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How NOT to End An Interaction

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
Hey boys,

Just ended a quick social circle interaction. Number pulled and got a date, but flaking is a dirty rampant bitch, so I'm not investing much into this. Anyways, I was on auto-pilot and forgot to end the interaction smoothly.

(our 5 minute conversation where I deep-dove a bit and she asked me some questions)

Me - Random question....

Her - (looks at me)

Me - Are you single?

Her - Yeah...(looks skeptical)

Me - Well, would you like to grab dinner sometime?

Her - (smiles to herself) Hmmmm, yeah...it just depends on when

Me - Okay. When are you free?

Her - Well, I have XYZ...

Me - Haha, okay, how about you just give me your number and we'll figure it out later (pull out phone)

We stop. She punches in her number (should have asked for full name compliance but, again, was on auto-pilot. I'm trying to actually ask LESS girls out at school. Need to do some reputation management).

Me - Awesome. Thank you very much.

Her - You're welcome!

Me - (walk away with a shit eating grin on my face) Have a good day!

Her - You, too!

What's wrong with this?

1. My "thank you very much," if directed towards her number, is so fucking stupid and meta-socially thirsty, that I feel like a retard. Now, we had actually exchanged T-shirts that my organization bought from hers, but still, she might not totally link them up. If she interpreted the "thank you very much" with respect to her number, I'm fucked.

2. Keep talking normally after you get the number. Now, the entire interaction I was stone-cold solid with my frame and fundamentals, but still, every time I've ended a number grab with any derivative of "Okay, well see ya," good chances you done goofed. It's too impersonal and seems like you ONLY wanted her number.

I'll let you guys know if the interaction goes anywhere and if I think the shoddy parting shot had anything to do with it.

Don't end interactions like this. Just don't.

May we end all of our interactions smoothly,



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
I assume you could not instadate her immediately therefore you ended # closing. Should've talked about her classes or teachers or events in your school a bit more before you ejected, and you're right never say thank you at the end, makes you look beta and thirsty. In the past I used to say "Dope" in a monotone voice and changed the conversation after #closing. Try it next time, maybe it will work.

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
Want to hear how this gets worse?

I had her number already.

Not fucking kidding. I had to meet her to trade stuff and,well, ya know, in the 21st century, logistics are largely determined over a cell phone...I'm a dumbass. Not having my best few weeks hahaha.

So I sent her this

Me - So I totally just realized I already had your number. Pretty smooth, huh? :p

Her - Haha yup! Pretty smooth

Perhaps self-deprecation will help my attainability (a problem I seem to have). If not, it's just another lesson in humility. Learn from my sillyness, boys.

Never fucking submit,



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
P.M the details of how it goes if u want, maybe I'll learn something.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Anatman said:
I had her number already.
LOL. You mean you number-closed her before in cold approach, now you met her again through social circle but didn't recognize her? :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Ya man,

It seems I have done this 3 times lately and three times after number closing I have been unable to get a date.

I will keep going and adapt in the mean time.



Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
Marty said:
Anatman said:
I had her number already.
LOL. You mean you number-closed her before in cold approach, now you met her again through social circle but didn't recognize her? :)

Aahaha, no, I had her number from email. My fraternity donated to her sorority's philanthropy, so we met up to trade T-shirts that we bought from her organization. Now, the situation you propose would be funny!


Yeah, man, keep pushing. I'm hitting a hard rough spot here at school. Girls keep disappearing on me for no reason (well, it's my reputation, I know).

Keeeep onnn grinddinnn,



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Something has been bugging me about this thread for a bit, but I couldn't put on my finger on it, Anatman. Now I know what it is!

It's this remark:
Anatman said:
Now, the entire interaction I was stone-cold solid with my frame and fundamentals, but still, every time I've ended a number grab with any derivative of "Okay, well see ya," good chances you done goofed. It's too impersonal and seems like you ONLY wanted her number.

As you know, I'm always curious to get into the mind of females and understand how they think, and I know their laws of logic are a bit different from the standard ones, but seriously? I mean, is it actually possible that a girl might think you "only" wanted her number, as you put it? What are you gonna do with it... pin it up on your bedpost as a trophy? Is there any actual possibility of a man wanting a number just for the sake of it, without intending to contact the girl in the least?

Great, glad I got that out of my system ;)

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake