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How do you learn pick-up at home?

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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 1, 2024
That's not a typo.

There is a lot of information here and on pickup in general and when it comes to a point when I need it, I won't remember it.

Also, even when actively pursuing women, certain situations are just rare but when they occur, I have to know what to do.

Therefore when I read an article about pickup, how do I learn at home in a way so that I remember when I need it?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
You don't. You go out and approach.

I've been reading about pickup/game/seduction for years before I actually got the balls to approach women. All that theoretical knowledge helps you very little when you're out in the field.

The first few times talking to girls, I just froze up after a few seconds of talking and had to eject. And I'm still struggling with closing, though I'm starting to improve in that regard. That's not something you can practice at home.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2023
Pick one thing you want to work on and go out with the goal of trying that one specific thing over and over


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
You cant learn it at home. You need to make mistakes get back to the material , recalibrate and go again.

Only "knowledge" will fail you in the heat of the moment. Not helping you to act helpfully


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
how do I learn at home

OK so start by getting a box of tissues ..

Just kidding.

You can only learn while you're practicing. It's actually best to experience something first and then learn how to deal with it. Reading about something you've never experienced is not very useful. But when you have some experiences to connect the dots with, the theory sticks.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
if you can't go out and practice right away

reading the articles will give a reference for when you do go out there'

there are some things you can practice anywhere, like your voice (voice memos come in handy here) or facial expressions (need a mirror)
the fundamentals you can basically work on during your daily life

which is actually quite a lot of material

you can learn social skills and fundamentals without hitting on anyone

game however, there is no hot bitch simulator, u gotta dip ur toes in for that one


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 1, 2024
I wrote about situations that are rare, sometimes once in a lifetime, and I need to practise them for them to work once I am faced with them.

I resent some of you for not properly reading my post and instead falsely assuming I wanted to do game all at home and condescendingly parroting that game was played in the field like a dumbass.
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Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
Let me see if I understand...you wanna build a mental library of the rarest hipothetical scenarios that you think are gonna help you make the right decisions when you face them once in a blue moon, if ever?

If that's the case, it makes no sense.

It's quite the opposite in fact:
- at home you read a lot about the basics, like
presence, grooming, how to approach and open, what to say, how to banther and hook, how to make transitions, etc
- you work on them and always keep tweaking and improving
- you go out and test them in-field
- after some sucesses and blunders, you come back here and search for the answer to that particular situation you've faced in real life

Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
I wrote about situations that are rare, sometimes once in a lifetime, and I need to practise them for them to work once I am faced with them.

I resent all of you for not properly reading my post and instead falsely assuming I wanted to do game all at home and condescendingly parroting that game was played in the field like a dumbass.
I see nothing condescending about it? You asked how to do something at home which obviously can't just be learned at home.

Sounds like a pretty dumbass question to me.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Asking for advice, then putting down the people who give it, is troll behaviour and borderline insulting.

Especially as everyone gave you essentially the same answer. You could have at least rephrased the question if you think everyone misunderstood you.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 1, 2024
Ignoring the question in total, just looking for keywords, parroting platitudes to then be butthurt when they are not appreciated is troll behaviour and borderline insulting.Back in the day, you got an F for that in school. If that's what is considered help for you, I want none of that. Fortunately, that's not, what is considered help here, you and a few others are just not good at pickup.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 1, 2024
I see nothing condescending about it? You asked how to do something at home which obviously can't just be learned at home.

Sounds like a pretty dumbass question to me.
Yes you do, you just don't like being spotted. If anything, you don't know how to practise at home, you have no idea what is possible.

Of course it's a dumbass question to you because you are a dumbass and you deem everything stupid that's beyond you.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 1, 2024
another socially retarded incel...

mods just close this thread please, it's obvious this guy isn't interested in advice
Hey that's cool, mod can ban us both then.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
If the op is not trolling it is possible if you live in front of a high traffic foot area and maybe a balcony... Some south beach places and cali places are like this u can engage girls as they pass by your home...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 2, 2019
Gonna go against the grain on this one.

Can you learn pickup completely at home, without actually talking to girls? No. You can't delay approaching until you've read or practiced a bunch of stuff at home first. You need to actually get the feedback of how girls react to you and troubleshoot what's going wrong to get better. You need to see how girls around you talk, what they like, how they think, etc. You also need that exposure to uncomfortable situations and how to handle them and remain confident and in control.

Now that that's out of the way - can you practice at home to improve your game. I think definitely yes.

First of all, you can work on your fundamentals in any social situation. You can practice body language, voice, face, etc at home. Or with family, friends, etc. You can even record yourself. You can get in shape and work on your fashion. You can make a lot of progress here without actually approaching.

For game, you can also work on your verbals. This will really help you if you find yourself stuck not knowing what to say. Write out all of the verbal stuff you commonly use. Make a document, and write out a bunch of openers, responses to questions like "where are you from?" "what do you do?" etc that girls commonly ask you, write out a bunch of ways to tease girls, chase framing, role plays, innuendos, challenges, etc. Ways to reward girls, takeaways, interesting topics to talk about, stories about your life, how you qualify them, how to deep dive and bait the girl to share personal things or try to impress you, deal with tests, sexualize, pull, deal with objections, etc. Whenever you say something to a girl that works, write it down later. Or if you see another guy say/do something charismatic or interesting, write it down. You can even practice opening, responding to things, telling stories in the mirror.

If you really want to take this further, the Game Solved book talks about practicing with tv shows. You pick some drama series with a lot of man-woman scenes, and practice responding to things the characters say. For example, come up with a way to tease a girl, and then deliver it as you would in person. I personally haven't done this.

