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How to approach a girl that gives you lots of chasing interest?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2020
A cute girl showed me a lot of very chasing type interest (got down on one knee to give me a cupcake, subtly mentioned my junk, blowing me a kiss etc). All of these interactions are in school, so they’re always short because they are easily interrupted by either the bell or the next activity.

I’ve been pretty dry with her overall, because I know shes the kind of girl that’ll keep trying (at least for a while). I plan to bring out the good stuff when I can talk to her 1on1 with no interruptions, but I’m lost on how to approach her.

The thing is, if I approach her I’ll be flipping the already very good dynamic of her chasing me, which makes me lose my advantage and makes me feel stuck waiting for her to approach me (which may not be at an ideal time)

I’m also being wary of suddenly rewarding her with attention when I’ve been fairly dry with her, as i’ve only given her my instagram as a small sign of interest after she put herself far out there. I want to make her earn it.

If y’all have a way that I can approach her that’ll squash all these concerns, I’m all ears. :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2020
@Kaiderman if you keep rewarding her good behavior with nothing she’ll eventually stop. If she really is into you, and you her, then make something happen. Otherwise she’ll quickly move on.
Yeah I understand that, which is why I came here for help. Do you have an idea of how to do that without chasing too much/losing advantage?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
First start by rewarding her when she invests in you. When she goes out of her way to do things for you be sure to make her feel good and not like you’re giving her the cold shoulder.

She’s already attracted to you, so you don’t need to worry about chasing, I’d just forget about that as a concept. It won’t be helpful for you now unless you’ve already tried and she’s not interested.

If you’re worried about chasing you can’t get her talking about herself, or touch her, or flirt with her, or ask her out.

Do you have an idea of how to do that without chasing too much/losing advantage?
I highlighted advantage because it’s not a great way to think about how she’s acting. The only advantage here is the fact that something could potentially happen.

I can’t give you a step by step guide for this specific girl, but I can link you some material for what I think will REALLY help more in the long run. It might even help you get her if luck’s on you guy’s’ side.

Staying Out of Auto Rejection

Investment Ballpark


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2020
First start by rewarding her when she invests in you. When she goes out of her way to do things for you be sure to make her feel good and not like you’re giving her the cold shoulder.

She’s already attracted to you, so you don’t need to worry about chasing, I’d just forget about that as a concept. It won’t be helpful for you now unless you’ve already tried and she’s not interested.

If you’re worried about chasing you can’t get her talking about herself, or touch her, or flirt with her, or ask her out.

I highlighted advantage because it’s not a great way to think about how she’s acting. The only advantage here is the fact that something could potentially happen.

I can’t give you a step by step guide for this specific girl, but I can link you some material for what I think will REALLY help more in the long run. It might even help you get her if luck’s on you guy’s’ side.

Staying Out of Auto Rejection

Investment Ballpark
Yes, thanks for all the help. I’ll approach in a low-effort way and quickly reward her when she invests, assuming thats what you mean.

I also forgot to mention that I did try to reward her by texting her over instagram and starting something, but she took extremely long game-y times to reply (7-12 hours, while I took abt 40 mins on average), along with almost polarizingly dry replies compared to her in person. (I know she didnt auto reject either cuz she was still warm after this in person)

We didnt talk much face to face so I wanted to build a little rapport over text before diving into the ask like I’d usually do, but her long and dry replies made it hard to do that. Im thinking the next step is to facetime her or get her on the phone, but I’m not sure how to transition into that while still feeling natural due to the low investment generated over text.
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