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FR  hookah spot pull/FR


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 27, 2013

Hi fellow players. Glad to be in the club. The chase club that is! So I wanna let you guys know about the club pull because pulling is an art and I value your opinions. This is how it went down. Keep in mind that the lights are dim and the music is blasting with a DJ.

So i enter, a little nervous and notice a crowd of attractive women from the door to the back and a few guys standing around drinking. The place has tables in the center and a bar on the left and comfortable couches that are elavated on the right. Since I am alone I sit on a couch area and scoped the scene. I see a few couples, groups of women and groups of guys. The guys i noticed were keeping to themselves at that time. The waitress approaches and very open, yet when talking she got kinda busy. I see a girl standing and dancing to Jamaican, and at another table another girl with nice knockers sitting. I think, "whose gonna be the target?" I go for the knockers. (the other girl didnt look at me). I approached.

Went for her ear.)
I noticed you looking at me you like what you see?

She: maybe

Whats your name, what do you do?

She; blah, blah bkah

( i noticed she has got jewelry on and it looks like a metal bow tie untill I see the rest so i went for humor

I like your metal bow tie.

(she laughs, the conversation stalled and i felt awkward so i think...escalation time! I pulled out my phone and placed it on her legs smoothly, placing my hand there as well).

Can i take you out sometime?
She: whats your name?

( I always give them a letter to stay anonymous and it builds intrigue.
She then questions me and the night was hazy. Meanwhile my phone is on this chicks leg. She didnt remove. The Citron and
lemonade started go go through me and the restroom was calling me. So i grabbed the phone and headed to the restroom. Before i left she said she may dance with me later.

So, I go to restroom which is unisex and a tall, fine redbone with Halle Berry style hair was waiting. As i stood, we somehow collided. I decided to complain for fun but before the words went out she beat me to it.

Her: why you touching me?

Me You ran into me, you need to watch were your going.

Her, No you ran into me.

(so we stood there playfully debating but at first she seemed serious. The bathroom opened and she went in and then asked me)

Her: So you going to be standing here waiting?
Me: Unless you want me to go in with you.

( she kinda looked shocked at this proposal and went in. I was contemplating it.lol!)
(She then reooens and asked me to hold her coat. Uh oh. I held it, she got me. So as she was in they start playing Lenny Williams). She came out, and held my coat as I went in and out. Upon exiting she was more more friendly. We start making out with Lenny in background. Igot her info and almost left with her. I was in her jeep and i was trying just to go along when she asked where i parked. I got her info and she is my backup for gas station pull. We'll see. LRs coming soon.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take