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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 4, 2015

Decided to do one of these so that i can at least be accountable to myself in some regards with trying to improve myself with women.

Current Goal: Get dream Girlfriend(s), once I've got one my abundance will increase no end.

Middle class, 6 ft, slim, considered relatively handsome, 25 years old.
Went to an all boys school and had very little exposure to women until university. Was very self-conscious and wouldn't escalate with women due to fear of rejection. Furthermore was very asexual at first and hadn't fully come to terms with my masculinity. Moreover was very submissive as one of the younger boys in my year. At Uni Wasn't all that bothered by women and spent a lot of my time doing drugs. Missed a lot of opportunities if i had just been more cognizant and closed women that presented themselves to me.

Nevertheless, i lost my virginity at 19 to a beautiful girl who's done some modelling. We had a lot in common and it was nice to actually lose my virginity to someone I really liked. We slept together for about 6 months but she had a boyfriend the whole time as well. She used me and moved onto someone else because I was over-invested. I probably could have made her a serious GF if i had been less needy in certain interactions and known what women want.

From 19 until 22 i was still in the above mindset and only slept with 2 more women in this time. It wasn't great, but i think i was still maturing as a man and working out what I had to offer in a relationship. One thing I did right at university was meet people, I made friends with everyone, the cool, the ugly, the average and i built connections with all of them too. This meant i was naturally very good at deep diving and being a conversationalist, but being slight i was pretty submissive to those around me and i was in no way expressing my sexuality. Sometimes i really wish i had been a natural!

The girls chase years
At 22 I started working for a big company and met some new people. One of those was an 18 year girl doing an internship there who was beautiful but had a boyfriend. However i became completely smitten wit her, and somewhat fell in love and made a bit of tit of myself. It was at this point i realized how terrible i was with women and decided that i needed to do something about it. So in December 2012, i stumbled across Girls chase. I read through all the articles and began acting upon them. Results were relatively quick getting laid that month. Over the course of the next 3 years i slept with 17 women making my total now 20.

Notable girls from the 17
+ Hot girl from work i made into a FWB relationship, i was her lover and she completely fell for me this would have been the ideal way to start a relationship but i didnt like her enough so in the end i let her go. I'm her for dream girls nothing less!
+ Numerous ONS of varying quality
+ Bedding and moving fast with women from work earned me the reputation as a "player" which still amuses me today seeing as I've really still got a long way to go, but seeing as people at my work are on average nerdy i really stood out.
+ One of the girls i slept with from work I actually liked. It looked like i was to get my first GF. I was also in a good position to do so, however as it happened she had a lot of emotional baggage from her teenage years from when she was brutally and violently raped. It was a hard time for me. I did my best to help her but she pushed me away and ultimately disrespected me. Looking back now i don't know why i was so attracted to her but I'm just glad i had the opportunity to help, its given me a lot of inner strength and made me a stronger man in general. It really also made me realize my relatively acute ability to deep dive and connect with women - she's only told one other person about her past.

Dream girl chance missed
As i was pretty down in the dumps about that girl this girl comes along: https://boards.girlschase.com/viewt ... =7&t=10775
She is now of the two girls that looking back I'd honestly consider dating out of the 20 I'd slept with. The other being the one who took my virginity. At a time i would have dated the girl who got raped but looking back i don't think i could have made it work.
This girl had stunning looks and was genuinely a good person who i connected with on a number of levels, the shag was also incredible. However she wanted a dominant lover. Which lead me onto to the realization of what i hope is the last "big" piece of my jigsaw puzzle of women, DOMINANCE. It hurt that she used and manipulated me towards the end and shes definitely not as great as i thought but i kind of feel i only have myself to blame. Human relationships are a grey area and it's hard to work out if there is much right and wrong.

Anyway here I am at 25, never having had a girl friend but having learnt a ton of stuff along the way. I've come to the conclusion that I'm a man who wants other focal points in his life as well as healthy relationship. Therefore i want to be in the Lover (one up) position in the relationship with the next dream girl i find. Now time to find her...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 4, 2015
Current Avenues to women:
I have large presence with online dating.
I also approach women in nightclubs relatively easily.
I have a strong presence in my work social circle where women expect me to try it on with them and expect me to be sexual. There is only one real hot girl left who i will target this year.
Girl from uni social circle who I've always flirted with - need to give her a crack at some point.

Area's to focus on:Day Game
Despite all the above my approaches/dates are only at about a measly 2 per week on average. When i go out to a big club maybe i can chat to about 10 girls in a night or two but that doesn't happen all that often anymore. I have yet to do a full daytime approach and only done two evening street approaches, one approach at a train station approach as far as i can remember always when I'm a little drunk. Definitely need to focus on this and build up to it because i see so many hot women in the street and this would really help with my abundance and neediness.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 4, 2015
Physical and Mental
Have been exercising a lot recently which makes me feel great both cardio and lifting my own body weigh (pull-ups press-ups) but no actual weight lifting. I have also been working on trying to being more assertive and dominant. To aid this i have been improving my testosterone levels by masturbating less and turning the shower on cold for a couple of minutes every time i wash. In terms of rubbing one out I lasted for about 3/4 days but unfortunately fell to temptation on the day before I went out which kind of defeats the purpose I suppose. I need to work out how long I can realistically last so its timed for nights out.

