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How to better your speech right now


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
So i’m sitting here watching an old sit com before I head off into my late night nap. Even though I rarely watch TV because of the unsavory messages being portrayed in most shows now, for example the popular show Stranger Things (basically a show plotted around a rag tag team of submissive weak young boys getting their asses saved by a younger female part of their clique who happens to have supernatural abilities). I feel I must say tho there are SOME strong male characters in the show but it’s predominantly ran by “strong women”. Not to be sexist but obviously these aren’t messages to be absorbed by the subconscious of a seducer.

BUT I digress i’m watching this sit com and the two main characters are trying to kill time. The nerdy awkward spastic guy of the two suggests they play a game he learned at improv camp where he says a word beginning with the letter A and the cool charasmatic charming guy of the two has to say a word beginning with the letter B and so on. To make a short story long they end up calling off the game out of its shear redundancy.

Now you may see where i’m going with this, but I believe this method could be used to train your brain in order to use more interesting vocabulary in your sentences. After all humans are creatures of habit and we tend to use the same words pretty much everyday.

A technique i’ve devised is to pick a topic that’d be useful in seduction. For example descriptive language you’d use to elaborate on a girl’s hair or eyes. Then play the ABC’s game with yourself. Think of a word off the top of your head to describe someones eyes in alphabetical order (no google) then keep it going. In theory this should polish off grown over neural pathways that have been out of use, effectively helping you sound more interesting when you speak or text. As for not sounding too try hard with your language ill leave that up to your interpretation.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Mmm, the idea sounds good but I wonder if increasing your vocabulary is something worth the effort.
I mean, there’s 20 things more fundamental than vocabulary.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
Mmm, the idea sounds good but I wonder if increasing your vocabulary is something worth the effort.
I mean, there’s 20 things more fundamental than vocabulary.
I see where you’re coming from, it could be over kill to improve your vocabulary. BUT if you’re anything like me I think it’s important to cover every base, and making your diction more interesting is one of those bases. It may not cause a girl to jump in your lap, but it could be that extra 1% it takes to get laid with a girl who finds things like that important. The little things count.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 2, 2017
Now you may see where i’m going with this, but I believe this method could be used to train your brain in order to use more interesting vocabulary in your sentences. After all humans are creatures of habit and we tend to use the same words pretty much everyday.

I used to play a similar game with my brother when were kids, to pass time after bed time. My gut feeling is, though, that the neural pathway involved in such an exercise is different from the one where you pick up interesting phrases and vocabulary and actually put them in use in real situations.

My suggestion to improve your palette would be:
1) Train yourself to be aware of how others speak and write (not only focused on message)
2) Read a lot
3) Learn vocabulary and play around with it (texting is a good medium for that)

Whether that's a good investment of your time is totally up to you.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 1, 2019
@sunking Ditch working on increasing your vocabulary, but focus on improving your speech and how you choose your words. Here's an actionable plan for the first month on things you should work on. This will make you MUCH more interesting as a speaker.

Week 1:
- When you meet someone practice holding eye contact. When you make eye contact with the person the first time, you hold it until they break it. When they have done that you can break it by looking up. Focus on not looking down, raising your chin up high while walking around, and pushing your chest confidently forward. This should be what you should focus on for the first week.
Week 2:
- Aim after being calm and speaking in a relaxed fashion but with enthusiasm underneath. A great voice conveys a sense of being relaxed and calm. Focus on speaking slowly, using your full breath when speaking, and speaking from your chest.
* Try reading something aloud while you do what I described above. When you understand how you should use your voice, focus in week 2, only on this exact thing.

Week 3:
- Correct your pacing and speed. You should use variations in pace, and well-placed pauses to convey a sense of drama and intrigue in what you are saying. It will captivate people and make them want to listen to what you are saying.
* Try reading something aloud while you do the above. When you understand how you should use your voice according to the above, focus in week 3 only on this exact thing.

