In this scenario I would wait about an hour before texting. Don't wait too long but don't text too fast. Send a clever initial text that is not seeking anything. Make it substantial enough that if she wants to reply she can, but if she doesn't you didn't come across as too eager. Use a little call back humor to your convo.
Something like "still trying to figure out how you slipped past the guards at the retirement talk!

I don't know the ins and outs of the convo you had so make it more tailored to fit and just slightly more juicy. Maybe even allude to potentially running into eachother if you can. But only if you can keep it super Low key if you take that approach. Make it almost imperceptible.
What happens next all depends on how she responds. if you get a warm response that feels. If there is enough meat on the bones pace your self. Not too much not too little. Keep the texts fun and brief and don't jump the gun on suggesting a meet up again. You can totally build a vibe where she is going "dang this guy seems like fun, why hasn't he texted me yet..." And then just when she thinks she won't hear from you, another hit. Don't wait too long between texts don't text too quick. This all depends on the context of each text. You might have brief runs where you text a bit more. And then nothing for half an hour. Find clever ways to keep her posted on your scene, as well as gather recon on hers. Pics of what you are up to can help, but only if the are super interesting/fun and the timing is right. Leave her hanging a bit and try to work subtle chase frames into the convo if you can. Subtle innuendo. Just enough for spice, to get her thinking you might be a fun time. but not enough to where she is just using you for validation or when the next day comes and you didn't sync up she goes "hey just another horny dude from last night" A little push pull if you can. Did you already seed the idea of meeting up later when you took her number? That could be crucial here. If you did it will be easy to start to seed it into the texts when things are warm. If not it will be a bit more of a leap. Ultimately have a compelling reason to meet up if things are going well. Never push it if the energy is fizzling out. Better to leave it on a note that is easy to pick up on a few days later than to push too hard for the hang out. Ultimately she's gonna have all sorts of dudes gaming her tonight and the only way you can compete is if you are really compelling. A consistant text exchange that stimulates and intrigues her, but never asks much of her (until it is time to pull the trigger). Keep texts brief and concise. Things she can understand without thinking twice. You're gonna habe yo use your judgment on all this man but I those are some solid considerations that have helped me in the past with this kind of scenario. I have found that the pull usually happens a bit later in the night. Not so late that the energy has totally died down. But also not so early that she is still weighing a bunch of prospects. Its when she says to herself "okay ive been out enough and this guy is definitely the most intriguing thing going"
There might be a moment where you have to go out on a limb and risk losing her in the long term if you can't get her out short term. That's your call. It could be the push she needs, but if if the ground work isn't laid and it doesn't land. well... If it feels like its not quite going anywhere let her be the last to text. Then she can look back a few days later and say. Hey this guy was pretty fun
Also, this isnt your only shot to get laid tonight. Keep gaming other girls and don't get your head too wrapped up in this one. That will also help you pace the texts if she is engaging caus with will be caught up in other fun things. O would personally make gaming other girls the priority and texting this girl a back burner endeavor, until it seems like she is really biting.
-Stray Dog