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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
the main question is how to progress from here? I suggested we plan something for next week earlier on in the date (see final section) but she doesn't want to be nailed down... says she doesnt want me getting annoyed if something comes up.... skip to social THE night if you dont want any extra intro,,,


Was at a uni social event and we had both had quite a bit to drink, noticed her as probably my first choice out of the whole event, luckily she was standing by the cloakroom when I went there to put something away. Opened with a complement on how well she'd made her dress (it was made out of a single sheet as part of the theme for the evening) she thanks me but tells me its a bit of a shit line...lol ok so shes going to play it super cool I get it... if you're going to be a bitch I can throw that shit just as hard back - its all quite high intensity teasing from there basically it ends with her calling me an arrogant dick.... I take her out to smoke, on the way out my social proof is GOOD - seems like everyone we walk past is saying hi to me +++ tell her if she can get me a cigarette I'll buy her a drink "how generous of you" she says.

Outside I try to deep dive this girl is only 20 but already has a dark past I think related to past relationships and possibly coke - shes on anti-anxiety meds and antidepressants and has gone thought some "shit" (she doesn't tell me any of this till the date but even on the date won't tell me what it is - says she doesn't know me well enough - i feel like its something difficult to work around and makes covo difficult - thoughts?) - this all makes it difficult to get anything meaningful out of her, its all the hard bitch facade but I can just tell theres an innocent sweet girl in there - shes not playing though so I just talk about her family which works out a bit, turns out shes a bit of a rebel at school which I liked. We smoke, i've been pretty physical from the start and we kiss, no resistance. I say we should go for a walk and we kiss again but she wont let me take her back.... get her number after a kiss I say lets meet sunday she says ok but isnt sure (hot girls love to leave you with bullshit like this - any cures? Just not taking the bullshit would have got not even a maybe...) anyway I say cool well we'd better go in.

Texing intermediate

We text, its pretty aggressive, shes calling me an arrogant dick and I'm calling her a bitch, all in good fun...:) she flakes on sunday to hang out with housemates cause shes hungover from a hard night the night before. She suggests a sporting social event on wednesday (yesterday) - I see this as a rubbish choice at first - its just another huge social gathering with no chance to isolate. She wants me to come to another one on tuesday but I don't know anyone else going really so would have been a little lame... she gets drunk on that tuesday and calls me (I miss the calls try calling back but no response - otherwise I was ready to go) and texts me to ask me to come - "where the fuck are you, its fun but I want to see you!" - well maybe you should have seen me on sunday then! I should have probably gone and picked her up from that she was really warmed up on alcohol and would have been a lot of fun - BUT I bet there would have probably been issues isolating and getting her home aswell as a lack of social proof. I get annoyed the next day for not going to that event but hey I can't be everywhere.

Social - THE night

So it comes to the sporting wednesday social, I'm running late and she texts me "where the fuck are you, this is dead!" I arrive and it really is TOTALLY dead - barely enough people to fill half the seats, shes standing at the bar talking to a guy on my course - he's older, indian and dressed super smart like he's going to the damm oscars - WTF is he doing at the sports social like that (he doesn't do sport...)? She's in fancy dress as a zebra I'm in just a random loud white t-shirt which is quite figure hugging - she plays it SUPER cool - i go up to the bar next to her and she pretends not to notice me, I have to nudge her and she hardly responds, I give her a little attention and then start talking to the guy - I was a little worried he might be a threat so didn't want to get into too much convo with him and basically get his number for something suggest he joins the club and after a little chit chat I basically sideline him... I should have included hi a little more since it turns out they are friends oh well....

She says she wants to leave and go see a friend and watch a film and relax cause shes tired from the night before and cheer practice. I suggest we go for a drink - now get this RESISTANCE>>> First she suggests her friend comes along too... /: then she says there's no way shes coming to where I want to go because its too far and she wants to make it to see her friend in 20mins max - I say fine no problem - we'll stay in the area, give me 10 mins to finish my drink. She's not drinking AT ALL cause of a heavy night last night - bit of a pain - its nice to have a little relaxant in there especially with a very excitable and anxious girl...nothing I can do!

