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Hot to last hours long in bed - easy


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 5, 2013
There is a trick how to last long in bed.

It's not that you need to last long but that you can go multiple times.

If you last 10 minutes or less the first time, after you cum just start kissing her and doing foreplay and eating her out until you're erect and ready to go again which won't be more than 10 minutes.

Then go again and this time you'll last longer like 15-20 minutes. After you cum start with foreplay and eating her out again, When you're erect start penetrating her again.

After the 3rd or 4th time you'll be lasting half and hour to 45 minutes and at the 5-6 time it'd be more like an hour.

Do this as many times as you can. My personal record i 6 times in one night with one girl. After which we were like a couple of dead bodies and the smile on her face lasted for days, and we slept for 12 hours that night.

This is mostly for guys roughly my age 18-25 (i'm 21), cause we have more energy to go again and again.

Going more that 3-4 times is hard and I recommend you work out regularly and eat healthy to have the strength to go again and again and again and..
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers