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FR  how to blew a (almost) sure thing


May 15, 2013
Hello Everybody. Love the forum, stumbled upon it by chance!
So this is what happened to me, and I would like your comments and especially critiques on it. I'll try to be as short as possible.
1. Met a girl in bar at end of night. Approached her, all goes well, ask her out and get her number.
2. Text her 2 days later asking her out. She answers I'd love to, but she is going to be away for 10 days, contact again.
3.I text again 2 weeks later, on a Thursday, proposing early drink after work for next Tuesday: she answers I am busy on Tuesday but free for the WE
At this point, I was about to smash my phone on the floor. Clearly she was really interested, but I live with my GF and WE are off-limits for me.
I panicked. Here is what I did:
4. I said I had to leave town for the WE, but if she wanted we could meet on Friday lunchtime. She agrees.
5. The date does not go terribly well (in retrospect). We were comfortable with each other and so forth, but I do not attack at all. I see no point in doing so as the logistics are completely screwed up (I have little time as i must return home soon to meet my GF). My idea was to build a bit of rapport and then organise something logistically sound. We depart and I tell her would like to meet again. she says yes (not sure in which sense..). Later in the night I send her text saying nice meeting you and so on, no answer.
The thing is, on the date I tell her I have a GF. In general, I always confess this simply because it is always going to be a real logistic constraint on me and there is no way I could hide this up/make excuses (e.g. how come we can not go your place??). Mistake?? not sure.
6. Text her 4 days later in the morning to wish good luck for her first day in a new job. She answers in the nights saying thanks and asks about the trip I (supposedly) did over the we
7. Here is what I believe my second major mistake: I answer the morning after trip was good, and i ask for her schedule next week. No answer
8. A week after, I call, she answers, we start chatting, but very difficult and noisy communication, ask her how busy she is these days, she starts answering and line goes down. Try to call again but no signal. Try 30 minutes later no answer.
So, it is pretty clear I blew it. Can you help me summarizing all the mistakes? That would really help
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Good Vibes

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 27, 2013
She probably is trying to avoid you now because she can sense that you have lied to her about your weekend trip. Also because you feel guilty about having a GF but not because you have one but because you may have given off bad vibes about it. Women can pick up on these things. You are better off finding women who don't care if you have a GF early on before you date them because some women are prepared to have flings with you if you approach it the right way.