After a bit of me awkwardly trying to get rid of the guy ("so I'll text you about the club tomorrow bro, see you tomorrow!" haha!) we somehow loose the other guy, I take a really clever route out of the uni which leads us past the bus stop... and then just sit down... she is at first ADAMANT NONONO I'm not sitting here with you I'm not going I want stay in this SHITTY area and only stay for 10 mins and then see my friend BLA BLA BLA. I distract her by pulling her in and talking to herand getting in close, then a bus comes and I get it to stop and jsut get on - she gets on too after I promise I will take her back (shes worried I'll leave her on her own in my area). I take her to a pub near me and buy a glass of wine - she wont dirnk any so I just drink my one lol...I suggest we go to my place for pool - again totall refusal - need to work through this,.... I tell her its in the living room so its totally public and I need to get up in the morning too... bla bla - again I'm pretty surprised it sticks - shes been so adamant that its a NO! She also says you'll just want to have sex I say I wont do anything she doesnt want and only 20mins


At my place I let her go to the toilet she likes the place take her in my room, start getting ready for pool and I she makes some snide comment again so I just push her up against the wall and kiss her, shes responsive, I pick her up and throw her on the bed - SHE LOVES THIS - she says I'm stronger than I look (??) I start making out with her and shes super turned on! ???? LIKE WHAT???? I'm doing everything in the right sequence and biting her tits and grabbing her ass and shes just loving it - hardly any resistance! I finger her through her 4 layers of tights and shit she has on, shes grabbing at my shirt, I turn the light off (my light is really bright and not flattering so I usually oput candles on but no time this time! - just the laptop light for the music). Making out again she tells me I have 20 mins to make her cum....... I just tell her to take it all off and grab it all and her underwear (shes wearing a dress) pull it all off - she says she's not shaved (any good responses to this??) its a little prickly but OMFG - she has the most perfect legs bum and big assets. She hasnt had sex in 6 months and so when I finger her it hurts!? I like to do it quite rough to get them to squirt - she was super wet so it seemed like she was ready but she asks me to stop this is one of the few times this hasn't worked - I notice a pattern that its with younger inexperienced girls...We have sex, I manage to control myself despite her having one of the best bodies and face/hair around this is an issue a few times cause I need to start and stop just as she is getting into it properly.... but no matter how deep and hard I fuck her, even when shes getting into it properly she doesn't cum, she tells me that she's never cum before ( I now realise this doesnt match with what she said about making her come in 20mins though, I think i may have misunderstood?). I try licking her for a bit but it gets a little frustrating, cause she won't come, especially cause I still feel a little rushed (I've been reassuring her the last hour that it will only be 20 mins). She explains to me that shes self conscious about it and thinks its wierd and that theres somethng wrong with her. I tell her I know loads of girls that havent cum and that it will come if she gets it right - I know we just need patience ;). I don't cum because I've trained myself to not cum till the girl has - I also said I would cum inher mouth and she was strongly against she asked for it on her tits but I declined - didn't want to give her that victory - NOW I REGRET that big time - would have been a lot of fun and I think it might have made it all al little more real for her....less clinical - have been debating whether inside or on her tits would have been better.... hmmmmm


Anyway she wants to leave and I did promise to take her home so I get the bus and walk her all the way to her house (it is in a pretty dodgy area) had forgotten how long this would take because its too late for trains - its FAR! We're both tired at this point and dont want to talk much she even says "oh no now we need to make conversation for even longer" I tell her we dont bla bla - when we miss a second bus ...when I get there she tells me it would be weird ffor me to come up but she seems to feel bad so does anyway. Makes me some pasta - we eat talk a little more but she's almost falling asleep, I ask to use her toilet in her room but its a dump so she wont let me in, I'm done pushing for tonight and just want to get out so I say thanks for the food give her a kiss and leave. I send her a text she replies well - pretty closed ended though - should I leave it ?
How to keep things going?

