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How does this make you feel? Theory Inside



Watch this first, then read what I've written afterwards.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... eiU6TxysCg

After watching this video, and sharing it with a couple of my friends. I've come up with an interesting theory. I came up with this theory after remembering this topic: https://www.girlschase.com/content/how-g ... every-date .
Those who feel sorry for the monkeys are liberal minded. For me, I felt sadness watching that video. It was like the monkey had no idea why that was happening, seeing it struggle as it was moving the cage hole wall thing, and even seeing it check the rock before getting another cucumber slice saddened me. My theory is that those people who feel sorry for the monkeys are liberal minded. However, people who laugh at the monkeys, are conservative-minded.
The ideals for conservative and liberal-minded people is under the subheading 'You are your Ideals' in that article I've linked.

I want to see if I could use this as part of my screening. But I need you guys to post to see if my theory is correct. According to the article and yourself, are you liberal or conservative minded? How did you feel watching that video?


Also, I'm not too sure if it belongs in off-topic or tactics and techniques, or somewhere else. If it doesn't belong here, please move it. Thank you!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 25, 2012
exoticattraction said:
Watch this first, then read what I've written afterwards.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... eiU6TxysCg

After watching this video, and sharing it with a couple of my friends. I've come up with an interesting theory. I came up with this theory after remembering this topic: https://www.girlschase.com/content/how-g ... every-date .
Those who feel sorry for the monkeys are liberal minded. For me, I felt sadness watching that video. It was like the monkey had no idea why that was happening, seeing it struggle as it was moving the cage hole wall thing, and even seeing it check the rock before getting another cucumber slice saddened me. My theory is that those people who feel sorry for the monkeys are liberal minded. However, people who laugh at the monkeys, are conservative-minded.
The ideals for conservative and liberal-minded people is under the subheading 'You are your Ideals' in that article I've linked.

I want to see if I could use this as part of my screening. But I need you guys to post to see if my theory is correct. According to the article and yourself, are you liberal or conservative minded? How did you feel watching that video?

I think that might be a bit too simplistic. For instance, I felt sorry for the monkey, but at the same time, their mannerisms are quite humorous. It's not an either or thing.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Interesting video! I thought it was pretty hilarious; interesting to hear your reaction was one of sadness, EA.

My first thought was perhaps you're empathizing with the monkey, and I'm not, while watching the video; but I realized I'm imagining and feeling the monkey's emotions ("WTF is this? Stupid human - I don't want this crap! Give me a GRAPE!"), and that's part of what makes it so hilarious.

I think what it actually is is that you project how you'd feel in that situation on the monkey. So if you'd feel sad / helpless / stuck, you feel bad for the monkey. If you'd feel annoyed, irritated, but still seeing the humor in your situation ("Ah, I can't believe this. That other monkey better remember this later") and realizing it doesn't matter a whole lot in the grand scheme of things, it's humorous.

My personal theory would be that the more someone feels he can take care of himself and provide for his own needs, the less seriously he tends to take situations like this, because he looks at something like that and thinks, "Well, I'd find a way to get the grape if I really wanted it." The less someone feels he has control over his own resources and destiny, the more likely he is to look at something like that and think, "Oh no! Poor monkey... that's so cruel that they gave the other monkey those awesome grapes and then that monkey got those crappy cucumbers." Thinking back on what my reaction would've been in high school or college, it would've made me feel sick to my stomach actually, and I probably would've thought all those people laughing were evil douchebags. "Quit laughing and give that poor monkey a grape!" I'd have thought. Yet, back then, I was still pretty conservative, albeit in different ways (i.e., I was more sexually/romantically conservative then, but less fiscally conservative; now those two are reversed).

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers