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How Often Should You Be Encountering "Freebies"?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 18, 2019
In the latest update to my journal (here) I mention that the two friends I go out with tend to get more "freebies" or girls who are really attracted right off the jump than I do. This isn't me complaining or anything as I've been taking steps to improve my fundamentals over the past few months and have been making solid progress, but it's gotten me wondering how you can tell you're fundamentals are where you need them to be.

To make a tennis analogy, I feel like don't win many free points with my serve (get a lot of strong initial attraction based off my fundamentals) and thus have to rely on better ground strokes (better game) to make up for that. Both my friends have stronger serves, but even though their ground strokes aren't as strong as mine are, they don't face as much of an uphill battle as I do and encounter more women who are basically already sold on them.

So my questions are:
  1. How often do you guys run into girls who are sold on you right off the jump?
  2. Did you see a dramatic jump in initial attraction when you got your fundamentals to a solid spot?
  3. Is this even something worth worry about? It may be the case where unlike tennis where the best in the sport have elite serves and ground strokes, the best seducers don't really care about freebies as they're consistent and efficient enough to get (pretty much) whoever they please.

Thanks in advance guys,



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
Great question. As someone who's always had good looking natural friends I can relate.

Unless your friends are self-improvement orientated - overtime you'll get better results than them overall (even if it feels like harder work)

How often do you guys run into girls who are sold on you right off the jump?

Probably about 1 in every 3/4 outings for ultra greenlight girls. Everyone else needs to be warmed up

Did you see a dramatic jump in initial attraction when you got your fundamentals to a solid spot?

Not really. Got more compliments from guys when I started dressing better and slightly more girls calling me "cute". I have a baby face so think increases in initial attraction has been a by-product of me just becoming older/looking more mature.

Have to be honest though the gym guys I suspect will see the biggest jump in initial attraction after a certain muscle mass/ low bodyfat %

Is this even something worth worry about?

No. Confidence goes a very long way. Don't underestimate what are re-assured smirk and "make you melt" eye contact can do to a girl...
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
How often do you guys run into girls who are sold on you right off the jump?

Almost every night, especially when rolling solo.

To be honest, I barely have to approach anymore and usually use my awareness radius and body language to motivate girls to approach.

Did you see a dramatic jump in initial attraction when you got your fundamentals to a solid spot?


I notice that the less attractive girls tend to be more overt and aggressive with their interest... For example I've had women approach and invade my personal space fast and say very sexual things like "You look like you have a big dick"

While the more attractive girls tend to be more subtle. Like for example they'll hover around you, give you double takes, give you a compliment then run away to inspire you to re-approach

Is this even something worth worry about?


Getting your fundamentals tight will help you in hooking girls but doesn't guarantee you'll be able to close quickly. And you may also run into a very interesting problem where some girls will think that you're out of their league

May sound crazy, but women are just like us men. If they're interacting with someone that they feel is extremely attractive they may get very self conscious and play the game too safe because they don't want to mess it up

Therefore, the better your fundamentals get... the better you'll need to be at managing a girls fear of rejection

It may be the case where unlike tennis where the best in the sport have elite serves and ground strokes, the best seducers don't really care about freebies as they're consistent and efficient enough to get (pretty much) whoever they please.

IMO getting a lot of freebies is a sign you're a great seducer, and I would actually compare it more to business in terms of sales and marketing rather than sport

Because if the marketing for the product is superb, the sales staff will have an easier time of nurturing leads and closing deals as long as they maintain the image created through the marketing.

But if the marketing is poor, the sales staff will have to spend more time showing the value to the prospect before they achieve buy in and are ready to move forward with the sale


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
It can be an hourly thing, but like others have said just because she’s receptive doesn’t mean she’s ready to receive you.

Having women who are super in to you from the jump and being able to capitalize on that are two different skills in themselves.