I think the main mistake here was to take her home - I should have offered to make her some food ( turned out once we got to hers that she was hungry) I should have had some cake or something else easy to eat ( she wanted some - but the box was empty!) If I had had some food she might have been more willing to stay - not that she said that at the time - I only realise that now afterwards that it might have been the only way to stop us leaving. Thoughts?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
I talk to her on the phone and she tentatively agrees to meet last tuesday. She comes over after a little wobbling on the day and we have a nice time cooking. She says she's happy she came over and we have sex 4 times and this time I finish on her face and inside her. I make one mistake and tell her that I dont want her to stop seeing other people and I won't - this I feel closed her off emotionally somewhat after sex and means shes been less accepting of super dominant frames that were sticking before. I called her up today and told her that I wanted to take that statement back - wanted to
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Yo girlsfollow, props on getting through all that bullshit!

This girl was obviously extremely horny and because of it was being a bitch/throwing shit tests at you left and right to see if you could hang. You must've passed, buddy! :)

I don't see anything wrong, I can't seem to find an opportunity where you could've pulled her sooner because of her annoying friend, so good job there. The only issue I have is what you do at the end. I wouldn't verbalize anything about a relationship until she does. And if you DO verbalize something, don't take it back. It looks weak when you do that and makes her question you.

Other than that though, good shit bro! keep it up!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Jake D. said:
Yo girlsfollow, props on getting through all that bullshit!

This girl was obviously extremely horny and because of it was being a bitch/throwing shit tests at you left and right to see if you could hang. You must've passed, buddy! :)

I don't see anything wrong, I can't seem to find an opportunity where you could've pulled her sooner because of her annoying friend, so good job there. The only issue I have is what you do at the end. I wouldn't verbalize anything about a relationship until she does. And if you DO verbalize something, don't take it back. It looks weak when you do that and makes her question you.

Other than that though, good shit bro! keep it up!

thanks bro! - I only said this in response to her question btw - she asked when the last time was that I had sex after telling me hers... yeh totally agree with you though -


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Well done, GF.

I agree, you'd have been better off getting her to spend the night with you if at all possible - would've saved you the walk, and you'd have gotten to cement the bond a lot more (which sounds like it's what you wanted).

In any event, she came back again for Round 2, so ended up not making a huge difference.

The "I don't want you to stop seeing other people, and I won't either" thing is a bit odd, considering she's telling you she hasn't had sex with anyone in half a year. I'm assuming she brought this up and you just responded? In that case, it's clumsy and you're better off being vague or brushing it off than stating this outright if you're not going for FWB / open relationship. However... this is how you learn, and you might be surprised how accommodating some women will be when you're adamant about doing thing one way, but everything else in the relationship is awesome.

On the orgasming, since you seem to specializing in virgins much of the time(!), I'm assuming you're familiar with training girls up to cum; if not, this one's worth a read: 3 Steps to Help Her to Orgasm from Sex.

As for cumming on her breasts the first time, just make her beg for it. "You want me to cum on your tits? Do you? How bad do you want it? Do you want it BAD?" Get her to beg, then give it to her, and you're golden.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Chase said:
Well done, GF.

I agree, you'd have been better off getting her to spend the night with you if at all possible - would've saved you the walk, and you'd have gotten to cement the bond a lot more (which sounds like it's what you wanted).

In any event, she came back again for Round 2, so ended up not making a huge difference.

The "I don't want you to stop seeing other people, and I won't either" thing is a bit odd, considering she's telling you she hasn't had sex with anyone in half a year. I'm assuming she brought this up and you just responded? In that case, it's clumsy and you're better off being vague or brushing it off than stating this outright if you're not going for FWB / open relationship. However... this is how you learn, and you might be surprised how accommodating some women will be when you're adamant about doing thing one way, but everything else in the relationship is awesome.

On the orgasming, since you seem to specializing in virgins much of the time(!), I'm assuming you're familiar with training girls up to cum; if not, this one's worth a read: 3 Steps to Help Her to Orgasm from Sex.

As for cumming on her breasts the first time, just make her beg for it. "You want me to cum on your tits? Do you? How bad do you want it? Do you want it BAD?" Get her to beg, then give it to her, and you're golden.