You should not be getting in your head thinking "what do I say next" when talking to a girl. Ideally, you're not even thinking about being confident or making eye contact, or speaking slowly, and all of that is natural too. Then you can focus your attention on the girl, how she's reacting. etc. And everything else is automatic. Guys who do this stuff are always going to say "you can't just sit at home, you have to actually go out and approach", but that's because they see others make the same mistake over and over of not actually going out and putting in the work. Or letting approach anxiety prevent them from talking to anyone. Most guys never put in the work to actually become good or get results. But imo, you can combine practicing at home with going out (and I think it's possibly even the optimal way to improve)

Also, even when actively pursuing women, certain situations are just rare but when they occur, I have to know what to do.
I'm not really sure if there's that many rare situations that make or break interactions that can't be solved in the moment with general principals. The main exceptions I can think of might be weird logistics situations or weird girls who act abnormal and are hard to read. Maybe certain lmr situations? I wouldn't worry about this until you're good at handling the common things that come up over and over again.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
I wrote about situations that are rare, sometimes once in a lifetime, and I need to practise them for them to work once I am faced with them.
What rare exactly do you hope to prepare for at home?

If anything, you don't know how to practise at home, you have no idea what is possible.
Enlighten us then. If you had success with seduction from home preparation, it would be great to hear some details about how you did it. Like, did you get your first lay from your first approach?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 1, 2024
What rare exactly do you hope to prepare for at home?

Female cockblocking currently. I always go blank when confronted with it and it doesn't happen for a long time but then it happens and because of the long delay, I forgot all of it. Also dealing with male intruders.

You just cannot afford to be rusty.

Just like people in self defense prepare for a deadly scenario, in pickup I have to prepare for dealing with intruders of any gender. Because when it happens, you will go blank if you don't.

But this is my experience speaking, I don't think many participants here actually go out often.

Besides, if you do daygame, which is the preferred method here aswell, you often just walk and find no suitable girl to talk to.

It is much more efficient to do something at home every day, so your skillset development does not depend solely on women.

This is a no-brainer, I wonder why no pickup instructor has ever picked up on it...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
Female cockblocking currently. I always go blank when confronted with it and it doesn't happen for a long time but then it happens and because of the long delay, I forgot all of it. Also dealing with male intruders.

You just cannot afford to be rusty.

Just like people in self defense prepare for a deadly scenario, in pickup I have to prepare for dealing with intruders of any gender. Because when it happens, you will go blank if you don't.

But this is my experience speaking, I don't think many participants here actually go out often.

Besides, if you do daygame, which is the preferred method here aswell, you often just walk and find no suitable girl to talk to.

It is much more efficient to do something at home every day, so your skillset development does not depend solely on women.

This is a no-brainer, I wonder why no pickup instructor has ever picked up on it...
Good old female cockblocking. Sucks when it happens, but it's amazing when you turn it around. I can understand why you want to prepare for that.

I honestly wanted to give you some advice now that you have opened up a bit. But even though I asked two simple questions to get a better idea of where you are coming from, you still turned it into a hostile ending with that last paragraph of yours. That was uncalled for.

Given your other posts here, I will end my contribution to this thread.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
It is much more efficient to do something at home every day, so your skillset development does not depend solely on women.

This is a no-brainer, I wonder why no pickup instructor has ever picked up on it...

This is why we have books, video courses, phone coaching, Skype coaching, affirmations, visualizations, etc.

There are even pickup video game simulators -- see Rich La Ruina's Super Seducer series:

However, if you want to practice actual human interaction, where you are talking about a huge variety of different possible responses, that stem as fractal reactions to both your verbal and nonverbal communication like a multi-branching make-it-up-as-you-go-along Choose Your Own Adventure story, that is not something there is any good way to properly simulate at home.

The closest is drills with female actresses on a video chat. We have done these with students before (coach sits in to watch student's performance with actress) and they are valuable. But the availability of coaches + actresses plus the expense makes it impractical to do daily. And of course it is still not the same as what you'd get in the field with live women responding naturally.

The truth is you need women to practice with. Preferably women you are approaching in natural circumstances.

Not practicing with actual women is like trying to learn basketball while sitting at home without a basketball or net.

If you cannot do the actual thing with the actual objects/people you need to interact with, you cannot actually learn it.

IF YOU WANTED TO DO IT FOR LOW/NO MONEY, and you had sufficient hustle, in theory you could form, like, a group of men and women who all want to work on social skills improvement together, then all take turns taking on different roles. "Okay Susie, it's your turn to cockblock me from talking with Annabelle. Give me a medium-level cockblock; try to stop me from talking to her but not so harsh you're shutting me down like Shaquille O'Neal."

That'd probably be pretty hard to put together, and probably even harder to keep going over time, especially on a daily basis (rather than, say, weekly, or something), but that's the only way I can see doing it without it being very expensive.

The other realistic option is daily coaching, but of course that is going to be pricey (e.g., if you did it with GC, for coach + two actresses, one to cockblock and one to not, you'd probably be looking at a minimum of $250/day or $7500/mo if you're doing that every day of the week).

I do suspect at some point someone will program a chatbot that can simulate a lot of man-woman interactions that guys can then use to practice at home with. That could be kinda decent... but it would only be as good as the coach who is programming it. If it's just some regular dude it is going to have a lot of dumb and mismatched responses that will probably serve as a kind of anti-training, coaching guys to respond in weird ways to things that are not how women are actually going to talk to them in real life. Then you are in trouble...!

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