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How newbies can implement the concepts learned throughout the monosphere.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 16, 2014
Implementation Intentions.

I learned of this cognitive behavioral therapy technique from a young women I dated who was in university taking Psychology and Criminology. Basically you target a behaviour that you wish to either get rid of or replace and you use Implementation Intentions to do just that.

I have found that this technique is better for learning physical aspects of game, or more specifically, body language, but can also be used (with a bit more effort) for the harder game concepts like holding frame, escalating and isolating, deep diving etc.

By Recognizing the behaviour (I will use eye contact as an example because it is very important to newcomers to game, like myself - three years), you can then begin researching how NOT to do it (ex. poor eye contact, looking down, staring, moral-looking-time) and Remember specifically what the techniques are to stop them (ex. do not stare at one eye, move back and forth, find your rhythm, always make people break eye contact with you before you break it with them) and then simply Repeat. Keep in mind this is an extremely dumb-down version of Implementation Intentions as a quick search in Google and a little bit of reading will show you.
So, Recognize, Remember and Repeat.

The more you use this technique or similar ones like this the more the alpha and red pill concepts will become a part of your unconscious processes. -dcl
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Neat share. I'm just going through the T&T posts now, but coincidentally enough, Halvor (one of our latest authors to join the team) has a new article / article series on CBT for changing unhelpful mindsets up right now... here's the inaugural post: CBT Series Part I: How to Do Cognitive Therapy on Yourself.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 16, 2014
Havlor`s first article in his CBT series was very well done. It was straight forward, with some great information, like the actionable steps you can learn.

Chase, the new content that has been rolling out in that last few months is wonderful. I am glad I have access to it, so thank you. Well worth it. -dcl

PS I started a blog five months ago because of the wonderful impact your site and others has had on my life. I felt like I needed to share with like-minded-men that GirlsChase, and other sites, are speaking some truth. Self Improvement is now a way of life. Keep up the great work my man!