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Long-Term  How other women acknowledge you when you're with your girl


Mar 29, 2014
I've noticed that whenever I'm out on the town and walking alone women completely ignore my existence, but as soon as I'm walking with my woman they're staring in my eyes, smiling at me and everything. I think I've figured out why they do this. It's not that they're interested in me when I'm with my girl, it's just that they want me to show them that they can take me from my woman if they want. I think that if I look back at them even for a second whether it was noticing their attractiveness or not, it kind of verifies in their mind that they're hotter than my girl.

Another time I notice women giving me eye contact when I'm alone is when they are with their boyfriend or husband. I think the purpose behind that is to see if they still got it, like having me make eye contact with them will verify for them that they're still desirable to other men. Either that or they're trying to get me beat up lol.
Either way this is why I never make eye contact with other women when I'm out with my girl. Fuck them bitches, I'm not going to let them use me to boost their egos, plus I think it gives me a false sense of my attractiveness. Were I to go out being used to women looking at me when I'm with my girl and not having them notice me when I'm alone, it would probably really lower my confidence.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 8, 2013
Having a girl with you is also pre-selection, so a lot of the time you seem more attractive because you look desirable. Especially if your girlfriend is well liked or good looking


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012

Building off of what Whizzy said, you're actually missing a bit of the picture here. Girls actually become very intrigued by guys who have (good-looking) girlfriends. It says to them that, not only are you an attractive man, but attractive women find you attractive enough to the point where they are willing to sacrifice their singledom to be with you. It furthermore tells girls that you are not only (1) willing to be in relationships with attractive girls but also (2) that you know how to manage them and make your girl happy (assuming she's happy when they see you, which is important).

A handful of narcissistic girls might find it competitively fun to see if they can steal your glance away from your girl, but ultimately, you are probably experiencing real attraction from these girls. If you were to break up with your girlfriend at some point and then encounter one of the girls who had seen you with her before, then you'll probably notice that her attraction level for you will be VERY high in your initial encounter. Pre-selection is the strongest tool for attraction, so don't assume that girls are just trying to get ego boosts -- they are also trying to evaluate available men as potential sexual partners or long-term mates.

- Franco