Interestingly not masturbating made me hit up a FB that previously i wouldn't have bothered doing because i see no long term prospects with them. Unfortunately she wasn't available the night i was up for it. I think its mentioned on articles here that there a lot of positives to having sex that makes your more attractive to other women so this is an avenue I will continue to go down, plus it will improve my relationship management of casual relationships.

Night out
Went to a pub with some friends for a birthday. Started drinking early so maybe had a little too much by the end of the night. There was a group of girls of which one of them had been giving me the eye so i decided to open the group. They had taken our reserved seating area because it was their friends birthday too. It had said the name of their on the reserved name.

Me:Is one of you [Name], i hate her. (Said in a completely neutral/slightly jokingly).
Group: Yes its her birthday. blah blah blah.They point her out.
Me: We were the group who had the table before but now we've been clogging up the walkway like a bunch of lemmings (Self-deprecating).
Me: Anyway, cheers/happy birthday.
I then proceed to cheers the group individually, birthday girl is keen, second girl happy to reciprocate too. But third girl refuses even when i insist a second time. Don't even get round to the girl that was giving me the eye. Now unfortunately what with women having a pack mentality a refusal from this girl to cheers her glass with me is a rejection from the whole group. They move away and act aloof as if I'm a retard.

Start chatting to one of the girls from my social circle who i barely know but I've slept with one of her friends. Shes receptive to physical touch and seems interested but unfortunately has a boyf. I find the girls that are the most receptive often have boyf's.

Convince our group to go to a nearby club. On the way i exclaim about the size of girls breast in my social circle (shes not very attractive though). I did this to be a bit more polarizing. She didn't mind but one of my friends (who is incidentally good with women) thought you can't say things like that. O' well.

Inside I get opened by a not very attractive girl. Then I open a girl i find very attractive:

Me: Excuse me but I love your eyes (bit lame)
Her: Thanks!
She puts two hands on me, turns to face me, clearly very interested.
Me: Haha it was a bit of lame comment though!
Her: I don't mind.... but wait sorry I have a boyf
Me: No worries cya!

Once again the most receptive woman has a boyf. Talk to my mates for a large portion of the night.

Finally i do a bit more prowling and a girl with her friend turns opens me and dances with me for a second before grinding back to her other girl friend. Who's way hotter. The girl who opened me was high on MDMA. I should have responded straight away by grinding on/dancing with both of them. But i needed a bit more social momentum than i had that night to have the confidence to do that. Instead i paused and then said haha I've got no-one to dance with and ejected from the interaction. On another day i would have gone further but if you don't make a move in a couple of seconds the awkwardness builds.

Go home. Big hangover in the morning definitely went over the level of drunk i like to be to approach women.

There's a girl at this gym class i go to that has a great body. Been doing some eye contact flirting but this week i was her sparing partner. Unfortunately shes so bad at padding kicks I got her in the nose and we swapped partner's. She seems receptive though and i certainly came across as physically dominant. I obviously apologized jokingly afterwards. Going to NY week after next so need to grab her number sometime next week, maybe by waiting outside nonchalantly and walking with her outside the gym for a bit.

Closing Comments
Next week should be interesting I've got two dates lined and really need to try and number close gym girl. Unfortunately the dates will impact my exercise routine but that's obviously a price I'm willing to pay. Until next time.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 4, 2015
So i haven't smoked weed for the whole of October and that has definitely helped with this update. Need to consider quitting it altogether.
Got laid this month (October) with a new partner. This has been the 4 month in a row, need to keep it up!

Update on previous
So last time i mentioned 2 dates and an attempted number close. Unfortunately one date had her phone mugged so we had to rearrange and the other didn't show up. Been on plenty of tinder dates but that's never happened before, who the hell agree's and then doesn't show up. Poor stuff. Regarding Gym girl we flirted some more but then i was waiting outside (the only possible place) to number close her and gave up as i was waiting quite a while and i would look really awkward because it would be obvious that i was waiting outside. I know this an excuse but it just didn't feel like it was going to come off smoothly.

LR: NY Night-out (High Resistance, Higher Dominance)
So got this month’s lay and it was a good one. I've been on a work trip to New York and it’s been sweet. Went to an NHL game (I'm from Europe so it’s all completely new to me) and it was quality! Got a photo with a famous NFL player who happened to be there too. Basically all this meant i was in a great mood and kinda just knew it was my night. My colleagues went back to the hotel and i new i had to go out. I have some friends from Europe who were coincidentally in NY at the same time so i decided to meet up with them.

Started chatting to some girls in the queue to the club, I could tell they digged the accident. A guy took a group photo of everyone in the lift up to the top of this club we were going to, i turned to a random girl nearest to me (and hot) and said:
I normally charge for photos
She giggled. Building up the moment from the very beginning was key because I became magnetic. Whilst looking for my friends i got opened by a girl (Girl A). Not even an approach invitation a full on attempt to talk to me. She was with her other two female friends (they weren't that hot be she was). I chatted in a social manner with an easy confidence I've been building on. I find if you can just be comfortable and joking around groups of women they really like it (you don't have to be that sexual at this point). Anyway i mentioned i had to find my friends (two more girls!) and that when i found them they should come over too.

