I have this issue many times where I approach a girl, after she's shown IOIs and we start a conversation and it starts great. But at some point, I feel like she's bored (her body posture and responses change) And I kind of freeze.
I think that this is common and happens all the time, and the trick is to just keep talking or switch the subject, but I wanted to hear your opinions on what you do in these scenarios?
Your fundamentals/conversational skills might not be up to par.
If a girl isn’t feeling any emotions towards you, then she likely is bored
My guess is:
She likes your appearance, that’s why she’s giving you the approach invitations
But then when you go to talk to her, you can’t back it up with the skills needed to seduce her
It takes time to build these skills: that’s why beginners have these problems
The beginning is the hardest so stick with it and you’ll find it gets easier
In my first 100 approaches, I really had a hard time keeping a conversation alive. To remedy that, I would just keep talking even if it wasn’t something insightful to say.
After a while, you start figuring out how to go down convo threads and find the ones that really get her going.
It’s like when the nurse is looking for the vein in a blood draw, she’ll tap around a couple places before she really finds that spot with the most blood.
Find that blood my dude, your a vampire
Dracula always had the baddest hoes