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How much should you tolerate ( social power)


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 18, 2013
Hi guys I have a little question for you guys and I'd appreciate if some of the more experienced members could give me their opinions
When talking about fundamentals chase mentions that a socially powerful man opts to ignore when other guys try to tool him or mess with him , but how much should you tolerate ?
I ask this question because on a date I was walking with a girl and a truck passed by one guy shouted that he wanted to fuck my girl in the ass , they stopped beside us because of a stoplight , basically the first time I ignored it but after the second time I got mad and approached the truck and told the guys to get off it , the two guys in the back rolled up their windows , while the one tha shouted just remained silent while looking down as I told him repeatedly to get of the truck , then the driver apologized and as soon as the light turned green they drive off real quick.
I didn't saw a really negative reaction from this girl, she told me afterwards that she didn't even heard them and she also kind of got in my side because she told me that they were a bunch of chickens but that is with this girl maybe other ones would have a negative reaction
What would be the best approach to this kind of situations should I just brush it off or is it better to do something , I usually am able to remain chilled when someone tries to fuck around with me but the fact that it was aimed toward her kind of got me mad


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 12, 2013
Never get angry unless he is actually going to attack her or something. He didn't really say anything that would suggest that he was going to actually do it. He was clearly just teasing you and trying to wind you up. But you made the mistake of appearing to be out of control of the situation.

You need to remember that you're the smooth operator here. You run your life, and you do not let your emotions be controlled by anyone else (which is weak). But yet you showed this to your girl by showing anger and losing your head. Girls don't like this.

Next time, just have a little smile with yourself and joke with her about it. Or tease them back and tell them to get their own or something. It's something you just got to improvise with confidence.

Hope this helps


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 18, 2013
Yeah that's what I was thinking besides that it is pretty common here to have guys doing that kind of stuff so I can't get like that every time that happens , I will try to keep my cool from now in , thanks for the reply man
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
I agree with Humay, many a times a man will puff his chest out, and say something to try to tick you off, but words are nothing until put in action. Besides, in any argument, you get the best results when you don't meet fire with fire. Instead, meet it with fluidity , and do as I do, tease the guy back, and joke about it.