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Hong Kong LR3: Victoria's Secret


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
It's been a good week in Hong Kong. Here's LR number 3...

invited to a rooftop BBQ party Saturday night. Lots of good food and drinks.
Quickly connected with "Victoria"—a tall African/Middle Eastern girl who works for a lingerie company.
I pulled her away from the main table to sit on the side (I AM REALLY GETTING TO UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF MOVING THEM, IT WORKS.)
Had a lovely chat, light kino, my usual teasing and innuendo.
She's a real feisty one, so I laid it on kind of thick.
As the evening went on she kept telling me how 'tipsy' she was, which I read as a friendly reminder that she could be 'taken advantage of.'
The gang decided to go out to the bars and Victoria wanted me to come badly, but she was already a bit sloppy drunk, and I was pretty exhausted from lack of sleep. (See "Hong Kong LR2: Spicy Kim Chee")

Got her number and texted one word: "coffee'...it was meant to be triple-meaning from some things we had talked about, but she only interpreted it as "let's go for coffee" and invited me out the next day. I deferred to Monday (had plans again with "January Jones"—See Hong Kong LR2). Monday night drinks and dinner, lots of kino, found out her birth order.

SIBLINGS/BIRTH ORDER—this works too.
If they are:
Eldest—tease them about thinking they are the boss/right all the time
Middle—tease them about being the one who 'acts up'
Youngest—tease them about being spoiled and pampered
Only Child—tease them about being overbearing/doesn't play well with others
It is like you already understand them. (And you do...!)

Long story short...had drinks, lots of kino and teasing...lots of sexual framing...snogged her a bit in the bar and then walked over to my hotel (LOGISTICS!)

Yes...she was wearing fancy lingerie....pretty sure she planned to come back from the get-go.
I Really paid attention to her pleasure....I had to work on this one....oral and penetration....she took ages to come.
I was so tired by the time she did, I couldn't come (not usually my problem!)
I asked her to finish me off with oral, she agreed, and I went to the shower to give myself a rinse.

When I got back she was curled up, facing away and totally distant.
She started talking about she had to go and nervous about getting up in the morning.
I tried to comfort her, but she wasn't having it.
She Got dressed, apologized and split fast!

She texted me nervously about "sorry I freaked out", etc.
I replied in the morning, played it cool, said no problem and she was great.
She texted back said I was absolutely fabulous, etc. etc.
and then continued to send me flirty text messages all day.

In the evening she told me she still 'owed me one' and invited herself over to settle the score, now talking up her oral prowess.

GENTLEMEN....any thoughts on why that got so weird? Should I have cuddled or something? Did she go into "im such a slut' mode?
Could she be afraid of oral? Anybody have this experience?
What WAS Victoria's Secret?
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 28, 2013
I asked her to finish me off with oral, she agreed, and I went to the shower to give myself a rinse.
First of all, I'm not sure what you mean by this exactly. Did you go just to rinse off the pussy juice from your cock? Take a full shower? I really hope you didn't go to take a full shower, as this would definitely be the reason for her going so cold on you.

If you just went to give it a quick rinse off, then here's why I think she might have gone cold. The way I see it, it's very similar to girls inexplicably going cold on the dance floor in Chase's post on Dance Floor Game. The two of you had just been in a heated sexual encounter. During physical escalation, and especially during sex, a girl's logical mind switches off. Her primal brain switches on. This is all great. But just because she's in primal mode doesn't mean she's staying under the spell all night... You leaving for an extended period of time to rinse gave her brain time to switch out of primal mode, and back into logical mode. The spell was broken.

Here's how Chase puts it: "Instantly, her mind's throwing up barriers to sex, and she now sees you as the one chasing her, trying to get something from her. She places herself on a pedestal, and you in pursuit."

~ Cheers


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Landlord said:
I asked her to finish me off with oral, she agreed, and I went to the shower to give myself a rinse.

When I got back she was curled up, facing away and totally distant.
She started talking about she had to go and nervous about getting up in the morning.
I tried to comfort her, but she wasn't having it.
She Got dressed, apologized and split fast!

She texted me nervously about "sorry I freaked out", etc.
I replied in the morning, played it cool, said no problem and she was great.
She texted back said I was absolutely fabulous, etc. etc.
and then continued to send me flirty text messages all day.

In the evening she told me she still 'owed me one' and invited herself over to settle the score, now talking up her oral prowess.

GENTLEMEN....any thoughts on why that got so weird? Should I have cuddled or something? Did she go into "im such a slut' mode?
Could she be afraid of oral? Anybody have this experience?
What WAS Victoria's Secret?

Almost certainly the lack of cuddling. It's almost a cliche to say it, but women have a "come down" period after sex that they need a little reassurance during... usually only a minute or two is fine. But if you leave too quickly after that, it feels stark and like you've inconsiderately ripped yourself away from them and don't care / see them purely as a sex object. Most women tend to have experiences tied to this with being treated sub-human by guys who pump-and-dump (some guys have sex with girls, and instantly view them as dirty sluts afterwards and want nothing to do with them), whereas the warmer guys are usually considerate and give them some cuddling. So, while in all women the man leaving too soon after sex feels bad, in a lot of women with some experience it actually feels like the man has judged her as a dirty slut, because most of the men who do this to them do.

Your interaction after clearly reassured her this was not the case, and excited her about sex with you again - in fact, she probably ended up saying she wanted to "even the score" and give you some more simply for you having come back and been warm to her after she'd written you off as cold and judgmental.


Mr. oblivious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 13, 2014
I also think it was the lack of cuddling or she thought you when into the shower to cool off cause you where mad that she couldn't make you cum normally or something like that


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
It could be the lack.of cuddling.or the slut shaming. I was with a female named brittany one night I knew she wanted me. She, was drunk everyone she did it and smoked, which in the end I couldn't stay with her try cuddling a woman and smelling smoke in her hair.... and the drinking beer ugh.... well brittany, after we had sex rolled over and said omg brittany what are you doing in his bed... you are such a slut. Got up.and.left

Another girl, heidi, was at my house and we slept together a couple times and she said, hey, we should just hang out with our sex one time. I stupidly said no, in a joking way, will she left and i never heard from her again. Every one in awhile I see her, and she is very cold towards me.

Could be either or, personally, I would cuddle with her, and then ask her to shower with you later. So I agree, in this case it probably was the cuddling, and no conversation.