My friends had another female friend with them (Girl B), when i invited the other three girls over i was essentially dripping with pre-selection. It's probably worth pointing out that the ratio in the club was probably in my favour that night and it’s a not always this great. I continue to be sociable.

At some point we all disburse and i go to the toilet. Another girl starts talking to me and making conversation, also keen, but not that attractive. Is the ratio in NY always this great? As I'm coming out the toilet Girl A comes in we're washing our hands together and physically flirting we keep pushing and shoving each other, on the steps back up to the main dance-floor i realise i need to number close her but i don't get round to it before she meets back up with her friends. I'm not great at "making the opportunity" happen for number closing atm as i usually think about it too much and that moment is gone, it’s definitely something i need to improve upon. Anyway she leaves with her friends shortly afterwards.

This leaves me chilling with my two female friends and Girl B. At one point she knocks over some of my drink. Now Dominance is something I've been working on recently and so i push my response from what i might have done previously. Basically without saying anything, i look at her, push her head down to the ground so her ass sticks up in the air and give it a slap. I don't this forcibly but not too hard.

She then throws a shit test my way:
Is that how you treat all girls?

Now usually you’re supposed to respond because lack of response can be a failed test. However i also remember chase saying that to appear more powerful you need to maximize your results by doing as little as possible. So my response to this test was not to verbally respond, but instead give her strong eye contact for a couple of seconds as if to say "what do you think?" or "who do you think you are?”. I then turn away and position my body completely away from her. After all she's just spilled some of my drink!

A bit later we're all dancing inside. I'm dancing like I don't give a fuck, very sexual, large hip movements, pushing all the girls around. Then my two friends go for a smoke and leave me and girl B alone. Now I've just shown two of the biggest attraction triggers in a woman in large abundance: Pre-selection and Dominance. Girl B is horny as fuck and starts getting with me. I don't have to initiate it.

I move her into a corner and start physically escalating my hands over her body and getting some vaginal stimulation with my knee like suggested on this site. I always move away before she can move my hand. I try and pull her out the club but systematically face a lot of resistance. Every time I stop and act as if to move away she pulls me back and starts getting with me because she wants it so bad so even though she puts up a lot of resistance ( I have to physically drag and push her at points) I know she is so keen. Outside were waiting for the taxi and it’s more of the same. I start using hilarious logical counter arguments like:

I just want to go for a coffee. I have a machine in my hotel room.

You can ring your friends they’ll be fine

We both know they’re bollox but it distracts her from ‘having’ to go back and speak to her friends. I had to be pretty persistent but I kept my eye on the prize and the Uber arrived relatively quickly.

In my room she’s all over me. It’s nice having a girl who desperately wants to satisfy you as much as you satisfy her. I’ve had sex with too many girls who like to give up once they’ve orgasmed. We have sex in the shower, on the floor in the bed etc. However one confusing thing is she is still putting up some kind of logical resistance even once I’ve penetrated her. She mentioned she was on the blob or something but there was no blood. She also mentioned some baggage of some description. Recently broke up with a bf or something. Anyway she kept on trying to resist the sex even when I was shagging her which I thought was strange because in my mind once I’m inside you, you may as well stop resisting it and enjoy. Anyone know the chick logic behind that?

Anyway I had been completely dominant up to this point and I notice the more dominant you act the more the women will try and tame you to at least some level.
Girl B: Come over this way!
She tries to get me to comply and I decided to. It turns out it was so she can deep throat me. I’m willing to accept being slightly compliant for that ;).
She then licked my balls whilst I jizzed all over her back. Whilst she was washing herself off she said:
Girl B: Your so fucking hot.
This was a satisfying moment for me to know that I had come a long way in becoming a very sexual “lover” in the last 3 years. I doubt she’d had shag quite like that before.

I the morning we parted ways early because I had work.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 4, 2015
Quick update on Lay
So because she friends with my friends. We we’re all ended up going to go to dinner two nights later (with my colleagues as well). It was all good she was laughing at my jokes at the dinner table (even the ones that aren’t that funny). This is always a good sign in my opinion.
We went to loads of bars and ended up in this quite crappy club, which wasn’t really any of our scenes. By this time I was too drunk, because my manager had ordered a big bottle of vodka that no one was drinking so I decided to step up.

Here are the things that I remember:
-She thought there was something going on with my and one of my colleagues, there’s not, but we’re close friends.
-She was apologetic about last time; I think she felt like a bit of a slut. I did my best to dispel this and told her I loved last time
-I started extracting her from the club again, got her outside but was facing equal amount of resistance as last time, I thought this was strange the second time around. I dropped the ball when we were walking back to my hotel because one of her excuses was she needed to check on her/our drunk friend (she was on her own and pretty drunk). I thought this was a “Let’s check on her then we can go shag” but instead it was just false resistance, so the second we got back to the club that was it.
-My friend who we went to check on started licking my face/getting with me a little bit (I wasn’t keen but didn’t stop her) Girl B say this not sure it helped too much.
I got a tiny bit needy in persisting for her to come home but noticed I was doing it and stopped myself and bid them goodnight after that.

