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How to Close Single Mother


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Here's a new one for me.
Met a HB9 in an outdoor bar/restaurant.
Situational opener, heavy teasing, light negs, ignoring her in favor of her friend, immediate nicknames, ...the usual racket.
Number closed very smoothly and have been teasing on text and call for a week+.

First date tomorrow. Here's the challenge:

She's a single Mom.
For her to go out she's got a babysitter.
She also lives a bit far away and requested a location between us which makes logistics hard.
Normally I'd try to meet her at my place and go out from there, and at least TRY to F-Close if things play out well.

In this case, not only are the logistics poor, but I'm aware that she's got to go home to relieve a babysitter and get up early to take care of a kid.
I don't mind not closing on first date, I just can't see clear to how I'm EVER going to close when she can't stay out a bit later.
The good news is we are meeting very EARLY...around 5pm.

Suggestions anyone?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 9, 2013
This is a tricky one.

In my mind you have two solid options and one trickier option.
1) As you're are meeting at 5, you could go out for something light and convince her at like 7-8ish to come back to your place as it's not late and attempt to close then.
2) On the date, discover some kind of common interest (movie, tv show) you both share. Later on, YOU be the one that insists it's getting late and she should relieve her babysitter. But being the gentleman you are, offer to go back to her place with her to watch the show/movie...
*I believe it's key YOU initiate the conversation of her leaving for home to relieve the babysitter. This will allow you to come off as a good guy who has her best interest in mind, as well as not seeming desperate by chasing her to hang out once she brings up the topic of leaving.
3) I find this option more difficult, but you always have your car to escalate. If somehow you can get her inside your car and are confident in escalating there, then goo for it

Good luck!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

She say she can't stay out a bit later. From the get go, you really have to just put it all out or she leaves. Making everything smooth from the beginning.

You have to find some way to close, or you end up in boyfriend or in here specifically husband role very fast. I have this note that single mom's are indeed looking and trapping guys in potential husband roles. LOL!

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Sly said:
) As you're are meeting at 5, you could go out for something light and convince at like 7-8ish to come back to your place as it's not late and attempt to close then.

This is my favorite. I would go as far as trying to go somewhere near your place immediately after meeting her. Escort her to your car and say "cmon I decided I want to go somewhere else, I'll give you a ride back so you can get to the babysitter, I have to get to (put your own time constraint) anyway." Use the drive to build comfort and then take the first opportunity to take her to your place. Shit maybe even take her straight to your place and say you decided to cook YOUR favorite meal.

I'm confident you have the skills to pull that off, you should practice visualizing it before also(Chases most recent article, great article).

She is putting quite a bit of investment in this, you must have done great during the first interaction. If you see a girl going to these lengths to see you it's pretty solid.

Various single mom tips:
Don't talk about the dad, you can let her talk but redirect and dive into something better with higher potential for sexual tension
Focus on the kid and activities they like to do together
Make her feel comfortable around you
Remain strong, confident, and LEAD
Try not to come off as boyfriend material so she wont want to take it slow


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
ZacAdam said:
I have this note that single mom's are indeed looking and trapping guys in potential husband roles. LOL!

They definitely try to do this lol, problem with it is they might take it slow.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
thanks guys...all good advice.

The Probable Plan:
1. meet her at a wine bar in the location she requested, (It is not really a dinner place.)
2. From there (and especially in response to discussion about types of food, etc.) I can drive us to a better location
3. Then I find an excuse for her to come back to my place. (see my cool home wine cabinet, make S'mores on my firepit, etc.)

Another idea:
The whole business of meeting in that central location could have been how she was feeling at the moment, or some kind of anti-slut reflex.
She shared with me that Monday was an especially stressful day, which ended with her cooking for guests and more stress.
Even the bottle of wine she bought was shit.
I'd love to give her the opportunity to be taken care of for a change— I'll cook, have a nice bottle of wine, pamper her.
I could propose this early in the day with the idea she'll come to mine for home cooked dinner....if she really shuts it down hard, then I still have the Wine Bar plan. After all, half the shit women say to us they don't really mean anyway...both for good and for bad!

What I'd REALLY like to do:
1. Have her come to mine to meet (ask her upstairs for a glass of wine before we go)
2. Go to a little outdoor winebar for drinks/light meal
3. Move to an outdoor shisha bar for a smoke/wine
4. Back to mine to see whatever/do whatever


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Tyme2k said:
She is putting quite a bit of investment in this, you must have done great during the first interaction.

You know it, Brother Tyme!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Oh here's one more piece of the puzzle...she mentioned her last few exes were guys who needed to be Mothered, that SHE felt like the guy in the relationship.
I totally made fun of them (and her) for that.
I think she will definitely respond well to strong leadership and taking care of her.
In fact, I wonder if maybe INSISTING that we meet closer to me is perhaps the KEY, as it sets that tone strongly from the get-go.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Landlord said:
I'd love to give her the opportunity to be taken care of for a change

This is one thing I think single moms NEED. BUT the way I do it is more leading and being dominant. They will fight it sooo hard and try to lead because naturally they have became the leader, leading their kids.

Landlord said:
What I'd REALLY like to do:
1. Have her come to mine to meet (ask her upstairs for a glass of wine before we go)
2. Go to a little outdoor winebar for drinks/light meal
3. Move to an outdoor shisha bar for a smoke/wine
4. Back to mine to see whatever/do whatever

I think you have too many steps, time is an issue remember. Get her to your place and give her what she wants, make sure you have a bit of comfort and make the move. Play to win! If you get #1 why not skip to number 4? Definitely cut out #2 or 3 I'd say cutting the meal part is good, unless she needs to eat.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey Landlord,

Can't say I have a lot of experience here... this is definitely a unique situation for multiple reasons:

  • 1) She's a single mother
    2) You are meeting at a destination that is rather far from both of your locations
    3) She has to get home in time to relieve the babysitter

I'm not sure how well you know the location, but it might not be a bad idea to bring up the good ol' Google Maps and see if there is somewhere you can "walk" with her to bring her to an isolated area. This might be a park with a lot of trees, or a beach that is rather empty in the evening... something along those lines. Then you can request to sit down and "relax" and, if the coast is clear, escalate right then and there. Mom's are pretty used to having boring sex inside the bedroom repeatedly for years; they can get pretty aroused by bringing back their "college/high school" days and having sex outdoors in public!

There is another option here, which is trickier depending on your work situation -- if you are the one who has to get up early -- but if work isn't an issue, you could actually request to have the date closer to her place. At the point during the date when she says it's getting late and she has to get back for the babysitter, you can say something along the lines of, "hey, well it's still pretty early for me and we're having a good time. Why don't we get comfortable and catch a quick movie at your place before I make the long drive back home?" If the date is going pretty well and you can tell she really doesn't want to leave (barring her obvious obligation to her child), I think she would definitely be open to this opportunity, as Sly mentioned earlier in this thread. Just make sure to move quickly if you actually do make it back to her place; you are a "busy man" and she has a child, so you'll both need to attend to your separate needs at some point.

Anyway, these are my suggestions! Good luck today! =)

- Franco