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FU  hot girl at the gym


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
Hey guys it's my first FR, and unfortunately it didn't go as well as I hoped. It would be awesome if you guys could tell me some things I did really well, and some things I didn't do well on. Honestly guys, this is painful to write because I fucked up pretty bad, but I know if I want to be successful with women I will probably be writing more of these.

Background info: I go to the gym about 6 days a week at the same time and I noticed this extremely hot girl who just started going a month or two ago. A few days ago, my buddy (who is going out with one of the hottest girls at my school)said I should go approach her. At the time I didn't want to because the conditions weren't really favorable as I would have to break the Law of least effort to talk to her. I decided to take 2 days off of lifting because I was getting swamped with tests. I just decided to go back today figuring the girl would be there and was determined not to leave until I talked to her.

So I just got to the gym and started working out in the most populated area of the gym, where I would see the girl if she was there. Sure enough she was, and I started doing some exercizes near her. I went to go do a bench press, which all of the others were taken except the one she just left from. I went up and asked her if she was still using it and she said she wasn't. I wasn't really thinking because I was nervous, If I had I would've said something like "you have really beautiful eyes or something. I was pretty nervous and I saw this girl doing some exercizes and she didn't mess around, when she was at the gym she meant business. Her breaks hardly lasted 30 seconds, which made me even more nervous because I would have to time it perfectly to talk to her when she isn't in the middle of a set. So while I was bench pressing she got on a machine directly behind me. I was in a serious rush because I had to leave to get some award ath high school, but I definitely had to talk to her. So I heard when she stopped working out (because the machine she was on was pretty noisy and I didn't want to look back) I walked over and this is how the conversation went:

Me(walking up with shoulders back at a relaxed pace): hey I meant to tell you earlier when we were talking that you have really beautiful eyes, my name is Roy, by the way.
Her: thanks! It's nice to meet you (to the best of my memory she didn't provide her name, maybe a sign she wasn't interested? Irreguardless I continued the conversation)
Me: I hope I'm not interrupting your workout (at this point I start talking a lot faster than normal, hardly giving her time to reply)
Her: no, not at all. (She seemed uninterested, but I kept talking thinking maybe it will change
Me: so I never see girls that lift as much as you, (looking at the weights she had on the machine as I said it) how did you get into it?
Her: well I always used to go to the Y(a local gym) with my boyfriend (now at this point I'm kind of confused. In 2 months I have never saw her lift with a guy, but hell if I met a girl that talked as fast and acted as nervous as I did, I would probably say I had a girlfriend too.) and I looked up some information on the Internet.
She seemed eager to get back to her set and stop taking to me, so I said "ok, cool. See you around!" And she smiled and said ok. This lasted about 1 minute, but felt like an eternity

Ouch. This is seriously painful to write, but I acted seriously nervous and talked way too fast. I'm sure the pre workout (for those of you who don't know what it is, it's like a serious energy drink) didn't help as I was already pretty jittery, but oh well. So my question to you guys is, is there any way to recover and any tips you can give me for my next approach? I hope to upload some more FRs this weekend (hopefully they aren't FUs). Also, sorry if I make a ton of grammatical mistakes I'm typing from my phone. Thanks in advance!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers