Hey Belmo!
Hope your having a good day,
It depends what kind of frame you want to set. Just in case your new, a frame is like a social context in which the conversation takes place in
So you have two frame options:
1. Yes, I am flirting with you (courtship frame)
2. No, we’re just friends (platonic frame)
If your on here, you probably want to fuck her brains out, so to own that your attracted to her you would pick option 1.
If you go for option 2 but continue to flirt with her (a lot of guys do this) you are creating a third frame: 3. I like you but I’m not balls enough to go out and say it, so you shouldn’t take me seriously
I know I could of just said yes, but I wanted to explain how frames work so you can start applying them to every interaction with a girl
hope this helps,