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How Girls Makes EVEN Girlschase Think That They Can Read You.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hello People,

How Girls Makes Girlschase Members Think That They Can Read You

I will list out things slowly so you guys can see where women figure men out or make you think THAT they do! This is going to be super duper weird, doesn't make sense at all, but by piecing it together, i hope people can see what i can see.

Let's start:

So apparently i had to defuse the tension between this girl and myself who just arrived at a workplace. We both are dominant figures whom we like to talk to one another, just by the way we look at each other everytime we in the vicinity of each other.

I decided it is time to defuse the tension but funny enough, she defuse the tension first. Note 1: She probably knows we are at work, afterall.

Now that we are cool, i see her once in awhile as i am moving and outstation for many of my time. In the mean time, I smell a female friend becoming cold for no reason, and everytime i turn to look at her, she was always looking at me (with another fatgirl beside her for often times) which i know deep inside had some influence in cockblocking. Ooooh yes, dear people, you get this way often as you get better. Note 2: Getting cockblock even before you know you getting it, whether you like a girl or not.

I took matters into my own hands. I have to show superiority. I don't like to do it really. I am a happy guy.

Note 3: And the fatgirl was kind of pissed. Things were quite neutral 'suddenly'.Note 4: There's this other girl who likes me but trying to balance out between work and her feelings, which is kind of funny. The dominant girl starts to get mellow when i enter office once in awhile.Note 5: She is also intrigue by me and tried to avoid eyecontact when i entered the office.

Note 6: This all happened within a space of 3 days to a week. But overall total it was about 3 weeks, if i remember correctly.

So what do we know?

1)Note 1: She probably knows we are at work,
2)Note 2: Getting cockblock even before you know you getting it, whether you like a girl or not.
3)Note 3: And the fatgirl was kind of pissed. Things were quite neutral 'suddenly'
4)Note 4: There's this other girl who likes me but trying to balance out between work and her feelings, which is kind of funny
5)Note 5: She is also intrigue by me and tried to avoid eyecontact when i entered the office.
6)Note 6: This all happened within a space of 3 days to a week. But overall total it was about 3 weeks, if i remember correctly.

Now, let's look at this, and see the conflictedness from all this women in a social circle...

Lesson: Women READ YOU VERY WELL, if you WATER their seeding. Basically, they swaying you into another timeline. Multiverse Universe

Women are fucking genius at this. I have seen this so many times. One might say, "Zac, you overthinking it". Zac will say: "This is what goes on in a women's mind, literally"

ONLY WATER the seeding that benefit you. This is women shit-test at a nuance level. They constantly looking for the biggest sausage available. If a christmas tree can be fit inside a women's ........, you bet your ass in her brain somewhere, she wants that christmas tree up hers. Anyway, enough of the joke, a lame one.

I hope this is clear. This looks retarded but i don't care!

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake