Here is a text exchange from a Hot or Not match.
FIgured out we had some similar interests later in the Convo.
Thought the number grab was pretty smooth. She's on the opposite side of the country but I figured it was nice practice.
FIgured out we had some similar interests later in the Convo.
Thought the number grab was pretty smooth. She's on the opposite side of the country but I figured it was nice practice.
08:29 AM
So tell me about your company.
08:32 AM
I own a insurance agency......nothing too exciting
09:49 AM
Well we cuss insurance when we write the check every month but Having a good agent sure pays off when you have a claim.
09:49 AM
Sounds like it allows you to pursue your interests though! Done anything fun lately?
09:51 AM
I travel alot, love the beaches around here (FL) & I have a cabin in the North Georgia mountain that I just got back from Saturday.
09:53 AM
So what does a weekend at the cabin entail? I've been reluctant to get tied down to somewhere I need to maintain. Grabbing a back pack or loading the horses in the trailer on a moments notice is more my style.
09:55 AM
That's so me......I was actually hauling 2 of my horses back to my FL farm. *Qualifying herself...*
09:55 AM [Picture of her Horses]
09:56 AM [Picture of her Horses]
09:56 AM
My polo horse clients will go to FL for the Winter.
09:56 AM
The paint horses were already at my farm here.
09:59 AM
Nice stout horses.
10:00 AM
10:04 AM
10:04 AM
This summer I got a new grey gelding. Took him on a 4 day group ride. First Day's high was 103! He did good on the 18 mile round trip. Needed some electrolytes and a little Banamine at the end of the day.
10:34 AM
Very nice horse. I'd love to do that, sounds exciting.
10:36 AM
10:36 AM
Exciting is packing out elk camp in the middle of a Snowstorm at 9000 feet.
10:50 AM
Beautiful, but looks COLD!! My father goes elk hunting every year. I've never hunted elk myself, only deer thus far.
10:51 AM
And how was that? Was it a one time thing or do you hunt often?
10:52 AM
10:53 AM
[picture of her with a deer]
I look horrible, don't laugh
10:54 AM
10:54 AM
Atta girl. Nothing better than a lady who can get dirty and then clean up for a night out. Muy Caliente
10:54 AM
[picture of her shooting]
Love shooting my bow!!!
10:54 AM
Well that's definitely
*Qualifying herself...*
10:58 AM
Went Bowhunting this weekend. Managed to get a Coyote at 40 yards. Guess all that summer 3D paid off.
10:59 AM
I'd have to see from the front but your DL might be long?
11:04 AM
Draw length?
11:10 AM
11:10 AM
[picture of me shooting]
Yep. Just from seeing you leaning back. But that is just from one picture.
11:14 AM
Great pic!! Is there anything you don't do? My exhusband got me into it & took me to Bass Pro to get it set up few years ago. I'm no expert on setting one up, but I can sure shoot one
11:19 AM
Well sign up for the Team money shoot at [a local archery shoot], and I'll partner with you. We might not win but it will damn sure be a good time!
11:24 AM
That would be so much fun, I'm very competitive. I'd need to get back there & start practicing again, haven't shot lately......haven't had anyone to shoot with. It's more fun shooting with someone else with me.
11:32 AM
Yep having a shooting or riding partner makes it much more fun. You should send me your cell number so I can check your form. ;-D
11:33 AM
You got that right! (XXX)XXX_XXXX