Week 4:
- Correct use of energy and enthusiasm. Most people are very boring when speaking - you should have the ability to display passion and enthusiasm when you feel like it's appropriate and you are talking about something of interest.
* Try to listen to some speakers who are using a lot of energy when they are speaking eg. Jordan Belfort. Try to pay attention to how he speak, his tone, and pace.
* When you understand the above, focus on using energy and enthusiasm in your everyday life, every time you talk about a topic of interest here in week 4.

Week 5:
- Work on using more adjectives and adverbs in your speech. By doing this, you will stimulate the emotional side of the listener. Focus on explaining thought processes they or you might be having, and you will awaken their emotions.
* Find some really descriptive text or a video of someone talking about something they really enjoy while they are very descriptive using a lot of adjectives and adverbs in their speech. Read it aloud and focus on the adverbs and adjectives.
* Every time you talk about something of interest, you should try to be as descriptive as possible about what you talk about.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
@sunking Ditch working on increasing your vocabulary, but focus on improving your speech and how you choose your words. Here's an actionable plan for the first month on things you should work on. This will make you MUCH more interesting as a speaker.

Week 1:
- When you meet someone practice holding eye contact. When you make eye contact with the person the first time, you hold it until they break it. When they have done that you can break it by looking up. Focus on not looking down, raising your chin up high while walking around, and pushing your chest confidently forward. This should be what you should focus on for the first week.
Week 2:
- Aim after being calm and speaking in a relaxed fashion but with enthusiasm underneath. A great voice conveys a sense of being relaxed and calm. Focus on speaking slowly, using your full breath when speaking, and speaking from your chest.
* Try reading something aloud while you do what I described above. When you understand how you should use your voice, focus in week 2, only on this exact thing.

Week 3:
- Correct your pacing and speed. You should use variations in pace, and well-placed pauses to convey a sense of drama and intrigue in what you are saying. It will captivate people and make them want to listen to what you are saying.
* Try reading something aloud while you do the above. When you understand how you should use your voice according to the above, focus in week 3 only on this exact thing.

Week 4:
- Correct use of energy and enthusiasm. Most people are very boring when speaking - you should have the ability to display passion and enthusiasm when you feel like it's appropriate and you are talking about something of interest.
* Try to listen to some speakers who are using a lot of energy when they are speaking eg. Jordan Belfort. Try to pay attention to how he speak, his tone, and pace.
* When you understand the above, focus on using energy and enthusiasm in your everyday life, every time you talk about a topic of interest here in week 4.

Week 5:
- Work on using more adjectives and adverbs in your speech. By doing this, you will stimulate the emotional side of the listener. Focus on explaining thought processes they or you might be having, and you will awaken their emotions.
* Find some really descriptive text or a video of someone talking about something they really enjoy while they are very descriptive using a lot of adjectives and adverbs in their speech. Read it aloud and focus on the adverbs and adjectives.
* Every time you talk about something of interest, you should try to be as descriptive as possible about what you talk about.
All good advice, I’ll be sure to keep this stuff in mind. Don’t get me wrong though my original post wasn’t meant to compensate for other issues related to speech. It was meant to be an innovative way to remind yourself of words that you may have forgotten about. This way you can make an effort to use new words. Causing you to drop the synonyms of words you use daily that may be too brainy and often go misunderstood. For example if you use a uber long over complicated word to compliment someone it may leave you having to explain what you meant which is alot of effort. But because you are so used to using that word it often just flows out. SO using this method you can essentially create a list of synonyms you subconsciously know in order to replace words you use daily. That way you can keep your speech interesting while also not too complicated. In theory this would help in daily conversation, writing, and other activities related to your vocab. Make sense?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Keep in mind that using a too large vocabulary can trigger dissimilarity.
You need to calibrate your wordiness to your target.

Being too verbose is a bad thing.

I, for example, feel disgust when I’m talking with a girl and she gives me the confused look after I use a relatively common word like “obstinate” or “retaliation”.
I’m pretty sure it’s not fun or sexy for her either.

Regal Tiger

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 16, 2015
Kind of reminds me of one of Charisma on Command's videos:
