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How do you not doxx yourself here?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 28, 2023
I see a lot of posts mainly in field reports but also others where guys post the exact details of the interaction they had with a girl. Her appearance, their appearance, context, approach, the exact conversation and things they talked about, exact text convos, the date, etc., I wanted to post about a situation with a girl and ask advice but not sure if and how many details I should change (or add/remove). Yeah I'm probably just paranoid but this is all very personal stuff and I really don't want anyone irl finding my profile here, and definitely NOT a girl I'm courting.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 12, 2024
Bad News: Some people totally doxx themselves here. There is a reason the forum discourages the use of real names, and that reason is written in blood (figuratively).

Good News: It is unlikely to happen if it is vague enough. Minor snippets of conversations are fine and most people dismiss PUA stuff without even reading it. Just avoid exact locations, names, and unique features and you'll have deniability. The risk is statistically insignificant, is what I mean.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

One way to think of it is:

There are doubtless dozens of people who know you or have met you who have posted things about you online anonymously.

How many of those have you stumbled across?

The Internet's a big place.

Every doxxing I have seen over the years here came from either:

  1. The guy put his real name on his user account. Someone searched for his name on a search engine, this site came up, and... busted!

  2. The guy left a tab open on his browser or else had a chick who did a deep dive on his browser history, found the site, then snooped around obsessively until she found reports about herself where she was able to recognize the interaction.

  3. Or, in a third case, a group of guys moved OFF the forum, started a chat on Facebook where a bunch of them used their personal accounts with their real names, then a few of the guys started quarreling with the other guys and went around doxxing them to people.

Just use basic opsec:

  1. Don't use your real name / photo. (duh? I guess not since guys still do it!)

  2. Don't post pics of people that can be reverse image searched

  3. Use incognito mode, clear your browser entry, keep a separate password-protected account on your computer you use for accessing sensitive stuff (call it "Taxes" or "Bills" or something boring but private that no girl is going to have a justification for snooping around in), or simply do not let women use your devices

  4. If you're going to join groups off-site, either do not use your real name, or get to know ALL the guys in them 1-on-1 personally first so you know who's cool and can vet for dudes who are nuts. Seduction attracts some really brilliant, ambitious, accomplished men, as well as some really nutty ones, and they can both be great seducers, but one of those groups tends to have a lot more scruples than the other -- best to know which camp a guy is in before you go opening up your life to him
