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How good does sex need to be to get her to come back for more?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Some guys talk about how they want to only give good enough sex to make a woman come back and not fantastic mind blowing sex that makes women fall head over heels in love.

My question... What counts as sex good enough to make women come back.

For example I have a LR I'm about to post and I didn't preform as well as in the past, or what I'm capable of.

It was decent at best and I failed to make her orgasm...

I'm thinking of writing this one off as a fail, move on, and vow to do better next time as I think this could have caused her sex regret.

Is it possible this was "enough" to get her to stick around?

Where is that line of "good enough to come back for more"?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012

My question... What counts as sex good enough to make women come back.

It really varies per girl and how she feels about you. I generally try to give women the best sex possible because, at the very least, you're giving her an experience she hasn't had anywhere else! That being said, some girls can tend to get attached when you give them great sex, but that's why I screen early for any girls that seem to have psychological issues so that I don't have to deal with any "crazy" girls.

The inexperienced girls tend to be more forgiving as they haven't had many sexual partners, so sex in and of itself is something new and exciting to them, and they likely don't have many reference points to go off, so they'll likely be wanting to try again with you. More experienced girls, on the other hand, may be used to having sex and orgasms regularly, so unless you really give it to her good, she may just see it as another sexual encounter (for better or for worse).

I tend to be drawn to girls who've had a few sexual partners, but not so many that they become jaded. I'd say that most of the girls I've been with have probably had somewhere between 3-7 sexual partners... so it's enough that they really can appreciate good sex but at the same time it's not so much that they are bitter about sleeping with so many men and not finding one that will stick around.

Anyway, personally, I would just give it your all with every girl you plan on seeing more than once. As long as your managing expectations correctly beforehand, you'll be able to guide the interaction they way you want it to go. If it's just a one-night stand, however, it's up to you whether or not you want to hold back and just enjoy the experience (without giving 110% effort on your part). Since it will only be a one-time deal, it might save her from becoming enamored with you and then having to cut her off shortly thereafter.

- Franco
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers