It's like a disease, like I can't accept reality and have to prove that they could like and start fantasizing about it and then feel like shit when reality hits. How do I stop this?
I actually read that book some quite a while, and you're right that's a much better mindset to have.Agree with the other responses. I feel like if you are high self-esteem, the thought of a girl not liking you doesn't happen. I'm reminded of a Zan Perrion idea. he said something like
"a boy spends his time wondering 'does she like me? Does she like me?' Whereas a man keeps thinking to himself 'do I like her? Do I like her?' "
Check out his book The Alabaster Girl for more ideas like that one
Also Chase has an article on self-esteem (it's good), if you feel like you want to boost yours.