Think i'll leave this one as it is, maybe try follow up if i ever run into her again, after all shes friends of friends.

So I was left a little annoyed I didn’t get the repeat lay I clearly should have, but I only have myself to blame. I note that i am still quite dependent on having large amounts of social momentum, but once i have it i usually get results. I think the best approach in this situation may have been to do some deep diving and found out what her situation was. I basically didn’t get to know her on a deep level at all, although most of our interaction was in noisy clubs it goes to show it always help to connect with a girl on an emotional level as well. Fuck them physically, mentally, emotionally… every way you can. That’s when you really seduce them.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 25, 2014
Hip Hop man, hey!

Wow your LR was a good read! It seems to me that your slap on her ass, plus how you handled the shit test, did a great job for you. Plus your persistence in pulling. She's certainly not used being treated like this, most guys would have pussied out at the shit test. That positioned you as dominant, and as a challenge. She had to have you. Well, I got to learn from this myself, too. I have been focused on learning the smooth and sexy vibe, but not enough on the dominant thing. I will have to learn that too if I want to increase the quality of my girls.

On your update, I also ran into the same, some girls who were very keen on the sex the first time, simply refused to meet me on my terms the second time. I guess it's because they're trying to rope me in as a boyfriend, they need to break from the casual thing, feel less slutty, and more girlfriendish. Well, my point of view is I want to stay casual and only move into the bf / gf relationship very progressively. So that doesn't work.

Anyway again, great job!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 4, 2015
Thanks Seppuku!

Since i worked on being dominant its really boosted the sexual attraction girls have shown me so its definitely worth working into your game. I don't think there is any reason you can't be smooth and dominant i guess it just depends on your personal style.

I definitely could have slept with this girl again on the second night, its just she put up almost as much resistance as on the first night which i found strange as it was only 48 hours since she was all over me. I dropped the ball when i should have either persisted or deep dived previously to build an emotional connection. Its probably a similar boat for your girls too!



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 25, 2014
Yeah... Well the idea is to treat the second meet as it it was the first time, and escalate the whole way to bed again. OK I will try that.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 4, 2015
FR: Catch-up w. old Fancy

Whilst i was in NY i also went for a drink with a girl I used to fancy and was probably friend-zoned with about 4/5 years ago. The drinks were fine we hit it off as still have a good connection and joked about like we were very close despite not have spoken for years which was nice. Now i would love to fuck this girl and now i have more ability with women i thought I'd turn it on.

I gave her some strong eye contact that worked well, she looked down, a submissive sign. I also deployed some chase frames, which is only something I've been starting to do recently. Some of them worked but i think some of them required better delivery. Sometimes i would say something almost a bit too jokingly (almost nervously but not quite). Other chase frames were dropped in an almost neutral tone which seemed to work far better.

I bought up the topic of sex and mentioned i got laid the week before and was also self-depreciating and other women's attraction to me. This worked well and usually does. If you can joke about how you can't believe other women found you attractive enough to sleep with you because of your (big nose/silly hair/whatever) it shows an incredibly high level of confidence in you being an attractive man. I would recommended it, i have also been self-deprecating about my sexual performances (always when I've actually fucked the shit out the girl), i think this also works well, but would like to hear other people's anecdotes on this.

Shes quite a quirky girl who lives alone, i mentioned i would steal her umbrella because it was raining and she said I'd have to stay at hers then because she wanted to keep it. Not sure if this was sincere and whether it was said as friend or with a sexual connotation. Would have hated to have gone back and slept on the sofa! Anyway when she said it my frame slipped a bit as i showed i was excited by the prospect and was thrown off guard. Need to work on that, might have been a shit test but who know's.

On the negative side although she touched me a couple of times her body language on the whole was neutral and not turned into me, mine was turned towards her but she didn't reciprocate. I should have lessened my investment until she increased hers.

Finally i "went for it" at one point by pulling her scarf towards me so that it bought her head closer to mine. Most girls who had some sexual attraction towards me at this point would have lent in and kissed me. She just looked confused and let the scarf fall from her neck and into my hands. I did try any further for risk of seeming socially uncalibrated.

In summary this was an interesting experience and it appears she still viewed me pretty much as a non-sexual friend from years gone past. It is going to take more than one date to reverse this feeling. Still good practice.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 4, 2015
So its been an interesting weekend.

The FB who i tried to hit up a couple of weeks ago screened herself back-in by coming along to dinner party i was invited to. I was on the way out and she's like wait! I'll share your taxi, then put up some token resistance and came back to mine. She loves sex, good as a FB. She also told me about the other guys in her life, because i don't care about having a serious relationship with her I show zero neediness and am perfect as a "lover" role in her life. This also helped enhance my understanding of female sexuality. Anyway, I just need to be this way around the girls I like and then it would encourage them to chase provided i also show the correct amount of attainability.

On Saturday night went to a bar with some friends. There were a couple of girls from the friendship group of average quality who i didn't know and chatted to for a bit. There were quite a few guy mates there though as well so plenty of competition as it were. I was feeling a bit off this night because even though i had got laid the night before i got quite coked up and high and lay in bed all day. My frame was pretty weak.

