apply this to all girls though. And I don't like burning bridges. But in this case, I think it was warranted.
Let me know what you think I could have done better, or if you think I messed up by cutting burning that bridge. And any encouragement is appreciated. Not to be depressing, but I could use some right now.