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Hot women congregate via some secret signal?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 25, 2022
Noticed that some nights a bar or club will be full of beautiful women and that same bar on that same day will be dead. I've been unable to figure out why. Sometimes a Monday will be unexpectedly great at the local bar for no apparent reason. Its just the local spot. Other times a Friday will be dead at a usually happening club.

Near as I can tell hot women won't go into a bar unless it has a critical mass of women on their level, but that's just a guess and can't seem to figure rhyme or reason.

Any thoughts on figuring out what's behind this, and how to best find a target rich environment beyond just wandering from spot to spot?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
Punchline-- it's all a crapshoot. You are only ever playing statistical odds.

Which is the real 'secret' of game imo: when opportunity presents itself (which is what we encourage it to do), be ready!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Social proof… it works for venues, it works for mates.

By the same coin, it’s hard to gauge why some B rated movies are popular and some are not.
There are plenty of social media people who are semi-famous and have no business being so.

That’s the magic of social proof… some times there is no rhyme or reason behind… just an ever growing snowball.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

If you get enough hot girl friends, and get them before you know the venues and good nights in your town, you can talk to them about venues and you will have conversations like this:

YOU: What about Venue X? That place has pretty cool decor and get some decent crowds sometimes.​
HER: It's not good on Wednesdays though.​

Or you'll all visit a venue on an off night when no one in your group knows if it'll be good or not. You get there, it's pretty dead, no good-looking people there, and within a couple of minutes the hot girls in your group will be like, "I don't want to say here. Let's go somewhere else!" so you all leave. Usually at that point they are texting their friends to find out what's good.

So those are basically your three paths for how these things self-organize:

  • Level 1: hot girls with no better intel go to a venue to see if it's any good; they leave fast if it isn't.

  • Level 2: hot girls tap their network to see what spots friends are going to and say are good that night.

  • Level 3: hot girls who already know what venues to go to on which nights because they go out enough to know.

This is also another reason for why nightclubs have queues; they need to let enough hot girls in at once that the hot girls all see each other and decide the place is worth staying at, rather than letting them trickle in as they come, only to have them look around, not see other hot girls there, then leave, preventing the place from ever building up a critical mass of hotties.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 25, 2022
Thank you.Good breakdown.

Bit of a catch 22. Find hot girls to help you find hot girls to help you find hot girls. Such is life.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take