Anyway the only real prospect of the night walks into the bar, this stunning part Swedish girl. I manage to position myself in the queue for the toilet and she talks to me about some mundane fluff before going into the toilet. I open her again on the way out getting her to clarify what she meant she stops, explains her self then continues walking back to her friends. I then ask here where shes from, she replies saying shes from Sweden before looking back. I say "very good" and go back to my friends. Thats it. The only cold approach of the week and i was far too up in my head and didn't have enough momentum before it started. On another night i would have been far better. I know i should have immediately demanded compliance by getting her to stay and talk a bit longer and i should have number closed, but the interaction was over too quickly for me to manage any of that. It's really annoying.

Hopefully got a dating app date this week, but these girls are only average. I'm looking to break through and up my quality in girls so i really need to be firing on all cylinders around hot girls. To this extent I'm gonna stop coke, reduce weed to bear minimum and workout more. Also need to have more random conversations and get into more day game interactions. Only had like 1 or 2 in my life!

Finally thinking about reading my first book on this stuff, (apart from the passion trap) any other recommendations welcome!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 4, 2015
FR: First "Day" Game in Ages
So I've been saying to myself that i would do some day game for a while now and my first attempt came when i was on the tube one evening after having gone to the pub. I'm not sure if this counts as day game but it was a cold approach in a public area. Would appreciate any feedback on my process because i kind of just winged it.

I clocked a relatively pretty girl and went in the tube and sat down next to her. I grabbed a newspaper and flicked through it absentmindedly for a couple of seconds. I then get to an article i found might be quite interesting to lay a objectively sexual frame on.

Me: (Turning to the girl.) He's considered a bit of a sex symbol by some what do you think? (pointing at the actor)
Girl: haha yea he's not really my type he's too into numbers.
Me: Oh yea what do you do?
Girl: Stocks.
Me: Well surely your very into numbers then?
Girl: Haha but i actually did languages at uni.
Me: Very interesting a bit of a mix then.
Me: Well personally numbers are right up my street because i did physics at uni.

We chat a bit more before my stops comes along. I stand up and tell here it was very nice to meet her. As luck would have it its her stop too. Perfect situation to deplo a chase frame!

Me: Haha are you following me!

We banter a bit more and she agrees to get her shopping with me.
We then start walking along the road and we must live very close! I use another chase fame:

Me: you really need to stop following me
Girl: Ha! I turn off at the next left. Then we really must part ways!

The way she said we must part made me think she was THINKING about us hooking up or at least going back to mine. This was an interesting moment for me because i considered that if i was more advanced i would have tried to pull her back to my house 15 minutes into a day game approach. Which is still pretty mind boggling.
Anyway she got to her street and stopped saying that she lived down there. Waiting for my response. I probably could have kissed her but i just stuck with a number close.

Me: Are you single?
Girl: Yes, only very recently actually.
Me: We should go for a drink sometime, whats your number.
[We exchange numbers]
Girl: Whats your name?
Me: Hiphop, or is (silly other name) (said with smile on my face)
Girl: Ha my names (silly name) (said as shes walking off)
Me: haha no its not!

The next day I didn't use an icebreaker. Went straight to the point.

Text: Hello "Bridget" or whatever your fake name was ;). It's HipHop. I enjoyed our little conversation yesterday and think we should continue it sometime over a drink. When are you free? X

Unfortunately i never got a response. O well! I number closed on my first day game interaction in almost a year and it made me appreciate the possibilities of doing it more often. Other takeaways include:
+Was pretty drunk (need to try this sober)
+Was lucky we lived so near each other
+Situation (non-direct) works better where i live i believe

Feedback welcome.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 4, 2015
So other than that piece of day game above I've bee trying to talk to people as much as possible in general. It really does help with your day game! If you just at least smile at people where possible etc.

Anyway here's another snippet from when i was trying to day game. I see a cute girl at the traffic lights. The lights are red. I turn and smile to her and say "screw it!" before running across the road. She shows compliance by following after me and goes. " ahh the bikes" they were catching up to her. I then spent too long before talking to her again and got up in my head. Really needed to carry on that conversation. Gutted i didn't. Need to build up to a point where i follow every conversation through to its conclusion!

Another day i bumped into a girl i new a while back from uni she seemed keen but forgot to number close her too! Need to make a rule to ask for the number because that's what leads to dates.

Night Out
Had a relatively successful night out. There was one girl that was incredibly flirty with everyone but had a bf. Anyway on the way to the club i open to other girls and got them going along with me and my group. I was feeling bullish and decided to engage both of them simultaneously rather than let a wing in. I was probably "cocky funny" most of the time with the odd chase frame. One of the girls was definitely keen and so i number closed her.

Got two numbers through cold approach this week! Know it could have been more.
Got two dates through dating apps two. Need to keep this up - just hoping the quality improves!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 4, 2015
So thought I'd to a quick update on the second half of November. It's been a little disappointing that I've had so many leads that haven't lead to dates. Looks like I'm not gonna get this months new lay. I've made a couple of notes though:
Tinder chat: need to keep sexual undertones rather than deep dive and then request compliance. Cutting to connection building doesn't work on tinder. That was where I went wrong a hot girl I was chatting to on tinder. However I notice a lot of girls under this model will give number but then never have date so maybe I do need to talk longer I just find it hard to get conversations to go the distance in this medium. Definitely depends on the girl.

Anyway I did get one date with a Belgian girl, who I did a lot of chatting to rather than short number grab, so maybe that is proof of the above!

November date: Basically I could tell she was keen from the very start. Had some deep diving had just relied on my fundamental but then I did what I'm still undecided about: I kissed before i got her home. She was horny as was really into me so I though it would work anyway I was taking her too my über... Then she ejected at the last minute! Clearly didnt disqualify myself as boyf enough either, even though she know I'm going to mynamar for 3 weeks! (Currently at Bangkok airport). Need to practise Raising the sexual tension without it kissing. Invite home sooner. Extending date didn't work. Need to try sexual prizing and non judgmental frames. Only seemed to use chase frames after kiss.

Anyway she's really keen still may just have to see her in the new year to get the job done. Also hopefully got Decembers FB sorted from previously and if I can get some in SE Asia too even better!

Hip hop


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 4, 2015
Nothing going in south East Asia women wise, just the nature of the country I visited. No real opportunities. There was one really hot girl but think she had a boyf.
However there has been a bit going on since my return.

FR: Christmas Party

Went to my work Christmas party and it roughly marks 3 years on since I began to improve myself with women. It an interesting field report because I deal I come across having to deal with the “player” reputation. I still find it rather silly judging by how inexperienced I still am. Anyway the party was ok, I got laid both the last two previous ones and really wanted to do so again…

The night progressed and there wasn’t much real opportunity, a girl who was too drunk, a girl who continually just tried to shit test me just for the sake of it and a couple of other interactions. The real one that stuck came near the end when we were in the club. I started a conversation with a fairly cute girl from the department and could very quickly see she was interested.

The conversation was built around her talking a majority of the time and me building her up genuinely about her accomplishments, whilst being modest and mysterious myself. I used quite a few pregnant pauses as well to get her to invest into the conversation. As the vibe escalated I started using Kino more running my hand down her back. I complimented her for the first time saying her dress looked sexy (not the best but what I came up with on the spot).

She then says “(it’s a shame that…) I don’t see you around the office very often”
I respond with “Well I’m here now, what are you going to do about it?” (Said with a slow smile).

She then says wait here, anchors me by giving her my drink and goes to the toilet. I busy myself with other women until her return. She gets accosted by other men but does work her way back to me. I don’t chase. Not long after this the lights come on in the club. I remember reading from a narrow J report that he suggested getting food with his girl in order to isolate her. So I suggested food and she pounced on the idea.

She tried to invite other people too but when we went wandering around only one person followed, who started holding her hand, clearly trying to get in there. I just played it cool and then mentioned we we’re getting food. He then turned and walked away. Up to this point the seduction was all very smooth and accomplished, something I can feel good about however I drop the ball at some point going forwards.

Once I had isolated her we started walking down the street chatting. I push her up against the wall and start kissing her. We then continue walking. At one point I mention I have some food back at my house, as that was what we supposedly after. I order a taxi and she complies by getting in it.
The taxi took longer than expected, but during this time I was doing what I usually do which is to try and escalate the vibe with some passionate kissing, where the girl leans into me and invests in me. However in this situation it didn’t work as well because she was not 100% committed.

She said things like “this could be a mistake” and “aren’t you a player?” To which I responded things like “sometimes the best things come from mistakes” and “maybe (said with a smile)”. At one point she logically agreed to the notion of what we we’re going to do back at my apartment “OK but don’t tell anyone!”

Once we got inside I told her to take her shoes off, as suggested on this site. From there I faced a large amount of resistance to escalation and only really kissed her. I took small step backs when I faced resistance but then approached it in the same way, trying to kiss, rather than trying other methods such as running my hands up and down her body. I used the line I’ve read before regarding taking action now otherwise we’ll never see each other again, but that didn’t work either. In hindsight I should have done what Drexel suggests and completely disengage, turn on the television and allow her to re-engage on me. However I feel part of the resistance was down to me being perceived as a player and if she doesn’t sleep with me she’s won, or whatever.

Anyway its annoying I failed at the last hurdle; eventually she said she wanted to call a cab so I let her call a cab and showed her to the door. There was no animosity in the departure and I believe I still may have a shot with this girl because I completely respected her boundaries. The failed physical escalation is an interesting one because sometimes girls put up walls they WANT you to tear down and other times they have legitimate walls where they are simply not going to have sex with you and WON’T let you tear them down. It’s in these cases where I think you get another chance. I’m hoping today was one of those scenarios.

Feedback welcome.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 4, 2015
A couple of days ago i met a girl i slept with on new years two years, she has mutual friends with me and we were all out together. She was really really keen, but i failed to isolate her because she was with our group of friends and wasn't sure if she should just hook up with me that easily and quickly again. I really didn't put enough effort into isolating her because i was drunk and tired. It annoys me know because I should have just manned up and made it happen.

