After college, I'm thinking about putting aside about a year to just practice seduction. I'm talking daily approaches and night game. I'm thinking about going to Las Vegas for a year or maybe even go to Europe for a year to practice cold approaching.
How many months or years of focused practice would you need to be able to consistently get good at seduction?
TL DR - 3-4 months of night game, 5-6 nights a week, 4-6 hours a night, 3-4 sets per hour, most sets will be 2-4 women. Doing the math is probably over a thousand impressions from women.
That's enough data points to figure out what is working for you. In that time, most guys will get a few hookups and lots of dates (and subsequent hookups).
I'll say the basic level of pickup competence is going out on any given weekend and going home/setting up a solid date with a cute girl. The fear is gone, and the mystery of what girls like about the particular guy is figured out.
That's far from the ideal is any girl any time, but picking a girl you'd like to meet and leaving with her is basically a super power.
So if you think 10 girls are cute at a venue, getting one is great. It didn't matter to me if she was the first girl or the last one. I think the pro two Ratio is one in 5, or one in 3.
Assuming average looks, average height, average social skills? enough money to have a car and place to yourself, no serious red flags, and a target rich place like Vegas or NYC?
I'd say 3-4 months, of going out 5-6 nights a week, for 4-6 hours per night, not drinking.
I learned in about a summer, but I had the good fortune of having a 2-10 pm "night" shift job. Club all night, sleep all day.
That first month would be getting used to going out, decreasing approach anxiety, getting your look together.
Month number two would be really mastering the opening phase.
That first five minutes is two big hurdles. Approach anxiety and making things "man to woman". Guys are afraid to approach, and then afraid to approach a chick with romance in mind.
Month 3 is mastering the amount of trust you need. Cause girls like to hookup, with guys that they find attractive, as long as nothing bad will happen. In my experience, they tend to be too trusting at times, and then way too cautious.
By month 4 it's dealing with "success". The more you hook up, the less meaningful it becomes.
And as the time goes on, you're improving your conventional attraction markers like style, hygiene, clothing, physique, social skills, deep self esteem and inner confidence.
All in all, if it's night game in packed bars and clubs, he is interacting with about 1,000 women, maybe 300 on on one. And most of those interactions are going to be less than a minute at first, to 2-4 hours at the end.
In my opinion, after that it's really dealing with problems you have not seen yet, and developing a style. You will basically have the structure down and know how most of the girls behave.
That said, it was probably years until I had a legit textbook pickup. Something always goes weird and you have to solve trust or logistical problems. The ones where it goes exactly like your favorite LR end up being rare.
When getting laid is less important, it ends up being easier, because you do things that chicks don't expect. (In some cases)
Once a guy gets 5-10 lays under his belt that aren't him getting lucky, he figures out if he really likes casual sex. By 20 he basically knows.
That's when the wings spread and it's player for life or he starts looking for a chick to spend more time with.
I remember a few of my small early successes. But worse is remembering most of my mistakes and only a few of my successes.
If you don't go out nightly and immerse yourself in the scene, you'll probably hit the mega clubs that are packed on the weekend. Which means 3 months can easily stretch into a year or 2.
In my experience, weekends only is a harder way to meet girls as a rookie.
The first part of getting better at talking to girls is they need to be in a position to actually react to what you say and do. That's very tough during prime time.
You do an action. She reacts. You make a mental note. 5X. Maybe you calibrate for next the next girl, or the next night.
Like lifting weights, the moments you spend with a girl is your time under tension. Increasing that amount of time is what builds your pickup muscles.
The mega club, it's hard to get that meaningful verbal feedback. Imo, FYI The mega club is hacked with nonverbal action and feedback.
But those off nights? Women taking shots on a Tuesday night ain't got nothing important to do Wednesday morning. You can see what the effect of what you're doing and saying when there is less "noise".
That's where I saw my gains. Those lessons learned midweek were crucial for prime time.
*Guys that only do day game don't get enough face time with chicks. Maybe the chicks are prettier or more accessible (I don't think so), but most of the time there are just less of them. So it's a slow crawl to fix his pickup skills.
my two cents.