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How do I handle age gap shit test?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 13, 2017

Second specific senario in a week. I was at a big dance party that was largely social circle (I know about half the people there, and those I don't know are friends of friends). I am terrible at this game right now. However, this one chick on the dance floor reels me in and we dance, it is electric, and I end by kissing her. She loves it and kisses me back. Then we go hang at out at the sofas, talk and make out. She is cool with a bit of that, but is nervous about going too far as all her co-workers are around her. I move her once or twice, but haven't figured out how to pull her in this setting yet as she makes a big deal about being with friends and she is only 17 (don't worry legal age is 16 here) and I am about 9 years older. (I know I could ask her to come home with me, but she might not want to been seen doing that in front of her group?). Anyway, I grab her number (somehow manage to loose it, but I know where she works), but giving it to me she tells me there needs to be boundaries due to our age gap, and that we should not do you know what (sex) (I think the shit test?).

My friend thinks that I should have said "fine if you just want to be friends we can do that" and make to walk away. I was thinking about saying "we should not let age get in the way of the incredible connection we had", in as sexy a way as possible. Of course, I failed it at the time and just said "ok", or "that makes sense" or something like that.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021

Second specific senario in a week. I was at a big dance party that was largely social circle (I know about half the people there, and those I don't know are friends of friends). I am terrible at this game right now. However, this one chick on the dance floor reels me in and we dance, it is electric, and I end by kissing her. She loves it and kisses me back. Then we go hang at out at the sofas, talk and make out. She is cool with a bit of that, but is nervous about going too far as all her co-workers are around her. I move her once or twice, but haven't figured out how to pull her in this setting yet as she makes a big deal about being with friends and she is only 17 (don't worry legal age is 16 here) and I am about 9 years older. (I know I could ask her to come home with me, but she might not want to been seen doing that in front of her group?). Anyway, I grab her number (somehow manage to loose it, but I know where she works), but giving it to me she tells me there needs to be boundaries due to our age gap, and that we should not do you know what (sex) (I think the shit test?).

My friend thinks that I should have said "fine if you just want to be friends we can do that" and make to walk away. I was thinking about saying "we should not let age get in the way of the incredible connection we had", in as sexy a way as possible. Of course, I failed it at the time and just said "ok", or "that makes sense" or something like that.
I just add a year or two nowadays. Or it doesn't come up. (So subtract a year or two maybe if you can pull it off. Even more if you really can maybe).

But yeah isn't too common for me nowadays. When it did happen I lied, didn't answer, and or teased then threadcut. If I answered honestly I used a gambit about young girls or people my age not having the right vibe and try to connect it to things she has expressed as valuable or are generally valuable things you get from growing older. Just flip that to older women being dry and stale, but younger women having life and really still seeing the possibilities or whatever.

Mind you, this is coming from a guy who is usually the youngest in the room though. But I've definitely been hit with this.

Normally women are attracted to older men from what I gather, but I won't comment much further than to say older men with game in this community have banged girls my age while I struggle to even tie my shoelaces haha.
"we should not let age get in the way of the incredible connection we had"

Just fake "friend zone" her. If you are doing it right you're not going to be a friend to her mind and emotions like at all.
"ok", or "that makes sense"
Honestly works just fine. Provided she's still around you and or you can get her out again it doesn't matter what the label is at a base level.

How you make her feel is what prevails. Her feelings are the base level. The label is sprinkles at best.

Was she too concerned about your age when this occurred
Then we go hang at out at the sofas, talk and make out.
maybe...most likely not.
but haven't figured out how to pull her in this setting yet as she makes a big deal about being with friends and she is only 17 (don't worry legal age is 16 here) and I am about 9 years older. (I know I could ask her to come home with me, but she might not want to been seen doing that in front of her group?).
This honestly comes off as more key than the rest of this post.

This is right here highlights strategy and decision making. I agree with your friend somewhat
My friend thinks that I should have said "fine if you just want to be friends we can do that" and make to walk away.

Meet other girls, engender yourself a bit with her friends, reign back attention giving her room to chase, perhaps even drop set since you have no clue how to pull or are unwilling to and see if you can find anyone who requires a bit less game. Chalk this one up to experience and work on the sticking points while still going for a good end.

Maybe elaborate more on the objections and the nature of them. What your strategy was in hindsight.

Because your strategy is everything.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
“You are to old for me” (or any other variation)

me: Yeah, you are probably to inexperienced to handle me. (Then quickly change the subject)

That’s usually how I handle it. The other way is me ignoring it and just continue like she didn’t even say it.

The third way (tho less common) is to agree and then just game her anyways. Gives her plausible deniability.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 13, 2017
Maybe elaborate more on the objections and the nature of them. What your strategy was in hindsight.
Honestly, I sometimes try and pull the girls that I meet at those dance parties, but this time I got just as hung up about her being clingy with her friends, and wanting to not unset her reputation with them as she was and didn't bring it up. I was kind of considering whether I could let her leave with her friends, then text her and, see if I could get a conversation going, and ask if "actually" she would like to come over to hand out a bit more. Terrible strategy I know, and I lost her number. I was also hesitant as I had a morning date the next day.

Honestly works just fine. Provided she's still around you and or you can get her out again it doesn't matter what the label is at a base level.
These dance parties are a community event that happen every month. This was her first but she says she will be back. Otherwise, she works at a restaurant and I could go there and see if I "run into her" (not sure her shifts). I might increasingly encounter her at other events if her co-workers I know get her involved, but it hasn't happened yet.

Just fake "friend zone" her. If you are doing it right you're not going to be a friend to her mind and emotions like at all.
Not quite sure how this would look? Say I met her at the next dance party. I could greet her, talk to her, but only lightly touch her and refuse to dance with her. I think she might be expecting me to dance with her again.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Not quite sure how this would look? Say I met her at the next dance party. I could greet her, talk to her, but only lightly touch her and refuse to dance with her. I think she might be expecting me to dance with her again.

Read this thread about the friendship maneuver by Vision.

Also find a nightgame person to model and start diving into their shiz.

Skills, Alek, and Chase come to mind rn, but there are others. You need a structure. Naturals have one (narrow to their venue and circle usually) and even men just getting lucky have one (it's busted though). Only people not getting laid don't have a structure.

I'm learning a structure. Get a general structure, strategy, gameplan and learn it from A-Z to get the lays you're gaming for.
However, this one chick on the dance floor reels me in and we dance, it is electric, and I end by kissing her. She loves it and kisses me back.
Not many support making out with women in public. Especially if you haven't fucked yet UNLESS you REALLY know what you are doing and or do not care like at all. Just want some fun.

Look up why.
Honestly, I sometimes try and pull the girls that I meet at those dance parties, but this time I got just as hung up about her being clingy with her friends, and wanting to not unset her reputation with them as she was and didn't bring it up.
Seems like you're trying to get comfortable pulling/extracting in general.

Me as well friend. I will tell you while I'm practicing I have developed way more comfort delivering my offer even in the face of limited results. I've even seen sets get very relieved about it. They welcome the game. They don't leave screaming they just needed more game or maybe I was in a truly poorly chosen set. Who knows? Probably a mixture.

I'm working on it too. Lot's of articles and threads on it this part of the process. Currently I really want to lock into extracting a girl from a 2-set and or group since I run into that quite a bit. Both in nightgame and daygame. Mostly nightgame though.
These dance parties are a community event that happen every month. This was her first but she says she will be back. Otherwise, she works at a restaurant and I could go there and see if I "run into her" (not sure her shifts). I might increasingly encounter her at other events if her co-workers I know get her involved, but it hasn't happened yet.
That's fine. Just have your game hat ready.

Honestly I think your best shot would come from seeing her in nightgame than at her job.

But could add to the friendship angle. You have to influence her feelings in some way though. It doesn't matter where you see her again if you can't game her to close.

Also logistically speaking I think nightgame>seeing her at her job.

My last set doing that accidentally wasn't too successful. She replied

"lmao no thanks"

To a hard close over text after I already attempted a soft close at her job and got a "maybe". Bad game or maybe I had a booger coming out of my nose. Probably both.

Right now your process, decision making, and strategy in nightgame need solidifying. Get some basic stuff going.

Previously I was working on infiltrating groups and massive social proof. Currently pivoting into more low-key shiz. Something sensual and sexual with more emphasis on compliance across my game.
I had a morning date the next day.
Hope your date went well SuKnocket.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 13, 2017
“You are to old for me” (or any other variation)

me: Yeah, you are probably to inexperienced to handle me. (Then quickly change the subject)

That’s usually how I handle it. The other way is me ignoring it and just continue like she didn’t even say it.

The third way (tho less common) is to agree and then just game her anyways. Gives her plausible deniability.

So I actually went to the restaurant last night to see if I would run into my first 17 year old, only to strike up a conversation with another 17 year old who works there. (A lot of young guys were there too, in fact there were more guys that girls serving). A unique circumstance made it so that I could strike up an extended conversation with her, but I struggled to frame it sexually (not something I have much experience or skill with yet). When I asked for her number, she brought up the age concern again, and I told her we could be just friends because the "Yeah, you are probably to inexperienced to handle me." or ignoring it seemed calibrated wrong for the vibe. However, trying to game her after telling her just friends seems too sneaky and dishonest for me to do to someone this young unlike with the other girl who I made out with (then things could just happen that we both obviously want to happen...). Not sure if she is even much good as a pivot.

I was thinking in hind sight I could have said "Yep pretty dangerous hu! (in joking/sexy voice with eyelids raised) We could start out as friends, but ultimately up to you"

Now I have a "friend" number I am not sure what to do with!
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