So December is no new lays and in fact no lays at all! which is annoying after a successful previous spell. However both November and December have had their opportunities i have just failed to capitalize. I feel i am improving which is important.

Finally one other thing i have been considering is whether to just get a gf of lower quality than i am willing to accept just for the experience and maybe just so i can say I've had one. Its quite unusual not to have had a gf at 25, i mean i'm not too bothered about it its just the pressure from society that i feel. I definitely could have had a girl friend that I wasn't that into but my long term girl has always been dream girl friends so I'm just wondering whether getting a sub par one would help this accomplishment in any way. Just a thought.

Here's to a new year!


Sophisticated Gent

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 5, 2015

No way on the lower quality GF. She will distract from you finding someone you really want to be with. Screw society. There are way too many top notch women to settle. If people give you a hard way to go just be real direct with them.

"I know what I want in a woman and I am not going to settle for less because people think I should have a girlfriend by now."

You have the tools now don't get discouraged. Keep approaching and meeting new girls. I believe there are multiple mates for each person so look for the one you really want. Also consider that with health care as it is now you could live to 100+ years old. At 25 you have a lot of life left. Please don't settle.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 4, 2015
Hey Team.

So January is here. All good. Got laid this month with a new sexual partner from tinder this time. It was a funny date that's not really worth writing up as a LR because there wasn't that much to learn from it but I will add the details here:
She started messaging me and was very much keen from the offset, however when I met her she was very shy and definitely VERY inexperienced. She didn't show many signs of interest at all but I just stuck with it and noticed that she was keen to stay and move with me rather than go home. So I made a move for the kiss and that unleashed her.

She's keen for meeting up again. One of my objective is to have more FWB but i dont think this girl fits the bill. She isn't very sexy and will definitely get attached too quickly. Even on in the taxi on the way back she was testing me to see if i was going to fuck and forget her. I just told her honestly that i didn't know what i wanted but i promised to keep in contact with her... so that's what I've been doing and then hopefully we can maybe sleep together very infrequently and let it slowly fade away.

I haven't had much chance to day game as i have been working late so its mainly been dating sites and club game. The club i go to at the moment is pretty challenging, there's lots of tough competition and relatively few eligible women. Need to think about trying another night club. I hopefully have another dating app lined up with a genuinely interesting and good looking girl (hopefully on both those points as haven't met her yet) so we will see what happens there.

Also been training for a marathon which is taking up some time. Need to keep fit though!

Don't stop,

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 4, 2015
Also SG,

Thanks for the support. I think your completely right. Its not that I can't get a girlfriend its just I'm not willing to settle at this point in my life and my skill set isn't quite there to keep the girls i want yet. Simply put: its just a matter of time :)

Secondly as i was skimming down to write this post in my journal I noticed this comment in my first post referring to the girl I fancied.

HippertyHopperty said:
It hurt that she used and manipulated me towards the end and shes definitely not as great as i thought but i kind of feel i only have myself to blame.

I now think I don't only have myself to blame and i think that mentality is something i need to address in myself. I am a very easy to talk to, non-judgemental (most of the time), person and people do open up to me. This is because I accept the world as it is and truly know that i can only change myself. However in the above quote i have taken that too far, I do need to learn to show a bit more of a back bone to people who disrespect me and not just put it down to improving myself in the future. I think its partly that I am only recently discovering what i will and won't stand for but at least with this realisation it will allow me to be more dominant in future relationships because i wont have to go into some introspective hole to find out what i did right and wrong and instead just act from past experience.

Right enough of the philisophical "about me" part of my journal. Hopefully the next post is me shagging a hottie!

Don't Stop,


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 4, 2015
February. Been and gone. Not Bad.

Although no new girls on the scene managed to convert January's girl into a regular FB and had two dates and got another two lined up this week. Mix of cold approach and tinder. This weeks cold approach date should be a bang because we were making out hard in the club. Anyway of the two dates I've already had: One where the girl was uber keen and I could have banged but she wasn't that hot in the cold light of day. The other I picked up the details from nightgame. She was hot and there was made sexual tension but she had some pretty strong internal frames against sex which was a real bummer. The rest of this post will be an analysis of what I could have done better.

FR: Lots of Sexual Tension, little reward
So i met her in a pub, started chatting and could tell she was keen. She was hot too. I also noted that she was with a friend and didn't think she would come back to mine that night so instead i opted to get her number. She made extra sure i had it and double checked. Seemed to be keen to exchange digits etc. However over the intervening period she was crap at responding. I sent her an icebreaker... no response. Follow up... no response... Hail Mary.... finally get response like 4 days after the hail Mary.

We chat a little i build good emotions briefly over text and then suggest the meet. Two days later she agrees. Finally get logistics handled the day before. Anyway i didn't actually plan much for the date because i was busy, i also rocked up 30 mins late (after telling her i was running late). I think this worked well for me because she mentioned she wasn't used to waiting on people and they usually waited on her. She was a little pissed but it went quick. I was quite casual about the whole thing.