YES I love this - perfect - I love to make them beg for it - in fact I made her beg me to cum on her face - and then did the second time! - EDIT: its great I wrote this up I just reread my post and saw that the first time she was refusing to take it in her mouth - I"m actually happy I didn't settle for her breasts last time - I refused and then the NEXT time I pushed it to something even naughtier - her face - and it worked - progress through not folding! :)

The thing is I've noticed that she isn't a naturally submissive girl - at least not outside the bedroom. Maybe its the clumsy wording of the whole sleeping with people thing - but I think it might be her 'type' - She seems to have a higher threshold for submitting than most of the naturally submissive girls I know.

Shes constantly throwing out shit tests these are usually in response to me throwing out dominant frames heres a good example, Ive written it down worse here than it really was- was over the phone;

ME: You're going late again!? You know youve been a bad girl - youre going to need to be spanked for that!
HER: Sorry but I just cant say no to anyone...
HER: no dont spank me or I won't come (even thought she actually loves it)
ME: well you need to learn to say no- bad! And
HER: Hey its just that you're the lowest priority for me ;p

also when I called her my little slut a while ago she replied "I like being your little slut :)" but now shes been putting down frames like that over text "I'm not your fucktoy/did you just call me x!?"

I think it might be that I need to take the dominance to another level with this girl - I had it a while ago and she seems to have managed to get on more even footing - need to get that in line again for her sake! Any advice on girls that don't submit easily>? Especially with ones that haven't ever cum - thats obviously the main weapon usually!

haha quite right with the virgins and inexperienced girls! (Although she isnt a full virgin! - its just she hasn't cum). I do love the chance to train a girl in how to be in bed - helping them submit - a bit like breaking in a horse or running in a new car (but in a way thats good for both of us!) . This girl is one of the first though that clearly has a higher threshold - I think shes had a hard time with guys in the past - shes been depressed and has anxiety issues cause the love of her life died - something she refuses to talk about - I think it affected her deeply and maybe thats why she has some big defences up that made me more careful and her less responsive.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012

also when I called her my little slut a while ago she replied "I like being your little slut :)" but now shes been putting down frames like that over text "I'm not your fucktoy/did you just call me x!?"

I think you need to take it easy with the slutty nicknames when you're just texting her. Save that stuff for the bedroom. It's like Usher's old hit single... he wants "a lady in the street but a freak in the bed."

Make sure to treat her like a lady outside the bedroom and like your personal little slut when she's IN the bedroom. ;)

EDIT: I should mention that, if she's the one to start getting sexual over text, then you can feel free to roll with the punches there (or ignore it, up to you). But generally, it's best to leave most of the naughty stuff for when you two are alone together.

- Franco


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 24, 2012
Franco said:

also when I called her my little slut a while ago she replied "I like being your little slut :)" but now shes been putting down frames like that over text "I'm not your fucktoy/did you just call me x!?"

I think you need to take it easy with the slutty nicknames when you're just texting her. Save that stuff for the bedroom. It's like Usher's old hit single... he wants "a lady in the street but a freak in the bed."

Make sure to treat her like a lady outside the bedroom and like your personal little slut when she's IN the bedroom. ;)

EDIT: I should mention that, if she's the one to start getting sexual over text, then you can feel free to roll with the punches there (or ignore it, up to you). But generally, it's best to leave most of the naughty stuff for when you two are alone together.

- Franco
Right on franco!

Its tempting to keep it going if shes liked it so much in bed - but yeh do not use over text!

Things going well with this girl - she's come over to see me once per week since and has had a great time - she still hasn't cum though (since she never has before) she has said she wants me to be the one she does with first though...

I'm just continuing to try and relax her - I've been avoiding buying her a vibrator as chase suggests but she seems to fidn it difficult to touch herself - she says she cant relax on her own - she only really likes to touch it when with me she says. This might be linked to her being an anxious type - she has panic attacks and is on medication for it - so this might all be linked... next time I need to try and relax her even more maybe go overboard on the foreplay. At the moment no matter how long and hard I go even while touching her clit - she has a lot of fun but just doesnt seem to get there. I dont want to ask her too much about it as it could increase the pressure...

Funny thing is I've made her squirt with my fingers while fingering her, but i don't think in her case this means she's orgasmed.... I know some girls that orgasm and some tell me its not the same thing in them as squirting...