Now we went to a bar nearby that was bit crowded but we stayed there for one drink but the sexual tension was sky high. We had like extended eye contact for about 5-6 seconds and she would giggle. We touched each other quite a lot and very open body language. The sexual tension was probably highest at this point (like 15 mins into the date). I know you should be more polarising as an intermediate but I still thought it was too soon to invite her home as i hadn't built much comfort. Anyway we left the bar because it was shit and i just suggested to find a pub nearby. However here's one bit i kinda slipped up on. She Eastern European so she was quite bossy and she suggested another hotel bar and she did a (little) bit of leading. Was way nicer bar to be fair though.

Anyway we talk and the conversation is pretty good, not great, but its 80% about her anyway. She definitely likes to talk about herself and she was enjoying herself too. It was here that i tried to escalate the vibe. She had good open body language. So i started touching her a lot on the inside of the thigh and the back of her neck. I faced no resistance to my touch, no at all. However when i went in for a kiss i would get flirty resistance.

No Stop it (said smiling)

So i take a step back and just let the conversation continue. Towards the end of the date i tried to drop a non-judgemental frame towards sex but it didn't work. I talked about the couple across the table and how if they went home and had sex its funny that the guy would be praised but the girl could be seen as a slut. I said that was unfair. She just stopped and laughed and said.

Girl: I'm not sleeping with you.

It was a bit of a shit test but also part of some strong internal frames against sex. Anyway i was rocked slightly, but i responded with something along the lines of

Me: Stop giving me that smile, your trying to seduce me!

and to be fair that got a grin from her and i regained my frame somewhat.
Anyway the next slip was that she suggested we leave first and she somewhat had more control of the frame than girls normally do, especially when they put out. However normally with the level of sexual tension we had i would have got something in return (a kiss?). Instead she didn't qualify the sexual tension.

On the way back i was as forward as i could possibly be:
Me:Your cute, why don't we go back to mine
Girl: Your cute too

She then said that she was definitely going to hers but that i could come. But it wasn't clear if that was a jokey invitation or not, either way it would have probably led to me sleeping on the sofa getting nothing.
The final part of the interaction is where i start to generate some serious negative compliance which is probably why i don't see her again. I ask her back to mine and she declines again and says:
Girl: But you could be a murderer, i barely know you!
Me: Common do you really think I'm a murderer?

She giggles again. So i pull her forward and ask for a kiss goodbye, but she keeps refusing and just gives me a peck on the cheek and leaves. I was pretty disgruntled. I sent her a text to try and solidify the good feelings but i feel the ending may have blown it for me because i never heard back. Although she is crap at texting, I'm not sure if she's worth it.

Any room for improvement?
+Move faster?
+Maybe ease off at the end and realise she's not a one date girl to salvage future dates - but how long would she take? I don't know




Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 4, 2015
March over.

Got this months lay but should have bang a few more to be honest. I'm not really going to talk about the lay in any more detail because I didn't learn anything from it. It was pretty straight forward going through the motions with no special moments from myself.

The other two key moments that stand out for me this month, both from cold approach in clubs:

Met girl in club and she was a friend of a friend i was talking to. She moved herself in front of me so and I could tell she was keen even though I thought she was a bit of bitch at first. Anyway i moved her first to the bar and then downstairs to a seating area. Always move them to the bar first to get a drink but I know its not the best advice but sometimes if you want to get a drink yourself you may as well by them one. Then you can get them to move to seating, it just feels more natural if your drinks are full first.

Anyway we sat down and there was a lot of kino and making out hard, i got pretty sexual and would just use push pull by either making out passionately and then withdrawing first. OR just locking her out of the conversation if she didn't comply. I can't remember what I said but i also said some pretty sexual things. AT one point i was just like:

Me: Common lets get out of here

My normal style seems to be raising the sexual tension until they are just like "fuck it" lets get out here I wanna bang. Rather than having the mystery about what might happen when we get somewhere private. I think i should probably try the other style, but the advantage of this style is that once you get there, there is zero LMR. Anyway she wasn't able to because she'd lost her keys, her purse etc. Someone else had them.

At this point we just continued to make out and chat rather than me pushing for the close persistently. This definitely reduced my attraction and dominance. I really need to adopt the 3 requests for compliance and then move on. I just thought once she got her stuff we might go back but her friend was around so it didn't work out. Forgot to number close too. I got shit tested and absolutely blitzed it which was good, definitely getting better at those.

I think in general i need to work on my balance of being cool and not investing, which i like to do a lot, but just managing to persist in the right amount so that they go home with me and doing so in a way that i don't loose my value in her eyes.

This time my mate and my wing opened two girls. It's slightly different this time. I was thrown off by another friend who tried to chat up my girl, I had previously had the opportunity to AMOG him with an insult but i chose not to because its not really my style. But maybe I'll do so because it damaged my frame somewhat. Moreover the seduction was a bit messy with the friend and my wing as well plus multiple bumping into them made it a bit awkward too. I number closed and she even asked where i was staying and stuff but i didn't push the close hard enough again, i joked about going back to hers but didn't make it happen. Pushing the right amount at the close is definitely what im going to work on.

Other things to work on:
+Sexual Prizing and framing (I have a specific target for this too so stay tuned)
+Starting Conversations with girls in the day so that it may lead to more numbers.
+More verbal "push-pull" type flirting

However I'm running a marathon next month so this will impact my progress.
We'll see what happens.

